Double Standard Rules whats good for the goose is not to be given to the gender. Winter break is almost half over now. The robots pulled the trash truck upp to the fence then found nothing to be loaded the building has been closed for three days nothing is being carried out. When they loaded the next door stuffins eye could almost here the conversation went something like this. FOOD. Look to all this food being tossed out. SO WHAT. The Driver told him RULES. Toss it in the hopper its just trash you will not putt none of it in the cab over my dead body see eh? The poor worker looked white eyed upp to him so whats that THING you got there why do you think you could keep the THING but you wont let me keep the nothing. Because eyem the DRIVER. Its just Rules. This is what happens every Day in the big city. The Driver neared the dump outside of Rome he eyed the poor old person on the rood. His helper did not show upp to dump the trash in to the hopper so he was hopeful now this person might need to do the extra job for the lift out to the headquarters of the trash management building was 40 miles out from town lying in the wilderness. The old Bald Jewish Man hopped into the truck wearing his old Coat. Eye will work for you for the ride out of town. GOOD the driver grunted. Eye will let you do the hard lifting. SO they talked while they worked but soon it was time for the Apostle to hit the road the last thing they discussed is this RULE. He told the driver when eye go travel eye travel in the Spirit. HO HO the driver told him when eye travel eye go in the Trash Truck. So why did you keep the wine carafes you found but you would not let me keep the old corn in the trash bag to Carry with me to the next town. Whats your name. Saul of Tarsus of Rome. Its the Rule. Eyem the driver you're the helper the peon the employee of the company you will not steal from this company while eye the driver might choose to keep something eye AM not stealing do you not see the differences. When in Rome do only to the Romans Rule. Enlightenment of the Rules. INNtheSpirit.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Double Standard Rules whats good for the goose is not to be given to the gender. Winter break is almost half over now. The robots pulled the trash truck upp to the fence then found nothing to be loaded the building has been closed for three days nothing is being carried out. When they loaded the next door stuffins eye could almost here the conversation went something like this. FOOD. Look to all this food being tossed out. SO WHAT. The Driver told him RULES. Toss it in the hopper its just trash you will not putt none of it in the cab over my dead body see eh? The poor worker looked white eyed upp to him so whats that THING you got there why do you think you could keep the THING but you wont let me keep the nothing. Because eyem the DRIVER. Its just Rules. This is what happens every Day in the big city. The Driver neared the dump outside of Rome he eyed the poor old person on the rood. His helper did not show upp to dump the trash in to the hopper so he was hopeful now this person might need to do the extra job for the lift out to the headquarters of the trash management building was 40 miles out from town lying in the wilderness. The old Bald Jewish Man hopped into the truck wearing his old Coat. Eye will work for you for the ride out of town. GOOD the driver grunted. Eye will let you do the hard lifting. SO they talked while they worked but soon it was time for the Apostle to hit the road the last thing they discussed is this RULE. He told the driver when eye go travel eye travel in the Spirit. HO HO the driver told him when eye travel eye go in the Trash Truck. So why did you keep the wine carafes you found but you would not let me keep the old corn in the trash bag to Carry with me to the next town. Whats your name. Saul of Tarsus of Rome. Its the Rule. Eyem the driver you're the helper the peon the employee of the company you will not steal from this company while eye the driver might choose to keep something eye AM not stealing do you not see the differences. When in Rome do only to the Romans Rule. Enlightenment of the Rules. INNtheSpirit.
Double Standard Rules whats good for the goose is not to be given to the gender. Winter break is almost half over now. The robots pulled the trash truck upp to the fence then found nothing to be loaded the building has been closed for three days nothing is being carried out. When they loaded the next door stuffins eye could almost here the conversation went something like this. FOOD. Look to all this food being tossed out. SO WHAT. The Driver told him RULES. Toss it in the hopper its just trash you will not putt none of it in the cab over my dead body see eh? The poor worker looked white eyed upp to him so whats that THING you got there why do you think you could keep the THING but you wont let me keep the nothing. Because eyem the DRIVER. Its just Rules. This is what happens every Day in the big city. The Driver neared the dump outside of Rome he eyed the poor old person on the rood. His helper did not show upp to dump the trash in to the hopper so he was hopeful now this person might need to do the extra job for the lift out to the headquarters of the trash management building was 40 miles out from town lying in the wilderness. The old Bald Jewish Man hopped into the truck wearing his old Coat. Eye will work for you for the ride out of town. GOOD the driver grunted. Eye will let you do the hard lifting. SO they talked while they worked but soon it was time for the Apostle to hit the road the last thing they discussed is this RULE. He told the driver when eye go travel eye travel in the Spirit. HO HO the driver told him when eye travel eye go in the Trash Truck. So why did you keep the wine carafes you found but you would not let me keep the old corn in the trash bag to Carry with me to the next town. Whats your name. Saul of Tarsus of Rome. Its the Rule. Eyem the driver you're the helper the peon the employee of the company you will not steal from this company while eye the driver might choose to keep something eye AM not stealing do you not see the differences. When in Rome do only to the Romans Rule. Enlightenment of the Rules. INNtheSpirit.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Apostle Paul was in Rome Airport when the Security asked him to disrobe it seems they wanted to Patt him down he demanded his rights AS the Roman Citizen to no avail they assured him no Patt down no ticket to Kiev. He decided suddenly to submit they took him to the screen. He has too many wine bottles in his sleeve they began to be suspiciously. He shrugged his large Jewish shoulders Nerves then he grinned reassuringly to them. Eye do seem to you to be the winoe its True. “Chief of Security” Thompson stepped over to the screen “whats in this pocket what is this Mass of mess lumped in the inner pocket of this old Coat you're wearing like it is Golden Fleece.?” Bread Crumbs for the long trip home to Jerusalem. “Give us most of the wine we will let you board the flight from Rome but do not try this here once more we still might think you might be one of THOSE Christians everyone is looking for.” “You may keep the bread. Confidentially EYE personally like to snack on the plane going over. Just let me Patt you just once before we let you go you're such the good looking Man. But of course. Then this is how the Apostle got from Rome to Kiev's Dome. He is wishing he was back on the A Train now going home.
The Apostle Paul was in Rome Airport when the Security asked him to disrobe it seems they wanted to Patt him down he demanded his rights AS the Roman Citizen to no avail they assured him no Patt down no ticket to Kiev. He decided suddenly to submit they took him to the screen. He has too many wine bottles in his sleeve they began to be suspiciously. He shrugged his large Jewish shoulders Nerves then he grinned reassuringly to them. Eye do seem to you to be the winoe its True. “Chief of Security” Thompson stepped over to the screen “whats in this pocket what is this Mass of mess lumped in the inner pocket of this old Coat you're wearing like it is Golden Fleece.?” Bread Crumbs for the long trip home to Jerusalem. “Give us most of the wine we will let you board the flight from Rome but do not try this here once more we still might think you might be one of THOSE Christians everyone is looking for.” “You may keep the bread. Confidentially EYE personally like to snack on the plane going over. Just let me Patt you just once before we let you go you're such the good looking Man. But of course. Then this is how the Apostle got from Rome to Kiev's Dome. He is wishing he was back on the A Train now going home.
Paroday701 Addition One
Paroday701 Addition One

What IFF the Apostles took the A Train. Berth D for Dell. There is the router chords in the Walls of the Romans Senate house. We photographed them lest weekend. Now the evidence is reeling to us YES they rode the A Train from town to town. Sleeping Berths of the Viaduct A Train were found filled with bread crumbs & empty wine vats. Pictures on Page 37. Day Pass South Capitol Rail Runner Express 12 27 YD 63. Please retain Valid Ticket for Discount do no duplicates. Here is the actual email message we uncovered from the Apostle Paul to someone named Mark Luke or John. They kept copies just like telegraphs. From: PlaththeApostle@google.rom to MLJ@GMail.rom we look threw the Glass darkly now but soon we will see thee facebook online. Leaving Rome 7.23 pm getting to LA 8.41 pm the next overnight Day. We keep breaking the bread passing the wine around be good old chipper now cook us up the sirloins for the tripp home. Obscured card # xxxxxxx.....7638 Visa 92463722 don't leave ROME without it. HOHOHO.
What IFF the Apostles took the A Train. Berth D for Dell. There is the router chords in the Walls of the Romans Senate house. We photographed them lest weekend. Now the evidence is reeling to us YES they rode the A Train from town to town. Sleeping Berths of the Viaduct A Train were found filled with bread crumbs & empty wine vats. Pictures on Page 37. Day Pass South Capitol Rail Runner Express 12 27 YD 63. Please retain Valid Ticket for Discount do no duplicates. Here is the actual email message we uncovered from the Apostle Paul to someone named Mark Luke or John. They kept copies just like telegraphs. From: PlaththeApostle@google.rom to MLJ@GMail.rom we look threw the Glass darkly now but soon we will see thee facebook online. Leaving Rome 7.23 pm getting to LA 8.41 pm the next overnight Day. We keep breaking the bread passing the wine around be good old chipper now cook us up the sirloins for the tripp home. Obscured card # xxxxxxx.....7638 Visa 92463722 don't leave ROME without it. HOHOHO.
Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Scientific evidence the Christians had computor laptops. The reason they moved from town to town was the wifi signals. PROFF is offered in this new Time Volumn. Finding power chords in the old Roman viaducts. Proff is offered on pge 32 see the square thing on the Wall socket. DOESN'T look just like the old PN2. The Roman soldiers caught them lots of times down in the coffee shops on twelfth street. HOOKING UP. SMURFING. Just look on these old faded photographs from the shoe boxes we found in Rome. Time Books by Werner do not get us confused. Were the publishers of The Big Picture. New film of the Church of Corinthia features the Apostle Paul with his Dell laptop you might even see him looking up Hollywood in the search box. WE knoe they googled. They did not use the battery power much there were no clocks back then. They only had one weblog set to Google.rom. Microsoft had not invented Yahoo yet. There is no new thing done under the sun we think they used solar power to run some computor labs. We did find some old Dell computors on Fourtenth street it was easy to hack them we typed fishfry for the password.
New Scientific evidence the Christians had computor laptops. The reason they moved from town to town was the wifi signals. PROFF is offered in this new Time Volumn. Finding power chords in the old Roman viaducts. Proff is offered on pge 32 see the square thing on the Wall socket. DOESN'T look just like the old PN2. The Roman soldiers caught them lots of times down in the coffee shops on twelfth street. HOOKING UP. SMURFING. Just look on these old faded photographs from the shoe boxes we found in Rome. Time Books by Werner do not get us confused. Were the publishers of The Big Picture. New film of the Church of Corinthia features the Apostle Paul with his Dell laptop you might even see him looking up Hollywood in the search box. WE knoe they googled. They did not use the battery power much there were no clocks back then. They only had one weblog set to Google.rom. Microsoft had not invented Yahoo yet. There is no new thing done under the sun we think they used solar power to run some computor labs. We did find some old Dell computors on Fourtenth street it was easy to hack them we typed fishfry for the password.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

He is not limited to 5000 friends the apps work for him he prolly got ten thousand screens with different people constantly friending him he is on the Wall in only fifty three of them so he kisses them coherently to do inane replies there is no pictures on his Wall there is no girls for friends he leaves his GOLD computor only to refill his Whiskey bottle now or then the label changes depending what they got left in the store that Day for him. He is the ageless boy of summer his brown good looks defy descriptions. Iff you putt those weird green Laurel leafs on his ears he would look the spitting image of Dionysus the Wine Bibbing god. Statistics is numbering the Billions mentioned in the news is staggering. Preference is given to people with cell phones credit limits real homes with gardens where ZuckerBookman is lifted up in toast. When eye see the Face of ZuckerBookman in the bread under my pizza meat is when eye will believe in facebook for Social Media include the poor poet this time fix my facebook restore my property online. IN the name of ZuckerBookman make it so. We love to be on Facebook in the snow.
He is not limited to 5000 friends the apps work for him he prolly got ten thousand screens with different people constantly friending him he is on the Wall in only fifty three of them so he kisses them coherently to do inane replies there is no pictures on his Wall there is no girls for friends he leaves his GOLD computor only to refill his Whiskey bottle now or then the label changes depending what they got left in the store that Day for him. He is the ageless boy of summer his brown good looks defy descriptions. Iff you putt those weird green Laurel leafs on his ears he would look the spitting image of Dionysus the Wine Bibbing god. Statistics is numbering the Billions mentioned in the news is staggering. Preference is given to people with cell phones credit limits real homes with gardens where ZuckerBookman is lifted up in toast. When eye see the Face of ZuckerBookman in the bread under my pizza meat is when eye will believe in facebook for Social Media include the poor poet this time fix my facebook restore my property online. IN the name of ZuckerBookman make it so. We love to be on Facebook in the snow.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Six Hanukkah Four Candles
Six Hanukkah Four Candles

