Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Blimey Mate. My turn at the cricket.
I two would never survive a real emergencian faldarol melee the crickets at the batt and the crowds milling and seeming what. One old blind Toff corking his Scotch just to shut the noise out he can hear the whiskey blending. The barrel chest Toff his arms dragging knuckles upon the ground his whoule demeanor a frown his very frame the orangetang walked into the crowd swinging. The crickets chirped we love the Toff. The crowd went wilder. His one eye blinking. The whiskey leaving him now blending into the wool he wears those unders. Unsure of himself now he makes his way to the exit ramparts waving. A group of young children mar the road and lean into the wording on the signpost. The Toff is Toff its all he knows off. He slipped his tie into his pocket off. He limps to the end of the tarmac and flips off. Past the winding into the leaves as he goes. Almost lurching now he nears the Spirits Store and waits for victims to rapprochement. They toss the twopence and the uppence comes he has his final purchase. He coughs. He drinks his Scotch and splays his brass upon the grassy knoles. And as he sleeps he heres the crowd roar.
He is the Toff. *p
*p many thanks to JOhn CReasy for Richard Rollison and his 60 Toff Adventures
this author did this story cold from memory and made up as an emulation.
Call it a CharlaX Paroday.

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Silk Word

TODAY the silk word is Yankovitch.
Silk is the word of many journeys the Life and times of one Weird Al Yankovitch comes to my silky mind. Perhaps he heard me thinking. Perhaps his super hearing. OMG he said the MONKEY has a laptop HAR HAR HAR. He is not without talent it TAKES his talent to preform his parody. He is many Yanks at once to make so many Comedy. I was almost sure that he had to be an Englishman. This is a AL YANKOVITCH speech not in its entirety i am including this as nothing eye can paroday an example of his dry humor some say dehydrated into an old joke. Qoote
Qoote Weird Al Yankovitch
The songs on “Internet Leaks” will all show up again on my next full album release, whenever that is (I’m assuming next year sometime, but there’s no way to be sure). Some people may say, “Why should I buy the ‘Internet Leaks’ tracks now when they’re going to be on your next album anyway?” Well, if all you’re interested in is the physical CD, and you don’t mind waiting a year or so… you probably SHOULDN’T buy the tracks now. Nobody’s forcing you to buy the songs twice – I just wanted to make the tracks available so everybody could enjoy them as early as possible
he was his own website
he is on facebook
he is on twitter
he at least does not need to GET a life
and he can have this paroday of mine
oh how richly reworded we are today. This man is funny this man is fun. Do look him up perhaps just google him. What fun. I am making a list and checking it twice to see iff he is on it there. He IS the one that said you can not make a silk purse out of a sows ear eye am sure of it now it was HIM. ??? mabe. He is the person that said Ethnic people have steel wire hair. But please send me no emails or even quote me quoting him on this perhaps it was someone else. Yes eye am certain now he paused the play button on his hearing aide. To tune in to the CharlaX Poetry playing now today. He did say He was so pleased to meet the many people he has made fun of his short life is the only one he has ??? oh please COME ON tell me it was him ? Someone. SO NOW you know the rest of the story butt there is no page two today. This has been Paul Harvey. Good Day !!!

eye tried to subscribe to you on facebook with SMS they wanted a stupid phone numnber. Alfred Matthew is only an AMerican. *GASP*LMAO ROTHF GOD save this Queen some more.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Charles ye Yevette le commande the comorant deteste avette avette avec la plume de nome. Arrears ye horrores limning swollenly lefttenant ye com areba horsey. Commending spillage portant moreover pollage. Mayhappenstance the villages es aide mot applies. Streake la outlay peerage ever hallow finde es strangere leeking. The constable corn haloes turning pences into pieces of eighte. Sacreblue hirry Yevette misplaced her sipper. Finde ye olde cupe yon holy grail led anon near Capreston near the left hand border. Tres bien mer see auf weidershen the polecate lies trimming. Aunts linning les roadaway as far eye eye can see the sea is near the hollaway dos beaches dos many beaches how dare they encroach. The breaches of the gunes the breaches as they loade the breaches the breaches avast. Avaste on gaurd they com they poad. Until the last Englishman gives breathe as rising we give lighte to all. As CharlaX sweeps the seconds ticke the candle dripps the waxed as Dickenson he sends the prose up every readere nase it looks like rose colored glass the cupe is overflowe. The end at last.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


by Charles Robert Hice on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 10:40am


A new boy reads never gets enought of it soaks up them little bitty books like a sponge robber readdor.

When life was starting the books we read as children eased the pain of living while we were only growing.

A man reads bad things learns to stop reading he is no longer a readdor at the age of 41.

In the last days of the latter day saints the news got so bad no one watches its too sensational death and crime and hate.

A real old man has to have his newspapers he wants all the dirt they dish out daily on the rag.

One if by land two iff bye sea the old man does not care iff war comes he wont fight now he got too old to go and do anymore for you.

