Monday, May 31, 2010


There are students out of school who never heard of Heinlein Robert
they love the Science Fiction like the Star Trek Wars.
They all remember Doctor Isaac Asimov. But when asked what was the
favorite story whey back when they always say it was
that Rocket SHip to Mars.
CharlaX Requiem
Under the sea of sky no longer seen by eye
Dig the grave shallow and let me lie at ease:
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with all my poems done
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the poet, home from sea of sky,
Add the poet now into the green green grass of home .
This is a reprint of my fave CharlaX Short Poem Short
because they are not as long as some of them eye wrote.
Mary Had A Little Spaceship

Mary Had A Little Spaceship

Mary had a little spacecraft it was made of snow white metal.
Mary took her spaceship wherever she did go.
Mary had a little spaceship on her way to MARS.
She was just an astronaut heading to the stars.
She pilots that THING better than she drives her car.
She navigates the asteroid belt. She always flies past Venus
and gets clear for her orbital approach to MARS.
My astronemor turned astronaut driving to the stars.
Mary had a little spacecraft and flew it to the stars.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


and then a poet a man eye admire he made a comment on my poem the one that eye admire and then the comment hit me like a flag inside the wind eye made it MA eye did it now eye poet just like them the cushy jobs they all were taken by the men who live to kill the other men were eating bacon with the will to carry them on paper they look inside the ledger to make sure they stay on ink and underline them when they feel that they are worth more then all them prisoners they deep sixed the shirts come back from cleaners the bills are always paid on time the badge more shiney then the leather on the gun the sun it never finds them they hide them eyes behind them mirror glasses hide the badges on the belts underneathe the coats from racks of dozens like them they choose the looks of goats come down from heavens hillsides to work and fleece the flocks as eye in my leather jacket with rain shoes on eye best them all as eye sit here inside my fall upwards to the TOPPoftheworldMA. My greensleeves browned.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


occidental round smooth no moss a toss a skip a sling across the end of giant the beginning of a house the foundation of the heaven the hiding place of mouse faceing north at all times rolling down the inclined to stop easy hard as a rock
convex concave immobile turning over more then once than once more rolling turning end over end to only stop once near the highway marker past the field over near the fence is gone the sign post wrong the yeild sign of interest lost interest to them that gather stone picks up only one use at a time one stone in the center of the mind one more stone to fling at the father one more stone to fling at the brother one more stone to fling at eye fling flesh into glass house is broken stone wall jackson house gone rules broken made for one and all are gone no rules to fit the individual the rules were made for rock but not for stone iff you are not a stone then rock you have become the searcher for all time learning only lots of nothing until you become stone once was eye rock now eye am stone stone

Monday, May 10, 2010

eye was once

eye was once
eye want back the time not the time back that eye lost but back the time up to equal out the loss entertain the troops the ones that marched let me alone just long enought to tell the jokes that people love to pay big money tickets four seats near the aisle not the center never get the center aisle or them bad seats in the center they just collide eye would tell them of mye dreams but they would call the law of entrophy does not exist on riverbanks for outlaws charlax slept the tree provided needed support for two bags not one the boys on the street already dissed me the old new man they found him distant and not connected eye told them eye just a newbie bro not ready to contribute eye dissed most everyone that asked me eye am nervous in a new place but they are living here they may remember eye thought the pretty girl was staring hard at eye but she was checking out her vacant chair she left to be sure that she was clear you can tell the lizzie bordens from the quality checked one is large the other smaller the one is pretty the other is ogre but eye am smiling now the ewe has found me she sent the email eye was looking for eye liked the way one of the boys was friendly he called me homey but the other one was scary he said he did not like my rapp it is the way of the world to judge the tramp

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


HUnger and THirst. Eye decide what to write about the first horn of the triceratops is hunger. SInce eye feel none today eye must include the previous entries misery. EMpty and FUll. The horn of plenty is felt by eye recieved a blessing tummy is so full eye have not left the throes of expectancy yet. SO let me tell you about hunger in the desert way back when. AS only a remember. A knife blade is moving back and forth inside my tummy it makes me wish that eye had never been formed or born. Every muscle in my chest was tightened. Every movement that eye made was agony. Eye even grabbed at that proverbial straws. EYe picked those beans with nothing in them grown on wind vines in the nick of time. Then water came to find the eye. Drinking water when the boy is hungry he needs food eye would have eaten a cow. Homemade soup and coffee bread and hold the fire. Today eye boiled an egg then water fried three more. There is no pain in gain. Eye did not get these eggs from any purchase at the store. The candle wax was also free today. Scrounged and founded. Nobody nose the troubles eye seen. It takes a real man to reach his hand inside a trash canned. Eye got a flat ( not the bike) a flat of eggs more then a dozen left. Eye can only pray and hope that new mexicon has lots of dopes. While cleaning rides of low they leave me lots of trash can hopes. Prose does never must rhyme but sometimes does when it stops. Triceratops.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Iff d were p
eye skidded a d
eye skipped a p
may day may day may day
they called a distress code from airplanes in the first world war they did not simply say sos sos sos but they used a strang sort of address the microphone with may day may day may day
usually this was done three times for emphasis
charlax watched all the old movies
at least three times cause dates were hard to find
eye have many women near mye mind
but only one comes close to heart
she is mye heart she is mye life she is mye interneted wife
may day may day may day
it is now the end of April Poetry
the house will be destroyed bye time
the animals will miss me
they will be fine
time now for charlax to move on
out of the line of snow
eye leave you with this canadian bacon byte
In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.