Eye dreamed of love eye felt no shame the need is mine to mend my broken love inside the GF left me she once loved me she provided this release for me now its only Au naturale to seek it somewhere else my ewe lambe has got it unconditionally she needs me just like eye need her the extra love is only one more secret twist the description of my love is this from behind you then up beside you will you see how shy eye have become with you its almost madness so intent eye seem you might not guess my secret in time is he just being nice to me is he in love is better understated then spelled out bold. Let her guess to this my meaning for she is the Lady eye the bard in love. My ewe she loves my secret iff either one of us were questioned neither one of us admits it. So hush hush her daughter knoes not of it. My love is hidden in her heart. If you see my secret find my love seem to be the love no doubt you might think this poem is for you with ewe it is it was it will be here for quite some secret time. Four Candles for the Third Day of Hanukkah. The Sixth one counting down on the Hanukkiah.
Eye dreamed of love eye felt no shame the need is mine to mend my broken love inside the GF left me she once loved me she provided this release for me now its only Au naturale to seek it somewhere else my ewe lambe has got it unconditionally she needs me just like eye need her the extra love is only one more secret twist the description of my love is this from behind you then up beside you will you see how shy eye have become with you its almost madness so intent eye seem you might not guess my secret in time is he just being nice to me is he in love is better understated then spelled out bold. Let her guess to this my meaning for she is the Lady eye the bard in love. My ewe she loves my secret iff either one of us were questioned neither one of us admits it. So hush hush her daughter knoes not of it. My love is hidden in her heart. If you see my secret find my love seem to be the love no doubt you might think this poem is for you with ewe it is it was it will be here for quite some secret time. Four Candles for the Third Day of Hanukkah. The Sixth one counting down on the Hanukkiah.
Monday, November 29, 2010
“This girl looks like she sick. She need some help.” OH GOD NO she yells don't stop to HELP me WHO was the Masked Man he left me like this WHO oh WHO was on the silver horse he took my savings. My namme is Nell this is my story. He is so Pretty. Eye swooned. He looks just like the Ranger eye AllwAys fantasized about him. He took off his mask then YUCK who is it now some old Man the kind of homeless looking old Man women do never go for. He told me he needed some money just for bread not for drinking or for smoking eye suppose they still get bread out on the home on the range General store. When eye reached up to get the cokkie jar open he grabbed the cokkie jar then took off on the horse he was laughing like the madman on TV he cackling with glee the horse was even snickering eye heard him Say with the loud voice lets go find Tonto SIlver. Cmon Big Felloe. We got the Silver from the girl. Hehehehehehehe. Now me with the Indian companion will be dancing in the Moonlight drinking rum tonight. Nell cast her eyes up to the passing stranger on the horse named Scout will he dismount? then he tells her “this not your lucky Day Nell girl.” YOU knoe you almost heard him just now you knoe just how he does the deadpan sound of Indian companion of the Lone Stranger.
“This girl looks like she sick. She need some help.” OH GOD NO she yells don't stop to HELP me WHO was the Masked Man he left me like this WHO oh WHO was on the silver horse he took my savings. My namme is Nell this is my story. He is so Pretty. Eye swooned. He looks just like the Ranger eye AllwAys fantasized about him. He took off his mask then YUCK who is it now some old Man the kind of homeless looking old Man women do never go for. He told me he needed some money just for bread not for drinking or for smoking eye suppose they still get bread out on the home on the range General store. When eye reached up to get the cokkie jar open he grabbed the cokkie jar then took off on the horse he was laughing like the madman on TV he cackling with glee the horse was even snickering eye heard him Say with the loud voice lets go find Tonto SIlver. Cmon Big Felloe. We got the Silver from the girl. Hehehehehehehe. Now me with the Indian companion will be dancing in the Moonlight drinking rum tonight. Nell cast her eyes up to the passing stranger on the horse named Scout will he dismount? then he tells her “this not your lucky Day Nell girl.” YOU knoe you almost heard him just now you knoe just how he does the deadpan sound of Indian companion of the Lone Stranger.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
eye disagree with history
eye disagree with history

Eye think the settlers would not do the practice shotting mentioned in the history books this is something people do today in cities they shoot targets to win prizes eye doubt this being done back then they would not waste the powder in the guns for fun. You mention how hard the winter is they built houses to live how harsh the life was then you ADD this trash talking about playing targets shotting. There could be the tension between the newcomers to the Thanksgiving dinners. They could have shott them guns toward each other in the anger of the moment. Bullits whizzing past them turkey legs running. They popped the corn with those fire sticks. I suppose they wrapped those ducks in seaweed then buried them then built the fire over them iff it was very windy then they lost them. The Indians still dig lots of holes there it must be in remembrance of the first Thanksgiving Day in 1621. They get the hole open then look down for duck. They search the shore lines for unpopped kernels washing back up in the tide. How neap. The Savage truth is stranger then history.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Eye think the settlers would not do the practice shotting mentioned in the history books this is something people do today in cities they shoot targets to win prizes eye doubt this being done back then they would not waste the powder in the guns for fun. You mention how hard the winter is they built houses to live how harsh the life was then you ADD this trash talking about playing targets shotting. There could be the tension between the newcomers to the Thanksgiving dinners. They could have shott them guns toward each other in the anger of the moment. Bullits whizzing past them turkey legs running. They popped the corn with those fire sticks. I suppose they wrapped those ducks in seaweed then buried them then built the fire over them iff it was very windy then they lost them. The Indians still dig lots of holes there it must be in remembrance of the first Thanksgiving Day in 1621. They get the hole open then look down for duck. They search the shore lines for unpopped kernels washing back up in the tide. How neap. The Savage truth is stranger then history.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Do not be deceived there will be Jesus lots of Jesus in
this time we perceive him in the Inner Sanctimonious
sharing of the bread then wine. GOD is the butterfly ?
perhaps perhaps not but his Spirit in the Lord is GOD.
Perhaps his Spirit in the butterfly. GOD is the Family.
Father son brother sister who will knoe until its over
then they will be risen to the Kingdom. Or not there.
GOD is the beaten saviour on the cross. The true Jesus
dead then buried there to save us. The Jews did try to
get him to tell them he is GOD. The Poor Centurion tells
us this go see the first the second references. The
mustard seed the bird the sky the earth the list is only
HIS Creation. But the knowledge of his Birth his Death
is now his worth on Earth please just tell you Jesus for
he is GOD. The Revelation.
Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my
Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would
fight, that I wouldn’t be delivered to the Jews. But now
my Kingdom is not from here.”
Matthew 24:26
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in
See first second for poem
the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret
chambers; believe it not.
Mark 14:22
And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and
brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is
my body.
But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee
by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God.
Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the
earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was
the Son of God.
Do not be deceived there will be Jesus lots of Jesus in
this time we perceive him in the Inner Sanctimonious
sharing of the bread then wine. GOD is the butterfly ?
perhaps perhaps not but his Spirit in the Lord is GOD.
Perhaps his Spirit in the butterfly. GOD is the Family.
Father son brother sister who will knoe until its over
then they will be risen to the Kingdom. Or not there.
GOD is the beaten saviour on the cross. The true Jesus
dead then buried there to save us. The Jews did try to
get him to tell them he is GOD. The Poor Centurion tells
us this go see the first the second references. The
mustard seed the bird the sky the earth the list is only
HIS Creation. But the knowledge of his Birth his Death
is now his worth on Earth please just tell you Jesus for
he is GOD. The Revelation.
Jesus answered, “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my
Kingdom were of this world, then my servants would
fight, that I wouldn’t be delivered to the Jews. But now
my Kingdom is not from here.”
Matthew 24:26
Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in
See first second for poem
the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret
chambers; believe it not.
Mark 14:22
And as they did eat, Jesus took bread, and blessed, and
brake it, and gave to them, and said, Take, eat: this is
my body.
But Jesus held his peace. And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee
by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God.
Now when the centurion, and they that were with him, watching Jesus, saw the
earthquake, and those things that were done, they feared greatly, saying, Truly this was
the Son of God.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blimey Mate. My turn at the cricket.
I two would never survive a real emergencian faldarol melee the crickets at the batt and the crowds milling and seeming what. One old blind Toff corking his Scotch just to shut the noise out he can hear the whiskey blending. The barrel chest Toff his arms dragging knuckles upon the ground his whoule demeanor a frown his very frame the orangetang walked into the crowd swinging. The crickets chirped we love the Toff. The crowd went wilder. His one eye blinking. The whiskey leaving him now blending into the wool he wears those unders. Unsure of himself now he makes his way to the exit ramparts waving. A group of young children mar the road and lean into the wording on the signpost. The Toff is Toff its all he knows off. He slipped his tie into his pocket off. He limps to the end of the tarmac and flips off. Past the winding into the leaves as he goes. Almost lurching now he nears the Spirits Store and waits for victims to rapprochement. They toss the twopence and the uppence comes he has his final purchase. He coughs. He drinks his Scotch and splays his brass upon the grassy knoles. And as he sleeps he heres the crowd roar.
He is the Toff. *p
*p many thanks to JOhn CReasy for Richard Rollison and his 60 Toff Adventures
this author did this story cold from memory and made up as an emulation.
Call it a CharlaX Paroday.
Blimey Mate. My turn at the cricket.
I two would never survive a real emergencian faldarol melee the crickets at the batt and the crowds milling and seeming what. One old blind Toff corking his Scotch just to shut the noise out he can hear the whiskey blending. The barrel chest Toff his arms dragging knuckles upon the ground his whoule demeanor a frown his very frame the orangetang walked into the crowd swinging. The crickets chirped we love the Toff. The crowd went wilder. His one eye blinking. The whiskey leaving him now blending into the wool he wears those unders. Unsure of himself now he makes his way to the exit ramparts waving. A group of young children mar the road and lean into the wording on the signpost. The Toff is Toff its all he knows off. He slipped his tie into his pocket off. He limps to the end of the tarmac and flips off. Past the winding into the leaves as he goes. Almost lurching now he nears the Spirits Store and waits for victims to rapprochement. They toss the twopence and the uppence comes he has his final purchase. He coughs. He drinks his Scotch and splays his brass upon the grassy knoles. And as he sleeps he heres the crowd roar.
He is the Toff. *p
*p many thanks to JOhn CReasy for Richard Rollison and his 60 Toff Adventures
this author did this story cold from memory and made up as an emulation.
Call it a CharlaX Paroday.
Friday, September 24, 2010
The Silk Word
TODAY the silk word is Yankovitch.