A few days before an ancient man dies most of them cant read at all.

Now eye lay me down to sleep must hurry off to sleep before they bomb this city that eye am inn.

She must have loved to hate this Jesus Fraek.

Eye will not read a word of it she writes her hate her backdoor plight. She needs a burial plan. This is the only way some learn. To read or not to read her poem.

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Charles Robert Hice get this blood out of my heart
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Joan Pond you are in the groove, ,my man.
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Georgiana Steele-Waller turn away from hate
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Charles Robert Hice im working on a new girlfriend
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Sunday, September 12, 2010


eye am INDICTING lara konesky the ugly megan collins the lesbian and the entire city of cleveland ohio the money pitt of god for taking the removal of my facebook may you burn in holl
I hope these pages make you smile,
and charlax said where is holl
and they answered where we are where we are
reminisce, and perhaps shed a tear.

Thursday, September 9, 2010




WE love COMPUTOR. IT feeds us. OH no eye said. HOW do you meant this do you have one of them replicators like the Starships have inside the kitchen galley? Oh no SIR she said eye meant the MONEY that we get after all money is now god. ? Eye said Oh no Ohio is condemned. For they worship HOmosexuality there in Ohio is where its found. She went on and on about paychecks printed out. Doors and windows locked electronics is the key that keeps them safe from the streets. Let me tell you what eye have seen. ANyone can access anything. It only takes a thief. The card will swipe in any hand its not a safe eye dee. Murder is the rule of life no longer the conception of it. Time will only add to the worsening of it. It has been suggessted by my peers that eye have gimmicks to my poetry and no real poetical content. The same way a woman wants to be friends but does not want to kiss you or take you inside her as her lover. Who needs such a thing. She can be friends with all her flirts but she has nothing in this heart. She is a drunk. Eye am sitting in a padded chair eating food and playing with my love at night she is not there she is not aan option for love. Eye hope she dies a strang death mabe strangled from behind. For what she did to me my heart my time. Losing all her dirt from way behind. For hate that she has given me now replaces love oh how eye tried. You can not love an Atheist at night. Eye am now a twisted Christian Soldier almost queered and gay today. But only one thing lets me stay a happy man my Lady friend has love for me and her. The ewe replaces all the mixed up feelings that the worldy woman left me with today with all her love inside of me is why eye live and try to carry love to her at some bright future day. And even she has dissed me. Left me to rot for several weeks of time. Some of the student soroity girls here when they see a man the tongue goes in the cheek to bulge it out thats kind of cute and makes me hard and full of want. Oh high oh what do you think that men still write about. Its your loss Girlfriend you lost my heart and love.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fable 666

Fable 666
Fable 666


The good news is THIS, Salvation has come to EARTH.
The bad news is to some of you; it is only found in JESUS.
There is a prevalent personal jesus in the CHURCH today
So that people have confused the works of the spirit with Salvation, judging others by what they themselves of course are doing wrong even neglection of Christ as the cornerstone. Also there is an inflated self-important personage inside people, not as something special made of GOD, but as something fashioned not from GOD at all, but from their laws. The first thing to remember is the wooden thing the CROSS, how JESUS stretched his arms and gave to us his life, HIS DEATH is saving us. HE laid inside a TOMB of absolutely stone in a place no one really ever wants to go.
Conflict comes when people live in houses and drive cars money is the plastic jesus ruling all their lives and hearts.
Let me tell you Mister LAW if you have murdered to further your influence and your wealth you just may someday wake up in a burning HELL. For the final chapter written in the judgment hall of GOD is the Hell of GOD to come from judgment to them all the naked and the dead shall stand there and give account of everything they done to a JUST and living GOD. No badge upon your chest no belt with bullits and with guns. No one to take your place for HE is sitting on the throne judging everyone. The Trick if trickery there is to come is to say the namme of JESUS and just do it quickly for there is horror waiting in the afterlife for someone misinformed in LAW. Rich men seldom win the battles with the sin. Everyone needs JESUS. Say JESUS and come in to a Heaven made of LOVE.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


You dissed me off sent me to the grave then ignored my death you cheated on my love you never impuned my manhood you never even left me enought of your heart to get a real good piece. Because you only did one good thing for me this poem is my one good thing for you. Eye promise never to stalk you or try to contact you again. Eye give you your lifetime. Without me as a friend. This is what you wanted when you tried to kill my heart. Cleveland has no place in my life.

eye am charlax
the crucified god
whom you rejected



my last letter to Cleveland

a catharsis for my girlfriends heart

an open letter to Jesus Crisis Megan Collins and Lara Konesky. CharlaX has never been in Cleveland Ohio. His physical well being now depends on this simple factor. Cleveland is populated by murderers. Your poetry even your famous Haikus are shot full of death and lies fornication and filth. The girlfriend megonite with tattos is so obvious a butt fucker takes black dicks up the ass. Konesky is a toilet. This is CITYdirtyCity

all of you people are now history

in charlaxes mind and heart

never darken my wall again

it is finished