Thursday, December 17, 2009


Abuse of Authority. The number one reason things need to change and why people protest in this Country when the status quo falls below acceptable levels. Everyone is the big cheese weenie and the free public is the loser. It should not be so the sour grapes cannot explain away the rudeness of this status quo. It is wrong to bring your hammer down on a fly. You do not fight bugs with fire. Open the window to make a fly go out in the winter. But at the first hint of a problem you toss out all the rules now dont apply to your MINIONS in your GROUP. Only the poor schmuck that you want to kick out anyway now has rules. It happens everywhere not just the Free public places funded by the Government. It happens in the work place. It becomes a factor at hiring time for yearly functions. Procrastinators love this it keeps them laughing when some poor boy gets kicked out. What does that have to do with it you say to ME when my seat is vacantly then so is he does not have to move or lose his warm spot on the rug. The lug. He is here only to be seen. Most farm work still falls well below the minimum wage set up by the federal Government. THe workers drink gamble away the money and work for no pay at all. Or they get beaten like slaves. In Florida. In THIS Country. There is armed camps that work Winoes for jugs. In this Country. I lost a bed at a DAY WORK FORCE in Tampa because the bunk mate lied and said he paid the man for me. He had a heart. He wanted me to get some sleep. But he lied to me about paying for the bed. So that was even worse to me I wandered out with only cold to go to. I had to quit working every day for no pay. Please don't laugh its becoming the American way.

Monday, December 14, 2009


WHen I was a young boy standing to my daddies knee in four feet of snow today papa said son the mans gonna get you dont let him do what he did to me. We had a Sherriff for Thirty years at the Courthouse he punished us for drinking and anyother thing we done wrong. It was the Law. WHen I was clearly in the wrong and making my early young mistaken identity crisis I visited the big City only to spend lots of days in City Jail for nothing ever happened bad. MOstly for the drinking. Now that I have sober and even I do not smoke any kind of cigarette or thin cigarro I find that I stay out of Jail more often. The EntireState Office is near my shelter. I am not scared they are there to help me in the event of catastrophic apostrophe usage is not recommended. I seldom use punctuation in a bizarre emulation of eecummings. I simply do not break the law ON PURPOSE. I have a place to stay I have permission from the Owner to be on the property. His workers have retired for warmer climes which thing does not worry me as I climb to home I seem to be in Charge of Property. Sometimes people come but seldom wander around in four feet of snowing area. They feet will freeze iff they follow my tracks before they reach me iff they are in a vehicular mode they better function in the outer lane. Away from me. I am in Hybernation mode. I seldom sleep but dress real cool and look real dumb. It is only Winter come. You should see me smiling as eye type this LaWYore. Jesus CHrist is now mye mouthpiece. I am reformer.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Suddenly there was three gliders in the sky spitting snow down on COlorado below. There was three gliders above the city they turned on the snow blowers at 20,ooo feet and created the snow storm to insure the revenue they seek. HiddenRanchCOlorado wants snow on the peaks. SO they created it, this sudden unseasonable Snow Storm at the winter of '29. The Trolley Driver warned me iff there is no snow there is no revenues iff the city gets no revenue they starve a carcase Trolley then becomes. Warm dry snow peaking out at least TWO feet deep. Remember that it drifts and we have to walk in it. I am CharlaXANdroidONeSEven only four feet tall I tend to disappear in it. This artificial blown down by them gliders stuff is at least not subzeroing my tempreatures are up. I guess I need better gear like gore text stufft. This poem could turn into self pity patting on the back of eye think I better stop the worry before I lose the girl she left me sitting in the cold. SHe has kept my love. Its in another state I cannot find the necessary heat to take the cold away from Heart eating and drinking cokes in snow is not any sort of fun especially this abstract artificial one. TO prove it go get a handfull of it take it inside a warm place like a home and try to get it to melt it wont melt because its artificial dry made snow. But they will ski on it and bring more revenue to the lift places in the sky. They have to haul some up in ice bucket trucks its so Bizzare. As long as no one knoes its a secret HiddenRanchCOlorado idea I assume that its okay. Have a great snow day.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Geniallaylialnasaloil has now been developed for skiers nose. Stops frostbite in its tracks. Made by a TotallyTandemCompany. TotallyTandemCompany®™ is a Subsidiary company of WHirlyfritzer(LTD)®™ A overseas version of Zappersunlimited. Jack Burroughs a New Londen Poet is the President from the Cleveland Burroughs area. We went to the Netherlands and Iceland and New Zealand which is very near Colorado. The oil we found was near a Skink bush growing in two pods and dangling there for all the world like a small animal husk might look in winter. We brought the cost down so homeless people can buy this stuff at Albertsons. Its in a round container like Udder Balm. Rub it where it goes. After all there is no telling where that skiers nose has been. Up the slopes or down the tracks. Only 35 P each item sold seperately one container a week is all thats needed Charles will want to get one every day he is that hard nosed. We developed the oil formula from old bannanna peels we find them everywhere on shelves and windowseals. Remember iff its red or black or just chaffed a bite or a crack get Geniallaylialnasaloil in the white label can. By Tandem.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


TRY saying a "Blanket Statemeant". ALL TREES ARE ROUND. On the face of things this statement is True. It even looks logical and true from a perspective point of view. I even cannot remmember ever seeing an Unrounded tree or wait unless its the Bonzai. Lets go putt this in laymans terms again. I can NEVER remember ever seeing a tree that was some other shaped than round. I will not say anything for the Bonzai because the very definition. A Clarifier. All NATURAL GROWTH trees are round. Trunk and limbs if left alone the generations round that come from seed in ground. A tree is not indelicate left alone thing they grow up ROUND the shape of limbs and even trunks around the tree is Rounded. But they are not usually a perfect CIRCLE and most trees are wider in one direction only causing them to LOOK skinny on the other two. Two what?? Directions. Keep up. Wide on one side is TWO directions taken on the exCompass NOrth and SOuth because the Tree is faceing East on the thin side and West. The BroadBase of the fat side is NOrthbound and SOuthbound as sure as you will find moss there. The corrected term is ROund we do not call trees oblong or ovoid them at all. Trees is Round. GOD did not make Diamond faceted trees and yet diamonds are round until cutt. Most logs is round until SPlit. GO look at a TRUCKloaded of firewood take a moment to check EACH and EVERY piece on that TRUCK has a Round side and flat side except for the ones in the middle have two flat sides usually taken from the fat side facing north and south to make larger chunks. Iff the wood you are looking at is thin and flat on both sides it was taken from the skinnyside East and West the WoodCutter is LAZY you are wasting your money. The True Test is Density. Check the weight. Iff the wood is light weighted you can be certain the WoodCutter took it from the SKinny SIdes East and West. Iff the wood is heavy and thick you have the North and South from the fat side. Pay up take home the wood clean your chimney flue. Make sure there is no debris lay a flat flat side next to a round flat side Kindling in the central area. WHile the wood is burning bright it lasts longer in the night and keeps burning by replaceing each piece as necessarily they consume one another. Saw logs only in your dreams. GOodnight everybody. Sweet dreams.