Silk is the word of many journeys the Life and times of one Weird Al Yankovitch comes to my silky mind. Perhaps he heard me thinking. Perhaps his super hearing. OMG he said the MONKEY has a laptop HAR HAR HAR. He is not without talent it TAKES his talent to preform his parody. He is many Yanks at once to make so many Comedy. I was almost sure that he had to be an Englishman. This is a AL YANKOVITCH speech not in its entirety i am including this as nothing eye can paroday an example of his dry humor some say dehydrated into an old joke. Qoote
Qoote Weird Al Yankovitch
The songs on “Internet Leaks” will all show up again on my next full album release, whenever that is (I’m assuming next year sometime, but there’s no way to be sure). Some people may say, “Why should I buy the ‘Internet Leaks’ tracks now when they’re going to be on your next album anyway?” Well, if all you’re interested in is the physical CD, and you don’t mind waiting a year or so… you probably SHOULDN’T buy the tracks now. Nobody’s forcing you to buy the songs twice – I just wanted to make the tracks available so everybody could enjoy them as early as possible
he was his own website
he is on facebook
he is on twitter
he at least does not need to GET a life
and he can have this paroday of mine
oh how richly reworded we are today. This man is funny this man is fun. Do look him up perhaps just google him. What fun. I am making a list and checking it twice to see iff he is on it there. He IS the one that said you can not make a silk purse out of a sows ear eye am sure of it now it was HIM. ??? mabe. He is the person that said Ethnic people have steel wire hair. But please send me no emails or even quote me quoting him on this perhaps it was someone else. Yes eye am certain now he paused the play button on his hearing aide. To tune in to the CharlaX Poetry playing now today. He did say He was so pleased to meet the many people he has made fun of his short life is the only one he has ??? oh please COME ON tell me it was him ? Someone. SO NOW you know the rest of the story butt there is no page two today. This has been Paul Harvey. Good Day !!!
eye tried to subscribe to you on facebook with SMS they wanted a stupid phone numnber. Alfred Matthew is only an AMerican. *GASP*LMAO ROTHF GOD save this Queen some more.
TODAY the silk word is Yankovitch.
Silk is the word of many journeys the Life and times of one Weird Al Yankovitch comes to my silky mind. Perhaps he heard me thinking. Perhaps his super hearing. OMG he said the MONKEY has a laptop HAR HAR HAR. He is not without talent it TAKES his talent to preform his parody. He is many Yanks at once to make so many Comedy. I was almost sure that he had to be an Englishman. This is a AL YANKOVITCH speech not in its entirety i am including this as nothing eye can paroday an example of his dry humor some say dehydrated into an old joke. Qoote
Qoote Weird Al Yankovitch
The songs on “Internet Leaks” will all show up again on my next full album release, whenever that is (I’m assuming next year sometime, but there’s no way to be sure). Some people may say, “Why should I buy the ‘Internet Leaks’ tracks now when they’re going to be on your next album anyway?” Well, if all you’re interested in is the physical CD, and you don’t mind waiting a year or so… you probably SHOULDN’T buy the tracks now. Nobody’s forcing you to buy the songs twice – I just wanted to make the tracks available so everybody could enjoy them as early as possible
he was his own website
he is on facebook
he is on twitter
he at least does not need to GET a life
and he can have this paroday of mine
oh how richly reworded we are today. This man is funny this man is fun. Do look him up perhaps just google him. What fun. I am making a list and checking it twice to see iff he is on it there. He IS the one that said you can not make a silk purse out of a sows ear eye am sure of it now it was HIM. ??? mabe. He is the person that said Ethnic people have steel wire hair. But please send me no emails or even quote me quoting him on this perhaps it was someone else. Yes eye am certain now he paused the play button on his hearing aide. To tune in to the CharlaX Poetry playing now today. He did say He was so pleased to meet the many people he has made fun of his short life is the only one he has ??? oh please COME ON tell me it was him ? Someone. SO NOW you know the rest of the story butt there is no page two today. This has been Paul Harvey. Good Day !!!
eye tried to subscribe to you on facebook with SMS they wanted a stupid phone numnber. Alfred Matthew is only an AMerican. *GASP*LMAO ROTHF GOD save this Queen some more.
Monday, September 20, 2010

Charles ye Yevette le commande the comorant deteste avette avette avec la plume de nome. Arrears ye horrores limning swollenly lefttenant ye com areba horsey. Commending spillage portant moreover pollage. Mayhappenstance the villages es aide mot applies. Streake la outlay peerage ever hallow finde es strangere leeking. The constable corn haloes turning pences into pieces of eighte. Sacreblue hirry Yevette misplaced her sipper. Finde ye olde cupe yon holy grail led anon near Capreston near the left hand border. Tres bien mer see auf weidershen the polecate lies trimming. Aunts linning les roadaway as far eye eye can see the sea is near the hollaway dos beaches dos many beaches how dare they encroach. The breaches of the gunes the breaches as they loade the breaches the breaches avast. Avaste on gaurd they com they poad. Until the last Englishman gives breathe as rising we give lighte to all. As CharlaX sweeps the seconds ticke the candle dripps the waxed as Dickenson he sends the prose up every readere nase it looks like rose colored glass the cupe is overflowe. The end at last.
Charles ye Yevette le commande the comorant deteste avette avette avec la plume de nome. Arrears ye horrores limning swollenly lefttenant ye com areba horsey. Commending spillage portant moreover pollage. Mayhappenstance the villages es aide mot applies. Streake la outlay peerage ever hallow finde es strangere leeking. The constable corn haloes turning pences into pieces of eighte. Sacreblue hirry Yevette misplaced her sipper. Finde ye olde cupe yon holy grail led anon near Capreston near the left hand border. Tres bien mer see auf weidershen the polecate lies trimming. Aunts linning les roadaway as far eye eye can see the sea is near the hollaway dos beaches dos many beaches how dare they encroach. The breaches of the gunes the breaches as they loade the breaches the breaches avast. Avaste on gaurd they com they poad. Until the last Englishman gives breathe as rising we give lighte to all. As CharlaX sweeps the seconds ticke the candle dripps the waxed as Dickenson he sends the prose up every readere nase it looks like rose colored glass the cupe is overflowe. The end at last.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
by Charles Robert Hice on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 10:40am
A new boy reads never gets enought of it soaks up them little bitty books like a sponge robber readdor.
When life was starting the books we read as children eased the pain of living while we were only growing.
A man reads bad things learns to stop reading he is no longer a readdor at the age of 41.
In the last days of the latter day saints the news got so bad no one watches its too sensational death and crime and hate.
A real old man has to have his newspapers he wants all the dirt they dish out daily on the rag.
One if by land two iff bye sea the old man does not care iff war comes he wont fight now he got too old to go and do anymore for you.
A few days before an ancient man dies most of them cant read at all.
Now eye lay me down to sleep must hurry off to sleep before they bomb this city that eye am inn.
She must have loved to hate this Jesus Fraek.
Eye will not read a word of it she writes her hate her backdoor plight. She needs a burial plan. This is the only way some learn. To read or not to read her poem.
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You and Georgiana Steele-Waller like this.
Charles Robert Hice get this blood out of my heart
11 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Joan Pond you are in the groove, ,my man.
9 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Georgiana Steele-Waller turn away from hate
51 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice im working on a new girlfriend
38 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
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by Charles Robert Hice on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 10:40am
A new boy reads never gets enought of it soaks up them little bitty books like a sponge robber readdor.
When life was starting the books we read as children eased the pain of living while we were only growing.
A man reads bad things learns to stop reading he is no longer a readdor at the age of 41.
In the last days of the latter day saints the news got so bad no one watches its too sensational death and crime and hate.
A real old man has to have his newspapers he wants all the dirt they dish out daily on the rag.
One if by land two iff bye sea the old man does not care iff war comes he wont fight now he got too old to go and do anymore for you.
A few days before an ancient man dies most of them cant read at all.
Now eye lay me down to sleep must hurry off to sleep before they bomb this city that eye am inn.
She must have loved to hate this Jesus Fraek.
Eye will not read a word of it she writes her hate her backdoor plight. She needs a burial plan. This is the only way some learn. To read or not to read her poem.
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You and Georgiana Steele-Waller like this.
Charles Robert Hice get this blood out of my heart
11 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Joan Pond you are in the groove, ,my man.
9 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Georgiana Steele-Waller turn away from hate
51 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice im working on a new girlfriend
38 minutes ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
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Sunday, September 12, 2010
eye am INDICTING lara konesky the ugly megan collins the lesbian and the entire city of cleveland ohio the money pitt of god for taking the removal of my facebook may you burn in holl
I hope these pages make you smile,
and charlax said where is holl
and they answered where we are where we are
reminisce, and perhaps shed a tear.
I hope these pages make you smile,
and charlax said where is holl
and they answered where we are where we are
reminisce, and perhaps shed a tear.
Thursday, September 9, 2010

WE love COMPUTOR. IT feeds us. OH no eye said. HOW do you meant this do you have one of them replicators like the Starships have inside the kitchen galley? Oh no SIR she said eye meant the MONEY that we get after all money is now god. ? Eye said Oh no Ohio is condemned. For they worship HOmosexuality there in Ohio is where its found. She went on and on about paychecks printed out. Doors and windows locked electronics is the key that keeps them safe from the streets. Let me tell you what eye have seen. ANyone can access anything. It only takes a thief. The card will swipe in any hand its not a safe eye dee. Murder is the rule of life no longer the conception of it. Time will only add to the worsening of it. It has been suggessted by my peers that eye have gimmicks to my poetry and no real poetical content. The same way a woman wants to be friends but does not want to kiss you or take you inside her as her lover. Who needs such a thing. She can be friends with all her flirts but she has nothing in this heart. She is a drunk. Eye am sitting in a padded chair eating food and playing with my love at night she is not there she is not aan option for love. Eye hope she dies a strang death mabe strangled from behind. For what she did to me my heart my time. Losing all her dirt from way behind. For hate that she has given me now replaces love oh how eye tried. You can not love an Atheist at night. Eye am now a twisted Christian Soldier almost queered and gay today. But only one thing lets me stay a happy man my Lady friend has love for me and her. The ewe replaces all the mixed up feelings that the worldy woman left me with today with all her love inside of me is why eye live and try to carry love to her at some bright future day. And even she has dissed me. Left me to rot for several weeks of time. Some of the student soroity girls here when they see a man the tongue goes in the cheek to bulge it out thats kind of cute and makes me hard and full of want. Oh high oh what do you think that men still write about. Its your loss Girlfriend you lost my heart and love.
WE love COMPUTOR. IT feeds us. OH no eye said. HOW do you meant this do you have one of them replicators like the Starships have inside the kitchen galley? Oh no SIR she said eye meant the MONEY that we get after all money is now god. ? Eye said Oh no Ohio is condemned. For they worship HOmosexuality there in Ohio is where its found. She went on and on about paychecks printed out. Doors and windows locked electronics is the key that keeps them safe from the streets. Let me tell you what eye have seen. ANyone can access anything. It only takes a thief. The card will swipe in any hand its not a safe eye dee. Murder is the rule of life no longer the conception of it. Time will only add to the worsening of it. It has been suggessted by my peers that eye have gimmicks to my poetry and no real poetical content. The same way a woman wants to be friends but does not want to kiss you or take you inside her as her lover. Who needs such a thing. She can be friends with all her flirts but she has nothing in this heart. She is a drunk. Eye am sitting in a padded chair eating food and playing with my love at night she is not there she is not aan option for love. Eye hope she dies a strang death mabe strangled from behind. For what she did to me my heart my time. Losing all her dirt from way behind. For hate that she has given me now replaces love oh how eye tried. You can not love an Atheist at night. Eye am now a twisted Christian Soldier almost queered and gay today. But only one thing lets me stay a happy man my Lady friend has love for me and her. The ewe replaces all the mixed up feelings that the worldy woman left me with today with all her love inside of me is why eye live and try to carry love to her at some bright future day. And even she has dissed me. Left me to rot for several weeks of time. Some of the student soroity girls here when they see a man the tongue goes in the cheek to bulge it out thats kind of cute and makes me hard and full of want. Oh high oh what do you think that men still write about. Its your loss Girlfriend you lost my heart and love.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Fable 666
Fable 666

