Thursday, September 2, 2010



my last letter to Cleveland

a catharsis for my girlfriends heart

an open letter to Jesus Crisis Megan Collins and Lara Konesky. CharlaX has never been in Cleveland Ohio. His physical well being now depends on this simple factor. Cleveland is populated by murderers. Your poetry even your famous Haikus are shot full of death and lies fornication and filth. The girlfriend megonite with tattos is so obvious a butt fucker takes black dicks up the ass. Konesky is a toilet. This is CITYdirtyCity

all of you people are now history

in charlaxes mind and heart

never darken my wall again

it is finished

1 comment:

  1. eye choose not to be nice to Atheist Megonite Collins becuase eye once loved her.


Hay Cleveland

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