Fable 666

The good news is THIS, Salvation has come to EARTH.
The bad news is to some of you; it is only found in JESUS.
There is a prevalent personal jesus in the CHURCH today
So that people have confused the works of the spirit with Salvation, judging others by what they themselves of course are doing wrong even neglection of Christ as the cornerstone. Also there is an inflated self-important personage inside people, not as something special made of GOD, but as something fashioned not from GOD at all, but from their laws. The first thing to remember is the wooden thing the CROSS, how JESUS stretched his arms and gave to us his life, HIS DEATH is saving us. HE laid inside a TOMB of absolutely stone in a place no one really ever wants to go.
Conflict comes when people live in houses and drive cars money is the plastic jesus ruling all their lives and hearts.
Let me tell you Mister LAW if you have murdered to further your influence and your wealth you just may someday wake up in a burning HELL. For the final chapter written in the judgment hall of GOD is the Hell of GOD to come from judgment to them all the naked and the dead shall stand there and give account of everything they done to a JUST and living GOD. No badge upon your chest no belt with bullits and with guns. No one to take your place for HE is sitting on the throne judging everyone. The Trick if trickery there is to come is to say the namme of JESUS and just do it quickly for there is horror waiting in the afterlife for someone misinformed in LAW. Rich men seldom win the battles with the sin. Everyone needs JESUS. Say JESUS and come in to a Heaven made of LOVE.
Fable 666
The good news is THIS, Salvation has come to EARTH.
The bad news is to some of you; it is only found in JESUS.
There is a prevalent personal jesus in the CHURCH today
So that people have confused the works of the spirit with Salvation, judging others by what they themselves of course are doing wrong even neglection of Christ as the cornerstone. Also there is an inflated self-important personage inside people, not as something special made of GOD, but as something fashioned not from GOD at all, but from their laws. The first thing to remember is the wooden thing the CROSS, how JESUS stretched his arms and gave to us his life, HIS DEATH is saving us. HE laid inside a TOMB of absolutely stone in a place no one really ever wants to go.
Conflict comes when people live in houses and drive cars money is the plastic jesus ruling all their lives and hearts.
Let me tell you Mister LAW if you have murdered to further your influence and your wealth you just may someday wake up in a burning HELL. For the final chapter written in the judgment hall of GOD is the Hell of GOD to come from judgment to them all the naked and the dead shall stand there and give account of everything they done to a JUST and living GOD. No badge upon your chest no belt with bullits and with guns. No one to take your place for HE is sitting on the throne judging everyone. The Trick if trickery there is to come is to say the namme of JESUS and just do it quickly for there is horror waiting in the afterlife for someone misinformed in LAW. Rich men seldom win the battles with the sin. Everyone needs JESUS. Say JESUS and come in to a Heaven made of LOVE.
Thursday, September 2, 2010

You dissed me off sent me to the grave then ignored my death you cheated on my love you never impuned my manhood you never even left me enought of your heart to get a real good piece. Because you only did one good thing for me this poem is my one good thing for you. Eye promise never to stalk you or try to contact you again. Eye give you your lifetime. Without me as a friend. This is what you wanted when you tried to kill my heart. Cleveland has no place in my life.
eye am charlax
the crucified god
whom you rejected
You dissed me off sent me to the grave then ignored my death you cheated on my love you never impuned my manhood you never even left me enought of your heart to get a real good piece. Because you only did one good thing for me this poem is my one good thing for you. Eye promise never to stalk you or try to contact you again. Eye give you your lifetime. Without me as a friend. This is what you wanted when you tried to kill my heart. Cleveland has no place in my life.
eye am charlax
the crucified god
whom you rejected
my last letter to Cleveland
a catharsis for my girlfriends heart
an open letter to Jesus Crisis Megan Collins and Lara Konesky. CharlaX has never been in Cleveland Ohio. His physical well being now depends on this simple factor. Cleveland is populated by murderers. Your poetry even your famous Haikus are shot full of death and lies fornication and filth. The girlfriend megonite with tattos is so obvious a butt fucker takes black dicks up the ass. Konesky is a toilet. This is CITYdirtyCity
all of you people are now history
in charlaxes mind and heart
never darken my wall again
it is finished
my last letter to Cleveland
a catharsis for my girlfriends heart
an open letter to Jesus Crisis Megan Collins and Lara Konesky. CharlaX has never been in Cleveland Ohio. His physical well being now depends on this simple factor. Cleveland is populated by murderers. Your poetry even your famous Haikus are shot full of death and lies fornication and filth. The girlfriend megonite with tattos is so obvious a butt fucker takes black dicks up the ass. Konesky is a toilet. This is CITYdirtyCity
all of you people are now history
in charlaxes mind and heart
never darken my wall again
it is finished
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
The INcidental Man
The INcidental Man

The INcidental Man
Cold tentacles of ice form on my insides they took my heart and left this famine. Horror came and took the place of love. My mind is numb. The limits of a finite person that does not include her love for me has taken over my new found personality. But she missed my heart. It must be hard to put out the fire of a lover in heat. You will need more then mere words to defeat. You must have a little of the love for me eye feel it. There is no way eye would ever even come up to your real life face and demand it. But why wont you take it and keep it. After all we are so very far apart in time and circumstances. Do you really think eye would ever walk up to you and swinging a ball and a chain. But let me have my fantasy of US. What harm can it do to have love.
The INcidental Man
Cold tentacles of ice form on my insides they took my heart and left this famine. Horror came and took the place of love. My mind is numb. The limits of a finite person that does not include her love for me has taken over my new found personality. But she missed my heart. It must be hard to put out the fire of a lover in heat. You will need more then mere words to defeat. You must have a little of the love for me eye feel it. There is no way eye would ever even come up to your real life face and demand it. But why wont you take it and keep it. After all we are so very far apart in time and circumstances. Do you really think eye would ever walk up to you and swinging a ball and a chain. But let me have my fantasy of US. What harm can it do to have love.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Cleavelandors Poetry
Jen Jones

Gen Jones

Cleveland Poetry is dirty
its cursing
for dirty ears
its sorry what they call poetry
in Cleveland bars
3 hours ago
Megan sent this to me on Twitter
she just possibly saved my life
Don't do anything rash. There is no way back from suicide. It doesn't solve anything and just hurts more people. I know you don't want that
Gen Jones
Cleveland Poetry is dirty
its cursing
for dirty ears
its sorry what they call poetry
in Cleveland bars
3 hours ago
Megan sent this to me on Twitter
she just possibly saved my life
Don't do anything rash. There is no way back from suicide. It doesn't solve anything and just hurts more people. I know you don't want that
Friday, August 27, 2010

and what is love when bitten a man is bitter perhaps he loses the will to achieve in the real world becomes a gray area not even seeing the things he needs to do beyond the chemical make up of his own body he sweats like pablo neruda he writes like ee cummings he hurts he feels so ashamed of hurting her he made her angry he tried to hurry love he made her think he was manipulating is the word she used oh horror not what he meant to do at all he is shaken to his very roots seeking love in the bottom of the depths of his dispraising heart he smiles and comes back up to surface and to breathe at her acceptance of his love for any other outcome will bring to him his madness not his love.
and what is love when bitten a man is bitter perhaps he loses the will to achieve in the real world becomes a gray area not even seeing the things he needs to do beyond the chemical make up of his own body he sweats like pablo neruda he writes like ee cummings he hurts he feels so ashamed of hurting her he made her angry he tried to hurry love he made her think he was manipulating is the word she used oh horror not what he meant to do at all he is shaken to his very roots seeking love in the bottom of the depths of his dispraising heart he smiles and comes back up to surface and to breathe at her acceptance of his love for any other outcome will bring to him his madness not his love.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The CUb Scout Oath according to CharlaX
CUbscouting CharlaX reporting
Cub Scout Promise
I, (charles), promise to DO MY BEST
To understand my girlfriends heart more fully To do my DUTY to GOD
To love one another And my Country
For she is pretty To HELP other people,
To learn not to display my jealousy of others
and To OBEY the LAW of the Pack
Unless it conflicts with my love for her
Law of the Pack
This Cub Scout follows Megan. The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The charlax needs to grow. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
He loves so hard he has to whisper love.
Cub Scout Motto
Just love her.
The CUb Scout Oath according to CharlaX
CUbscouting CharlaX reporting
Cub Scout Promise
I, (charles), promise to DO MY BEST
To understand my girlfriends heart more fully To do my DUTY to GOD
To love one another And my Country
For she is pretty To HELP other people,
To learn not to display my jealousy of others
and To OBEY the LAW of the Pack
Unless it conflicts with my love for her
Law of the Pack
This Cub Scout follows Megan. The Cub Scout helps the pack go.
The charlax needs to grow. The pack helps the Cub Scout grow.
The Cub Scout gives goodwill.
He loves so hard he has to whisper love.
Cub Scout Motto
Just love her.
Saturday, August 21, 2010

looking within over and over again venting my sorrow in the night entirely yours in my heart leaning to the western sky open to the way she smiles vaunting all my inside lies eros in my attitude losing all control once love is taken it is gone voraciaous in her appetite engulfed inside her flaming heart ever else is done but this was love
Saturday, August 21, 2010 6:31 AM
looking within over and over again venting my sorrow in the night entirely yours in my heart leaning to the western sky open to the way she smiles vaunting all my inside lies eros in my attitude losing all control once love is taken it is gone voraciaous in her appetite engulfed inside her flaming heart ever else is done but this was love
Saturday, August 21, 2010 6:31 AM
Friday, August 13, 2010
facebook GOD
facebook GOD
CharlaX please do not putt this poem as a comment on the wall there is discussions visit me find GOD. Many people place parsecs of material condensced and zipped into files of pictures when they try to open them for viewing later it merely says file corrupted. Here is my suggestion for the followers of GOD on facebook. Make all the files you want but open them in your webbrowser before you post them to GODS wall. Then you can rest assured in the knowledge you have helped someone. We do not knoe how powerful this facebook GOD is at this time. SO we do not want him pissed on or off like a big light switch in the sky. Eye as a facebook minion of GOD do not want to visit his facebook page only to find a long list of broken links to files unreadable. The comment below the zip files will have the disclaimer oh how eye tried in vain to open these corrupted files again. Make the test on your own time so as not to abuse the time of the LORD. Is this facebook GOD Jesus. Eye assume a lot it may only be another dime store Bhudda. This poetic genious is gathering infomercials as we speak or wait or as you read this information as eye pen this in my afterglow of zen. GOD on facebook eye did a search and could not find you that way you are in my News Feed upon my wall when eye post there. YOu say just pray and that you are forever. Please stay on facebook help us there to live long and prosper. You did not say that you are Jesus in your info it just says religious. Can you feel my prayer today oh facebook GOD help all my facebook people. They all are scattered to the wind chasing life. Please help the intergnet to thrive and keep the money god at ebay away from them today. Putt hot chicken soup in all the replicators and let the masses eat cake. Eye ching. Eye do not eat while the Bridegroom is on facebook OH GOD deliver me from myspace. Turn us on to every good thing oh my GOD on facebook.
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You, Carolyn Red Bear, Elen And-Israel, Dawn Kilby and 7 others like this.
Charles Robert Hice CharlaX Wept. ")
11 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Cheryl A. Vatcher-Martin Wow!
10 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Billie J. Maciunas very funny, I think, in your style of word play.
10 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Kushal Poddar The wit is brilliant. I wish I could write a longer comment about how much I loved this one but my head...oh aching
10 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice God made lemons to give aide to Poddars. ♥
9 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Cheryl A. Vatcher-Martin Tha't s a very funny comment, Charles!
9 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Mary-Marcia Casoly
"Can you feel my prayer today oh facebook GOD help all my facebook people. They all are scattered to the wind chasing life. Please help the intergnet to thrive and keep the money god at ebay away from them today. Putt hot chicken soup in a...ll the replicators and let the masses eat cake. Eye ching. Eye do not eat while the Bridegroom is on facebook OH GOD deliver me from myspace. Turn us on to every good thing oh my GOD on facebook." My favorite part, the ending, yet on the whole, the wordplay and spirit rather than feel sore, soars over the wall. Pray eye thanks. See More
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Janet Bennison Amen to that
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Janet Bennison God changed their Birthday.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice LOZLX @Bennison LOL
7 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Bina Gupta haha charlie:)
5 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Dawn Kilby I left myspace for facebook.
3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Dawn Kilby love this!
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·
Charles Robert Hice the link wont work mabe God left facebook :-=(( eye love these glitches
3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
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CharlaX please do not putt this poem as a comment on the wall there is discussions visit me find GOD. Many people place parsecs of material condensced and zipped into files of pictures when they try to open them for viewing later it merely says file corrupted. Here is my suggestion for the followers of GOD on facebook. Make all the files you want but open them in your webbrowser before you post them to GODS wall. Then you can rest assured in the knowledge you have helped someone. We do not knoe how powerful this facebook GOD is at this time. SO we do not want him pissed on or off like a big light switch in the sky. Eye as a facebook minion of GOD do not want to visit his facebook page only to find a long list of broken links to files unreadable. The comment below the zip files will have the disclaimer oh how eye tried in vain to open these corrupted files again. Make the test on your own time so as not to abuse the time of the LORD. Is this facebook GOD Jesus. Eye assume a lot it may only be another dime store Bhudda. This poetic genious is gathering infomercials as we speak or wait or as you read this information as eye pen this in my afterglow of zen. GOD on facebook eye did a search and could not find you that way you are in my News Feed upon my wall when eye post there. YOu say just pray and that you are forever. Please stay on facebook help us there to live long and prosper. You did not say that you are Jesus in your info it just says religious. Can you feel my prayer today oh facebook GOD help all my facebook people. They all are scattered to the wind chasing life. Please help the intergnet to thrive and keep the money god at ebay away from them today. Putt hot chicken soup in all the replicators and let the masses eat cake. Eye ching. Eye do not eat while the Bridegroom is on facebook OH GOD deliver me from myspace. Turn us on to every good thing oh my GOD on facebook.
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You, Carolyn Red Bear, Elen And-Israel, Dawn Kilby and 7 others like this.
Charles Robert Hice CharlaX Wept. ")
11 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Cheryl A. Vatcher-Martin Wow!
10 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Billie J. Maciunas very funny, I think, in your style of word play.
10 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Kushal Poddar The wit is brilliant. I wish I could write a longer comment about how much I loved this one but my head...oh aching
10 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice God made lemons to give aide to Poddars. ♥
9 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 3 peopleLoading... ·
Cheryl A. Vatcher-Martin Tha't s a very funny comment, Charles!
9 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Mary-Marcia Casoly
"Can you feel my prayer today oh facebook GOD help all my facebook people. They all are scattered to the wind chasing life. Please help the intergnet to thrive and keep the money god at ebay away from them today. Putt hot chicken soup in a...ll the replicators and let the masses eat cake. Eye ching. Eye do not eat while the Bridegroom is on facebook OH GOD deliver me from myspace. Turn us on to every good thing oh my GOD on facebook." My favorite part, the ending, yet on the whole, the wordplay and spirit rather than feel sore, soars over the wall. Pray eye thanks. See More
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Janet Bennison Amen to that
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Janet Bennison God changed their Birthday.
8 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice LOZLX @Bennison LOL
7 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Bina Gupta haha charlie:)
5 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading... ·
Dawn Kilby I left myspace for facebook.
3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Dawn Kilby love this!
3 hours ago · LikeUnlike ·
Charles Robert Hice the link wont work mabe God left facebook :-=(( eye love these glitches
3 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
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Sunday, August 8, 2010
Homeless Shelter
Homeless Shelter

shopping carts are being pushed away
blankets are being carried away
sleeping bags are in high demand
tents are hard to fasten to the ground
i like it better by the church
the prayers of all the little ones
surround my head where their little feet were at
on a rug just outside the door
that is where i lay
a homeless
shopping carts are being pushed away
blankets are being carried away
sleeping bags are in high demand
tents are hard to fasten to the ground
i like it better by the church
the prayers of all the little ones
surround my head where their little feet were at
on a rug just outside the door
that is where i lay
a homeless
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Today the Flag of the United States was removed as a symbol of this great nation and replaced with the flag of the Commonwealth of the United Nations. July 7, 2079. The end of time began today my Father the notable CharlaX was beheaded just last year he taught me how to make rhyming poems out of prose to carry his poetry into the next millineum. Eye was a young man not listening to him and so this poem my seem a little stilted in its style. He smiled up at the executioner he never cried. What solid soul inside a man who suffered much to finally be with his Lord the Jesus Christ. Eye wept. Iff they had asked me to take such a mark back then eye would have been a 666 walking around them. Eye am hiding in the cave. Typing this on the remaining battery power of the orginal Dell computor the CharlaX gave it to me as he climbed the steps to his new freedom. Roses are red. Charlaxandroidoneseven is not blue. He told me to remember him this way. Read all the poems at the websites today. You can pick one out and not get burnt out you can study me a little at a time. They caught and killed some more Christians today. It hurts my heart to see the way they have become such callous killers. Perhaps it all started with the world war two when they went to kill the German Hitler. We used to sing America the Beautiful. We used to think we were the only people on the Earth. Eye burned another UN flag. Eye saw the soldiers eyeing me they started to shoot me then laughed as eye recoiled in horror they made little puking sounds as they pointed the fingers and laughed out loud. They had patches on the sleeve eye saw the 666 they said they were Soldiers of the New World Order. Eye just came from the back of the cave where eye pray. CharlaX has no pain now his tooth no longer hurts. Eye did not pray for him eye bowed my head and clasped my hands and prayed for me.
Today the Flag of the United States was removed as a symbol of this great nation and replaced with the flag of the Commonwealth of the United Nations. July 7, 2079. The end of time began today my Father the notable CharlaX was beheaded just last year he taught me how to make rhyming poems out of prose to carry his poetry into the next millineum. Eye was a young man not listening to him and so this poem my seem a little stilted in its style. He smiled up at the executioner he never cried. What solid soul inside a man who suffered much to finally be with his Lord the Jesus Christ. Eye wept. Iff they had asked me to take such a mark back then eye would have been a 666 walking around them. Eye am hiding in the cave. Typing this on the remaining battery power of the orginal Dell computor the CharlaX gave it to me as he climbed the steps to his new freedom. Roses are red. Charlaxandroidoneseven is not blue. He told me to remember him this way. Read all the poems at the websites today. You can pick one out and not get burnt out you can study me a little at a time. They caught and killed some more Christians today. It hurts my heart to see the way they have become such callous killers. Perhaps it all started with the world war two when they went to kill the German Hitler. We used to sing America the Beautiful. We used to think we were the only people on the Earth. Eye burned another UN flag. Eye saw the soldiers eyeing me they started to shoot me then laughed as eye recoiled in horror they made little puking sounds as they pointed the fingers and laughed out loud. They had patches on the sleeve eye saw the 666 they said they were Soldiers of the New World Order. Eye just came from the back of the cave where eye pray. CharlaX has no pain now his tooth no longer hurts. Eye did not pray for him eye bowed my head and clasped my hands and prayed for me.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The way you kiss me
The way you kiss me

your dark eyes melts; my heart away
with your lips; sweet words of love
touch my soul; and keeps sadness at bay
your brown eyes melt my heart
your lips and words of love
make my sadness go away and love to come
kissing your rough fingertips
between words of love for you
as our hearts are becoming one
she kisses hands and heart does burn
she makes this man to understand the word
as my heart turns
if I could have one wish; it would be
to have your love; forever and one day
as I’m lost in your loving arms
I love you with all that I am
The way ewe kiss my heart
The way ewe make me live.
your dark eyes melts; my heart away
with your lips; sweet words of love
touch my soul; and keeps sadness at bay
your brown eyes melt my heart
your lips and words of love
make my sadness go away and love to come
kissing your rough fingertips
between words of love for you
as our hearts are becoming one
she kisses hands and heart does burn
she makes this man to understand the word
as my heart turns
if I could have one wish; it would be
to have your love; forever and one day
as I’m lost in your loving arms
I love you with all that I am
The way ewe kiss my heart
The way ewe make me live.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

He has a primary Battery we all do that. He took out his cd drive and installed the secondary there where he can swap it out for a total now of twelve hours online. But why. There is usually a plug available why do people even use the Primary battery when they can plug in the machine and turn the battery off to save it. This has led me to believe. He wants the extra mobility. To fully access his main function capability. The Millennium man is searching for power without slavery. He just wants to be able to access his signals from his satellite. Chasing the lines in the ether he cant be inside a building made of concrete or wired to the central web of electricity they can find him too easily. Plainly he is paranoid. Holding laptop in his right hand and the cell phone in his left he walks into the signal circles like a robot made of mirth. It is comical as he tries in vain to hit the internet with an email and talk to the receiver at the same time is just impossible a mission now. Think carefully on this next statemeant. They used to arrest people for meandering all over the place for being drunk. They used to arrest people for talking to themselves. Now the Jigg is upp. The Millineum man must go both of these things to tell his wife he will be late to supper. EYe heard her plainly as she hollard in his ear. HURRY UPP. Or all you get is leftovers. He closed the laptop with a grin, and hit the redial on his phone redial set to the gym and that is where he is. Until its safer to go home. Please dont forget to plug back in your phone and check the charger for the laptop third extra BatteryPlan. Millennium man.
He has a primary Battery we all do that. He took out his cd drive and installed the secondary there where he can swap it out for a total now of twelve hours online. But why. There is usually a plug available why do people even use the Primary battery when they can plug in the machine and turn the battery off to save it. This has led me to believe. He wants the extra mobility. To fully access his main function capability. The Millennium man is searching for power without slavery. He just wants to be able to access his signals from his satellite. Chasing the lines in the ether he cant be inside a building made of concrete or wired to the central web of electricity they can find him too easily. Plainly he is paranoid. Holding laptop in his right hand and the cell phone in his left he walks into the signal circles like a robot made of mirth. It is comical as he tries in vain to hit the internet with an email and talk to the receiver at the same time is just impossible a mission now. Think carefully on this next statemeant. They used to arrest people for meandering all over the place for being drunk. They used to arrest people for talking to themselves. Now the Jigg is upp. The Millineum man must go both of these things to tell his wife he will be late to supper. EYe heard her plainly as she hollard in his ear. HURRY UPP. Or all you get is leftovers. He closed the laptop with a grin, and hit the redial on his phone redial set to the gym and that is where he is. Until its safer to go home. Please dont forget to plug back in your phone and check the charger for the laptop third extra BatteryPlan. Millennium man.
Friday, July 9, 2010

Here we go again.
When a man brings love near me and eye must insist that he carry it away why dont eye have the right to say. Why do they look at me like eye am decay. When does the girl say do not dream of me for dreaming of love is wrong and it will hurt you in the long wrong. But she says Squeeee and thrills me to the uttermost. Eye like the lower level of my love. Eye have so much to look forward to the love the kiss the want the yearning heart. She has awakened me to needing. She has awakened me to love. To most of Yew it may seem silly for a blind man wants his sight a begger in his poverty wants money a man with everything to live for wants his lovers to want love. All of life is repetition no one wants a differant husband or a wife of differant origin every day why let me tell ewe missy girl a Hooker has her steady John she acts like a fool over him and considers him to belong only to her time and no one elses. It is not a problem to them same old same old homeys. All day long they play in the same berry bush with them same berries and his crokked stick. They meet on the sly stealing time away from functions and from life. No one notices them hidden behind the motel door looking at each other only kissing same old kisses hair is always black glasses on or off soft skin her melons his spangles are her course. And do they partake of love the lipps twitch they slide they hang and they move of violation in the afternoon like night has come to Earth. Let me have mye wife of six long years and let me eat mye steady as myself she has to understand my crokked stick is hers just to command. The world is not a care in the world for lovers in the day let me be your John we only have to yearn. To : lamb iff you understood this pookie pull my BrassRing. Here we go again.
Here we go again.
When a man brings love near me and eye must insist that he carry it away why dont eye have the right to say. Why do they look at me like eye am decay. When does the girl say do not dream of me for dreaming of love is wrong and it will hurt you in the long wrong. But she says Squeeee and thrills me to the uttermost. Eye like the lower level of my love. Eye have so much to look forward to the love the kiss the want the yearning heart. She has awakened me to needing. She has awakened me to love. To most of Yew it may seem silly for a blind man wants his sight a begger in his poverty wants money a man with everything to live for wants his lovers to want love. All of life is repetition no one wants a differant husband or a wife of differant origin every day why let me tell ewe missy girl a Hooker has her steady John she acts like a fool over him and considers him to belong only to her time and no one elses. It is not a problem to them same old same old homeys. All day long they play in the same berry bush with them same berries and his crokked stick. They meet on the sly stealing time away from functions and from life. No one notices them hidden behind the motel door looking at each other only kissing same old kisses hair is always black glasses on or off soft skin her melons his spangles are her course. And do they partake of love the lipps twitch they slide they hang and they move of violation in the afternoon like night has come to Earth. Let me have mye wife of six long years and let me eat mye steady as myself she has to understand my crokked stick is hers just to command. The world is not a care in the world for lovers in the day let me be your John we only have to yearn. To : lamb iff you understood this pookie pull my BrassRing. Here we go again.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
The Bugs

The Bugs come we can not stop the bugs
we want to prosper at the cafe
but the bugs they come
we add the spray the sweeps they come
to no avail the bugs they come
we made the food cup from the chips
the people lift them up
to chins
they must eat too fast
they get chagrin
we put the soup on last
and ask them to drink fast
pay up let others come
the bugs they come
we pay to make the food
last twice
no matter horn the bugs they come
The Pygmy sits near the Soup Cafe
he watches people
in and out
the bugs they come
he watches people
breaking fast
the bugs they come
the bugs they come
he made a little circle of stone
he slayed a bug to catch some
he layed a dead bug to eat some
he eats bugs
the bugs they come
he survives twice
The Bugs come we can not stop the bugs
we want to prosper at the cafe
but the bugs they come
we add the spray the sweeps they come
to no avail the bugs they come
we made the food cup from the chips
the people lift them up
to chins
they must eat too fast
they get chagrin
we put the soup on last
and ask them to drink fast
pay up let others come
the bugs they come
we pay to make the food
last twice
no matter horn the bugs they come
The Pygmy sits near the Soup Cafe
he watches people
in and out
the bugs they come
he watches people
breaking fast
the bugs they come
the bugs they come
he made a little circle of stone
he slayed a bug to catch some
he layed a dead bug to eat some
he eats bugs
the bugs they come
he survives twice
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Facebook Girl
Facebook Girl

SHe was not too young to chat and she was shy and thats a plus when dealing with old poets who are shy and like to chat with girls who are not too young to chat. SHe often had to stop and tell her mother why. Who are you talking with so often. OH she finally broke down and told her mother once he is an old old man on facebook. He has no chance of ever getting married and so we talk of love. The mother said you are too young to speak to me of love. And so she closed the laptop cover while the young girl cried for the old homeless poet. And then one day she was thirty five and married and she sent the old poet a message on facebook. And this is what he wrote. Eye am nearing 76 next October 29 my eye it is not dim eye never whine my love for ewe is just as strong as it was then when your Mother came between us then. The Girl read and reread that message every day for five long years. SHe changed her profile page to read her namme the Facebook Girl.
SHe was not too young to chat and she was shy and thats a plus when dealing with old poets who are shy and like to chat with girls who are not too young to chat. SHe often had to stop and tell her mother why. Who are you talking with so often. OH she finally broke down and told her mother once he is an old old man on facebook. He has no chance of ever getting married and so we talk of love. The mother said you are too young to speak to me of love. And so she closed the laptop cover while the young girl cried for the old homeless poet. And then one day she was thirty five and married and she sent the old poet a message on facebook. And this is what he wrote. Eye am nearing 76 next October 29 my eye it is not dim eye never whine my love for ewe is just as strong as it was then when your Mother came between us then. The Girl read and reread that message every day for five long years. SHe changed her profile page to read her namme the Facebook Girl.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
He was eight or nine he felt too old to be subjected to the pie chants and yet he listened in spite of all that because he loved. Henrietta Seuss Geisel, chantting her pies. Apple berry, leering berry, mincemeat for Larry, meringue for Helen beef and Guinness for John the Jesus, pecan with walnuts, lemon pie, white pie with no lemons, pumpkin and other summer fruits for Megan. Ham and turkey macaroni pie with meat and sans for Christina.......... Cobblers full of cheese and onion cherry mutton for the sage among us. Meat pie veggie pie long folding over pie there was short pies and tall pies she had so many of them jointed pies and ladder pies she filled TED head with all them pies. Sixteen Bird pies four and twenty for mye Jennifer. Peach pie with custard cream and raspberry. Fruitless pies and fruity ones pies piled high and pies placed low. Pies for children only for adults some eaten only on the sly and quickly eaten upp.
Pie for poor pie for rich pie for moderate and pitched pie and mudd pie and tolerant pie she loved to chant four hours of her pie. Dark and light pie. Rutabaga and rhubarbed. Furball hacking cat in the hat pie. Rolling pinned pie and crusty pie but the best pie she gave to the little Doctor Seuss was her limitless pie. And thats the truth. CharlaX strikes back. For Doctor Seuss.
He was eight or nine he felt too old to be subjected to the pie chants and yet he listened in spite of all that because he loved. Henrietta Seuss Geisel, chantting her pies. Apple berry, leering berry, mincemeat for Larry, meringue for Helen beef and Guinness for John the Jesus, pecan with walnuts, lemon pie, white pie with no lemons, pumpkin and other summer fruits for Megan. Ham and turkey macaroni pie with meat and sans for Christina.......... Cobblers full of cheese and onion cherry mutton for the sage among us. Meat pie veggie pie long folding over pie there was short pies and tall pies she had so many of them jointed pies and ladder pies she filled TED head with all them pies. Sixteen Bird pies four and twenty for mye Jennifer. Peach pie with custard cream and raspberry. Fruitless pies and fruity ones pies piled high and pies placed low. Pies for children only for adults some eaten only on the sly and quickly eaten upp.
Pie for poor pie for rich pie for moderate and pitched pie and mudd pie and tolerant pie she loved to chant four hours of her pie. Dark and light pie. Rutabaga and rhubarbed. Furball hacking cat in the hat pie. Rolling pinned pie and crusty pie but the best pie she gave to the little Doctor Seuss was her limitless pie. And thats the truth. CharlaX strikes back. For Doctor Seuss.
Friday, June 11, 2010
support@hostingsupport.comFriday, June 11, 2010 3:55 AMFrom:"Charlax Hice""The database server on is not working. This is the error message received: "Cannot connect to db server Too many connections "
please fix my computor eye need to go to work at my poetryplace
eye dont understand why this is happening to me
and its not a good thing at all
please hurry
eye had come to the University to work early and decided they had finally had enought of a free good thing and blocked me its not an easy feeling to be offline when everything else is working now to the tail of the nuns priest. The rooster crowed a lot the lover loved a lot. Amen. Synopsis of CharlaX this has been The Tale of the Canterburied Hen. Eye found some tea bagged under mye Cupps and Chaucer. AHHA. For Helena of Troy. She had her TroY Boy. lolzzx. CharlaX ABD. The intelligence of men is not often found in the brain case but in the pen. In the hand and in the foot and lower down the staircased.
support@hostingsupport.comFriday, June 11, 2010 3:55 AMFrom:"Charlax Hice"
please fix my computor eye need to go to work at my poetryplace
eye dont understand why this is happening to me
and its not a good thing at all
please hurry
eye had come to the University to work early and decided they had finally had enought of a free good thing and blocked me its not an easy feeling to be offline when everything else is working now to the tail of the nuns priest. The rooster crowed a lot the lover loved a lot. Amen. Synopsis of CharlaX this has been The Tale of the Canterburied Hen. Eye found some tea bagged under mye Cupps and Chaucer. AHHA. For Helena of Troy. She had her TroY Boy. lolzzx. CharlaX ABD. The intelligence of men is not often found in the brain case but in the pen. In the hand and in the foot and lower down the staircased.
Monday, June 7, 2010
King Goliath
King Goliath

god in lower case letters is 666 is money is not the power the power is not the answer or Goliath would rule the world. For GOD in his Glory is still Jesus beaten pup. Many times eye have given up the road is not plowed the plow is bent the seed is not planted yet eye move and keep my power hid. Eye shake my weavers beam at davidic priests and walk among the living leaving only husky pods in my awakeing. Perhaps Faith is under rated we need much more of it to avoid the stress of life is testing. King Goliath stomped the little shepherd boy and walked into Jerusalem his steps quakeing the walls. What goods a Giant among thorns. What does a Giant have in common with the Jews. He saw Bathsheba once inside the baths and only looked away. The people in the street just scurried this way and that way whenever he came around waving his weavers beam no smile ever upon his face so whats the differance. It seems its better to keep the Devil you know. The Jewish Temple would not be built at all iff left up to either King David Or the Giant Weaver. To make a longer story shorter now. King Goliath ate a bad cookie and got AIDS for all his troubles a King of Jerusalem is given spades he had no money while inn office he terminated his inheritance and gave back Gaza. Perhaps his Earth friendly plan will help us fix the problems that we face it was found inside a cave near Ventura the Deep Sea Scroll was dated. This is what it says. When you need to fill the oceans into lands take the Desert sands and drop them from the Aeroplanes into the Ocean Depths. Even up the low places make the mountains lower then the planes. Raise the valley of the oceans into the sky of heavens. Make the coinage smaller in the hand make the bread prices rise like yeast up to the skies of houses and villages full of poor people no longer able to have homes fill the streets with no where to call home they fill the alleyways and doors. Airlift a Giants Stone to Rome and prepare me a Throne for it is almost time for GOD to come. Iff eye could bring fire down from the Heaven mabe eye would be the one.
god in lower case letters is 666 is money is not the power the power is not the answer or Goliath would rule the world. For GOD in his Glory is still Jesus beaten pup. Many times eye have given up the road is not plowed the plow is bent the seed is not planted yet eye move and keep my power hid. Eye shake my weavers beam at davidic priests and walk among the living leaving only husky pods in my awakeing. Perhaps Faith is under rated we need much more of it to avoid the stress of life is testing. King Goliath stomped the little shepherd boy and walked into Jerusalem his steps quakeing the walls. What goods a Giant among thorns. What does a Giant have in common with the Jews. He saw Bathsheba once inside the baths and only looked away. The people in the street just scurried this way and that way whenever he came around waving his weavers beam no smile ever upon his face so whats the differance. It seems its better to keep the Devil you know. The Jewish Temple would not be built at all iff left up to either King David Or the Giant Weaver. To make a longer story shorter now. King Goliath ate a bad cookie and got AIDS for all his troubles a King of Jerusalem is given spades he had no money while inn office he terminated his inheritance and gave back Gaza. Perhaps his Earth friendly plan will help us fix the problems that we face it was found inside a cave near Ventura the Deep Sea Scroll was dated. This is what it says. When you need to fill the oceans into lands take the Desert sands and drop them from the Aeroplanes into the Ocean Depths. Even up the low places make the mountains lower then the planes. Raise the valley of the oceans into the sky of heavens. Make the coinage smaller in the hand make the bread prices rise like yeast up to the skies of houses and villages full of poor people no longer able to have homes fill the streets with no where to call home they fill the alleyways and doors. Airlift a Giants Stone to Rome and prepare me a Throne for it is almost time for GOD to come. Iff eye could bring fire down from the Heaven mabe eye would be the one.
Monday, May 31, 2010

There are students out of school who never heard of Heinlein Robert
they love the Science Fiction like the Star Trek Wars.
They all remember Doctor Isaac Asimov. But when asked what was the
favorite story whey back when they always say it was
that Rocket SHip to Mars.
CharlaX Requiem
Under the sea of sky no longer seen by eye
Dig the grave shallow and let me lie at ease:
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with all my poems done
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the poet, home from sea of sky,
Add the poet now into the green green grass of home .
This is a reprint of my fave CharlaX Short Poem Short
because they are not as long as some of them eye wrote.
Mary Had A Little Spaceship
Mary Had A Little Spaceship
Mary had a little spacecraft it was made of snow white metal.
Mary took her spaceship wherever she did go.
Mary had a little spaceship on her way to MARS.
She was just an astronaut heading to the stars.
She pilots that THING better than she drives her car.
She navigates the asteroid belt. She always flies past Venus
and gets clear for her orbital approach to MARS.
My astronemor turned astronaut driving to the stars.
Mary had a little spacecraft and flew it to the stars.
There are students out of school who never heard of Heinlein Robert
they love the Science Fiction like the Star Trek Wars.
They all remember Doctor Isaac Asimov. But when asked what was the
favorite story whey back when they always say it was
that Rocket SHip to Mars.
CharlaX Requiem
Under the sea of sky no longer seen by eye
Dig the grave shallow and let me lie at ease:
Glad did I live and gladly die,
And I laid me down with all my poems done
This be the verse you grave for me:
Here he lies where he longed to be;
Home is the poet, home from sea of sky,
Add the poet now into the green green grass of home .
This is a reprint of my fave CharlaX Short Poem Short
because they are not as long as some of them eye wrote.
Mary Had A Little Spaceship
Mary Had A Little Spaceship
Mary had a little spacecraft it was made of snow white metal.
Mary took her spaceship wherever she did go.
Mary had a little spaceship on her way to MARS.
She was just an astronaut heading to the stars.
She pilots that THING better than she drives her car.
She navigates the asteroid belt. She always flies past Venus
and gets clear for her orbital approach to MARS.
My astronemor turned astronaut driving to the stars.
Mary had a little spacecraft and flew it to the stars.
Thursday, May 20, 2010

and then a poet a man eye admire he made a comment on my poem the one that eye admire and then the comment hit me like a flag inside the wind eye made it MA eye did it now eye poet just like them the cushy jobs they all were taken by the men who live to kill the other men were eating bacon with the will to carry them on paper they look inside the ledger to make sure they stay on ink and underline them when they feel that they are worth more then all them prisoners they deep sixed the shirts come back from cleaners the bills are always paid on time the badge more shiney then the leather on the gun the sun it never finds them they hide them eyes behind them mirror glasses hide the badges on the belts underneathe the coats from racks of dozens like them they choose the looks of goats come down from heavens hillsides to work and fleece the flocks as eye in my leather jacket with rain shoes on eye best them all as eye sit here inside my fall upwards to the TOPPoftheworldMA. My greensleeves browned.
and then a poet a man eye admire he made a comment on my poem the one that eye admire and then the comment hit me like a flag inside the wind eye made it MA eye did it now eye poet just like them the cushy jobs they all were taken by the men who live to kill the other men were eating bacon with the will to carry them on paper they look inside the ledger to make sure they stay on ink and underline them when they feel that they are worth more then all them prisoners they deep sixed the shirts come back from cleaners the bills are always paid on time the badge more shiney then the leather on the gun the sun it never finds them they hide them eyes behind them mirror glasses hide the badges on the belts underneathe the coats from racks of dozens like them they choose the looks of goats come down from heavens hillsides to work and fleece the flocks as eye in my leather jacket with rain shoes on eye best them all as eye sit here inside my fall upwards to the TOPPoftheworldMA. My greensleeves browned.
Sunday, May 16, 2010

occidental round smooth no moss a toss a skip a sling across the end of giant the beginning of a house the foundation of the heaven the hiding place of mouse faceing north at all times rolling down the inclined to stop easy hard as a rock
convex concave immobile turning over more then once than once more rolling turning end over end to only stop once near the highway marker past the field over near the fence is gone the sign post wrong the yeild sign of interest lost interest to them that gather stone picks up only one use at a time one stone in the center of the mind one more stone to fling at the father one more stone to fling at the brother one more stone to fling at eye fling flesh into glass house is broken stone wall jackson house gone rules broken made for one and all are gone no rules to fit the individual the rules were made for rock but not for stone iff you are not a stone then rock you have become the searcher for all time learning only lots of nothing until you become stone once was eye rock now eye am stone stone
occidental round smooth no moss a toss a skip a sling across the end of giant the beginning of a house the foundation of the heaven the hiding place of mouse faceing north at all times rolling down the inclined to stop easy hard as a rock
convex concave immobile turning over more then once than once more rolling turning end over end to only stop once near the highway marker past the field over near the fence is gone the sign post wrong the yeild sign of interest lost interest to them that gather stone picks up only one use at a time one stone in the center of the mind one more stone to fling at the father one more stone to fling at the brother one more stone to fling at eye fling flesh into glass house is broken stone wall jackson house gone rules broken made for one and all are gone no rules to fit the individual the rules were made for rock but not for stone iff you are not a stone then rock you have become the searcher for all time learning only lots of nothing until you become stone once was eye rock now eye am stone stone
Monday, May 10, 2010
eye was once
eye was once

eye want back the time not the time back that eye lost but back the time up to equal out the loss entertain the troops the ones that marched let me alone just long enought to tell the jokes that people love to pay big money tickets four seats near the aisle not the center never get the center aisle or them bad seats in the center they just collide eye would tell them of mye dreams but they would call the law of entrophy does not exist on riverbanks for outlaws charlax slept the tree provided needed support for two bags not one the boys on the street already dissed me the old new man they found him distant and not connected eye told them eye just a newbie bro not ready to contribute eye dissed most everyone that asked me eye am nervous in a new place but they are living here they may remember eye thought the pretty girl was staring hard at eye but she was checking out her vacant chair she left to be sure that she was clear you can tell the lizzie bordens from the quality checked one is large the other smaller the one is pretty the other is ogre but eye am smiling now the ewe has found me she sent the email eye was looking for eye liked the way one of the boys was friendly he called me homey but the other one was scary he said he did not like my rapp it is the way of the world to judge the tramp
eye want back the time not the time back that eye lost but back the time up to equal out the loss entertain the troops the ones that marched let me alone just long enought to tell the jokes that people love to pay big money tickets four seats near the aisle not the center never get the center aisle or them bad seats in the center they just collide eye would tell them of mye dreams but they would call the law of entrophy does not exist on riverbanks for outlaws charlax slept the tree provided needed support for two bags not one the boys on the street already dissed me the old new man they found him distant and not connected eye told them eye just a newbie bro not ready to contribute eye dissed most everyone that asked me eye am nervous in a new place but they are living here they may remember eye thought the pretty girl was staring hard at eye but she was checking out her vacant chair she left to be sure that she was clear you can tell the lizzie bordens from the quality checked one is large the other smaller the one is pretty the other is ogre but eye am smiling now the ewe has found me she sent the email eye was looking for eye liked the way one of the boys was friendly he called me homey but the other one was scary he said he did not like my rapp it is the way of the world to judge the tramp
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

HUnger and THirst. Eye decide what to write about the first horn of the triceratops is hunger. SInce eye feel none today eye must include the previous entries misery. EMpty and FUll. The horn of plenty is felt by eye recieved a blessing tummy is so full eye have not left the throes of expectancy yet. SO let me tell you about hunger in the desert way back when. AS only a remember. A knife blade is moving back and forth inside my tummy it makes me wish that eye had never been formed or born. Every muscle in my chest was tightened. Every movement that eye made was agony. Eye even grabbed at that proverbial straws. EYe picked those beans with nothing in them grown on wind vines in the nick of time. Then water came to find the eye. Drinking water when the boy is hungry he needs food eye would have eaten a cow. Homemade soup and coffee bread and hold the fire. Today eye boiled an egg then water fried three more. There is no pain in gain. Eye did not get these eggs from any purchase at the store. The candle wax was also free today. Scrounged and founded. Nobody nose the troubles eye seen. It takes a real man to reach his hand inside a trash canned. Eye got a flat ( not the bike) a flat of eggs more then a dozen left. Eye can only pray and hope that new mexicon has lots of dopes. While cleaning rides of low they leave me lots of trash can hopes. Prose does never must rhyme but sometimes does when it stops. Triceratops.
HUnger and THirst. Eye decide what to write about the first horn of the triceratops is hunger. SInce eye feel none today eye must include the previous entries misery. EMpty and FUll. The horn of plenty is felt by eye recieved a blessing tummy is so full eye have not left the throes of expectancy yet. SO let me tell you about hunger in the desert way back when. AS only a remember. A knife blade is moving back and forth inside my tummy it makes me wish that eye had never been formed or born. Every muscle in my chest was tightened. Every movement that eye made was agony. Eye even grabbed at that proverbial straws. EYe picked those beans with nothing in them grown on wind vines in the nick of time. Then water came to find the eye. Drinking water when the boy is hungry he needs food eye would have eaten a cow. Homemade soup and coffee bread and hold the fire. Today eye boiled an egg then water fried three more. There is no pain in gain. Eye did not get these eggs from any purchase at the store. The candle wax was also free today. Scrounged and founded. Nobody nose the troubles eye seen. It takes a real man to reach his hand inside a trash canned. Eye got a flat ( not the bike) a flat of eggs more then a dozen left. Eye can only pray and hope that new mexicon has lots of dopes. While cleaning rides of low they leave me lots of trash can hopes. Prose does never must rhyme but sometimes does when it stops. Triceratops.
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Iff d were p
eye skidded a d
eye skipped a p
may day may day may day
they called a distress code from airplanes in the first world war they did not simply say sos sos sos but they used a strang sort of address the microphone with may day may day may day
usually this was done three times for emphasis
charlax watched all the old movies
at least three times cause dates were hard to find
eye have many women near mye mind
but only one comes close to heart
she is mye heart she is mye life she is mye interneted wife
may day may day may day
it is now the end of April Poetry
the house will be destroyed bye time
the animals will miss me
they will be fine
time now for charlax to move on
out of the line of snow
eye leave you with this canadian bacon byte
In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Iff d were p
eye skidded a d
eye skipped a p
may day may day may day
they called a distress code from airplanes in the first world war they did not simply say sos sos sos but they used a strang sort of address the microphone with may day may day may day
usually this was done three times for emphasis
charlax watched all the old movies
at least three times cause dates were hard to find
eye have many women near mye mind
but only one comes close to heart
she is mye heart she is mye life she is mye interneted wife
may day may day may day
it is now the end of April Poetry
the house will be destroyed bye time
the animals will miss me
they will be fine
time now for charlax to move on
out of the line of snow
eye leave you with this canadian bacon byte
In Flanders Fields
By: Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD (1872-1918)
Canadian Army
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Sunday, April 25, 2010

once upon the time of man and twice upon the arm of GOD there came upon the internet of them they conspired to make an army up of robots unsuspected on the public eye became the undercover man on facebook private eye found them nano bots and oiled them in the can they had the vouchers for the millennium used up and wiped off the side of all the accounts were gone ex see you tree hide behind the all eye all eye all in free metaltarsisbendoralloy mechanism failed go back to profile page the poems are going very well but the movie is always one that eye have seen before the ending well in hand when eye get home again eye leave at the part where eye came inn what is that on my wall what have you people done while eye was gone it looks like sin like ice like something big has been chagrin the lever pulled the function over now the robots come dismantle eye the robots won the eye is dry ice is formed on legs of wall the home page lost in falderal the melting pot of ice cascaded down her tisket is her tasket its in her green and yellowed basket just incase she asks it was as cold on facebook as a well diggers last brass witches list of friends she exes them to make room for the five thousand loaves and fishes she reels inn for facebook
once upon the time of man and twice upon the arm of GOD there came upon the internet of them they conspired to make an army up of robots unsuspected on the public eye became the undercover man on facebook private eye found them nano bots and oiled them in the can they had the vouchers for the millennium used up and wiped off the side of all the accounts were gone ex see you tree hide behind the all eye all eye all in free metaltarsisbendoralloy mechanism failed go back to profile page the poems are going very well but the movie is always one that eye have seen before the ending well in hand when eye get home again eye leave at the part where eye came inn what is that on my wall what have you people done while eye was gone it looks like sin like ice like something big has been chagrin the lever pulled the function over now the robots come dismantle eye the robots won the eye is dry ice is formed on legs of wall the home page lost in falderal the melting pot of ice cascaded down her tisket is her tasket its in her green and yellowed basket just incase she asks it was as cold on facebook as a well diggers last brass witches list of friends she exes them to make room for the five thousand loaves and fishes she reels inn for facebook
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
She Placed her self into a picture frame a picture smiles where the sun does shine.
For it just survives. Her best fit was in our allotted time.
NO one knoes that she and eye exist except the ONE that loves me;
and these the ones that HE gives me, to bring me love.
The daughter caught the mother eye into the sun she smiled for eye she smiled for mee.
A picture captures love but cannot convey or contain it.
Exception happens when the one who poses smiles.
The one who L()()ks must never frown.
The love eye have for ewe is in YOUR smile and now your smile is in mye eye.
On the making of a poem ed.note.ed no one but the Author and his lover ever get the meaning of a poem no one but the sister new found not the old one way back home she can see it in the smile no one but the daughter and the mother and the editor and the author and the reader reading meaning minion and yes sister ever understanding just what eye meant from poet eye. Eye could see mee in your smile.
She Placed her self into a picture frame a picture smiles where the sun does shine.
For it just survives. Her best fit was in our allotted time.
NO one knoes that she and eye exist except the ONE that loves me;
and these the ones that HE gives me, to bring me love.
The daughter caught the mother eye into the sun she smiled for eye she smiled for mee.
A picture captures love but cannot convey or contain it.
Exception happens when the one who poses smiles.
The one who L()()ks must never frown.
The love eye have for ewe is in YOUR smile and now your smile is in mye eye.
On the making of a poem ed.note.ed no one but the Author and his lover ever get the meaning of a poem no one but the sister new found not the old one way back home she can see it in the smile no one but the daughter and the mother and the editor and the author and the reader reading meaning minion and yes sister ever understanding just what eye meant from poet eye. Eye could see mee in your smile.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
FIFteenth Day Of April FLower Power Poetry
FIFteenth Day Of April FLower Power Poetry

"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along." ~Rumi~
all along the watchtower is a song but its a love story too for ewe must climb them ladder rungging wet she works too hard
Climb the rung, Ladder. Tote that barge, Bale. Batton down them latches, Batches. Open up them swales. Straddle the barb , Wire. Straddle the wire, Fence. Straddle the ladder rung sweat and get wet and get down Oo0o0o0o0o get down o0o0oo0o dance with me bababay lamb. so they will all understand it perfectly he says in English : Play the card game as iff you are dealing the cards back into the deck they way they came out. (there is a stunned silence in this room). Deal the cards. They say. One by one they smile and play the card game each man is secretly playing his cards as iff they are being dealt back into the deck the same way they came out. Poetboy smiles.
"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along." ~Rumi~
all along the watchtower is a song but its a love story too for ewe must climb them ladder rungging wet she works too hard
Climb the rung, Ladder. Tote that barge, Bale. Batton down them latches, Batches. Open up them swales. Straddle the barb , Wire. Straddle the wire, Fence. Straddle the ladder rung sweat and get wet and get down Oo0o0o0o0o get down o0o0oo0o dance with me bababay lamb.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Twelveth Day of Aprileth
Twelveth Day of Aprileth
Drafty by WordySWorthington

I wandereth lonethumb has this cloud
above the snow lines
That float on high rilles o'er vales and hills,
on wings of turtle doves
When all at once I saw a crowded hillside,
a bunch of skunks
A host of white stripes, of black furry creatures;
Beside the streaming, beneath the tree of aging,
Fluttering and dancing in the wafting smell oh my god that odour.
Continuous as the eyes that shine
And pissing on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a hayfield trampling all them mice in way:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves of amber grains beside them wilted at advance, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves did weep at smell of cats;
A poet could not be but gay and very handsome man,
In such a jocund buzzard company!
I sniffed—and gagged—but little thought of smell had penetrated brain
What wealth the show of all them kitty buzzard skunks to me had brought:
For oft, when on my side of tent I lie
In vacant or in sniffing mode,
They flash upon that inward eye of love them most
Which is the blissters of the solitude of nose;
And then my heart with pleasure fills the lungs,
And silences the coughing choking charlax withe his skunks.
Drafty by WordySWorthington
I wandereth lonethumb has this cloud
above the snow lines
That float on high rilles o'er vales and hills,
on wings of turtle doves
When all at once I saw a crowded hillside,
a bunch of skunks
A host of white stripes, of black furry creatures;
Beside the streaming, beneath the tree of aging,
Fluttering and dancing in the wafting smell oh my god that odour.
Continuous as the eyes that shine
And pissing on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a hayfield trampling all them mice in way:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves of amber grains beside them wilted at advance, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves did weep at smell of cats;
A poet could not be but gay and very handsome man,
In such a jocund buzzard company!
I sniffed—and gagged—but little thought of smell had penetrated brain
What wealth the show of all them kitty buzzard skunks to me had brought:
For oft, when on my side of tent I lie
In vacant or in sniffing mode,
They flash upon that inward eye of love them most
Which is the blissters of the solitude of nose;
And then my heart with pleasure fills the lungs,
And silences the coughing choking charlax withe his skunks.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Eight Days Of April
Eight Days Of April

eye was ai only child true story ewe this old man picks up sticks he got eight up on his plate when eye went innside the City Market store eye was noticing the basket cause it was in the middle of the aisle where there was no one there the thing looked forlorn and abandoned just waiting like a bizzaro bird to be plucked away from love the woman on the aisle was there she told me plainly the cart does not belong to me but so what said eye the carts belong only to the store the young men working there cared nothing for the thing at all they chafted at this old gray headed man telling them anything at all it came to me they was trying to catch a thief they mabe planted a dummy purse and cell phone in that cart just like in real old life you get old every day you did your time and then its over its time to go thats just life thats how it comes the end after the starting gun the race is fixed the thief is caught but eye won eye turned it in eye told on them they said it has been like this for a very long time grasshodder old man and eye left and noticed the cart was no longer there all proud of self all happy that eye had won escargo out the door but wait this twist of fate they swept me out with the cardbored lines of food in the cheaper bins are gone there is none and so when eye asked for a Rain Check she said OH NO you can not have this stuff free it is already marked down to non existant ???today eye decided to no more be a customer on the floor swept past the door and gone away.
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eye was ai only child true story ewe this old man picks up sticks he got eight up on his plate when eye went innside the City Market store eye was noticing the basket cause it was in the middle of the aisle where there was no one there the thing looked forlorn and abandoned just waiting like a bizzaro bird to be plucked away from love the woman on the aisle was there she told me plainly the cart does not belong to me but so what said eye the carts belong only to the store the young men working there cared nothing for the thing at all they chafted at this old gray headed man telling them anything at all it came to me they was trying to catch a thief they mabe planted a dummy purse and cell phone in that cart just like in real old life you get old every day you did your time and then its over its time to go thats just life thats how it comes the end after the starting gun the race is fixed the thief is caught but eye won eye turned it in eye told on them they said it has been like this for a very long time grasshodder old man and eye left and noticed the cart was no longer there all proud of self all happy that eye had won escargo out the door but wait this twist of fate they swept me out with the cardbored lines of food in the cheaper bins are gone there is none and so when eye asked for a Rain Check she said OH NO you can not have this stuff free it is already marked down to non existant ???today eye decided to no more be a customer on the floor swept past the door and gone away.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

one two buckle mye belt
three four move the computor to the door
five six pick up the belt pouch next
seven eight get the black bag straight
nine ten off to town again
eye do this every day
to make the poems that we
love to line the cages of the birds upon
them crows you keep to make you sleep
the later then you think it was
the air is all eye need to fly
one two buckle mye belt
three four move the computor to the door
five six pick up the belt pouch next
seven eight get the black bag straight
nine ten off to town again
eye do this every day
to make the poems that we
love to line the cages of the birds upon
them crows you keep to make you sleep
the later then you think it was
the air is all eye need to fly
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Constant bombardmeant of the sinuses pressure on the frontal lobe area increased incremeants of poetry is gain. Birth will come today to a new poem most poets have some sort of affinity with and love for and wish for comments and for feedback however some poems stand alone all alone in the corner. This is one of those. IN 1592 the Cardinal Pope of Rome was Benidictine Arnolde. He was standing near the painting of Leonardo. He was straining the eyes like a chinese in disguise he never did quite look Italian. He wanted to get a close up of the plate of lamb chopped he saw near John the Babtist there near where Jesus sat. He called for his pipe of instrumeant was a long telescope. He moved back to the third row. Then something happened to change all of historical events into the presented modem day times. He created a secret law using only his Vatican powers of Representation he penned a missive in an envelope sealed it in a massive honey jar and airtighted the lidd then had it buried in the Catacombs of Roman Iter roads. It simply said something must be done so people can see this painting of Da Vinci must have been myoptic what a nerve he had. We will hire men threw the ages make the food more varied make it larger on the table. Amen. Jesus surley would have had more stuffins then the bread and more to drink then wine. Place some meat there from time to time. Larger portions as we near the end of time. Make it noticeable only to the computor users they will never be able to make much of a THING out of it after all who would be able to place this info into a prose poem who who who is able to do such a THING as a~ that. CharlaX Garbeyeled.
Constant bombardmeant of the sinuses pressure on the frontal lobe area increased incremeants of poetry is gain. Birth will come today to a new poem most poets have some sort of affinity with and love for and wish for comments and for feedback however some poems stand alone all alone in the corner. This is one of those. IN 1592 the Cardinal Pope of Rome was Benidictine Arnolde. He was standing near the painting of Leonardo. He was straining the eyes like a chinese in disguise he never did quite look Italian. He wanted to get a close up of the plate of lamb chopped he saw near John the Babtist there near where Jesus sat. He called for his pipe of instrumeant was a long telescope. He moved back to the third row. Then something happened to change all of historical events into the presented modem day times. He created a secret law using only his Vatican powers of Representation he penned a missive in an envelope sealed it in a massive honey jar and airtighted the lidd then had it buried in the Catacombs of Roman Iter roads. It simply said something must be done so people can see this painting of Da Vinci must have been myoptic what a nerve he had. We will hire men threw the ages make the food more varied make it larger on the table. Amen. Jesus surley would have had more stuffins then the bread and more to drink then wine. Place some meat there from time to time. Larger portions as we near the end of time. Make it noticeable only to the computor users they will never be able to make much of a THING out of it after all who would be able to place this info into a prose poem who who who is able to do such a THING as a~ that. CharlaX Garbeyeled.
Thursday, March 18, 2010

I took mye mitt into the wilderness the empty lot had grown the weed were over my head and gone from everyone eye played alone. The game was mine one batt two balls. The smell of weed is strong in empty grown up lots near home. Never mind. The further out in the field eye got away the weed is gone the near decay is summer come. Long ago in a place so far away the end is the new beginning in place of home no where to hang no where to roman road away the wilderness near houses beckons me today. "Life is a game, boy a game iff played alone you loser you become. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules of otheres."
"Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it."
Game, boy my animal is a donkey you knoe an ass. Some game, boy. Iff you get on the side where all the hot-shots are then a stupid hot-shot you become, then it’s a game, all right—I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot-shots, and you alone are a loser then then what’s a game about it? Nothing. No game.
The pitcher in the rye is the winner then the Catcher in the rye is only the loser then then what differance can life make to the game then, alone you are a boy, it is only a game then then you finally become a man a loser then. Gone from everyone. Leave me alone.
I took mye mitt into the wilderness the empty lot had grown the weed were over my head and gone from everyone eye played alone. The game was mine one batt two balls. The smell of weed is strong in empty grown up lots near home. Never mind. The further out in the field eye got away the weed is gone the near decay is summer come. Long ago in a place so far away the end is the new beginning in place of home no where to hang no where to roman road away the wilderness near houses beckons me today. "Life is a game, boy a game iff played alone you loser you become. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules of otheres."
"Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it."
Game, boy my animal is a donkey you knoe an ass. Some game, boy. Iff you get on the side where all the hot-shots are then a stupid hot-shot you become, then it’s a game, all right—I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot-shots, and you alone are a loser then then what’s a game about it? Nothing. No game.
The pitcher in the rye is the winner then the Catcher in the rye is only the loser then then what differance can life make to the game then, alone you are a boy, it is only a game then then you finally become a man a loser then. Gone from everyone. Leave me alone.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.
The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.

The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.
The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.
Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Surgeon made a house call to the tree housed near the Golf coarse was the bark and dry to the touch of the famous tree doctor Guss. Well the neighbor hood watch complained again he cant see the clock the one they call Big Bend, your leaves and your trunk are hanging over you are addicted again. Sap. My professional opinion is pinion sap is blocking your membrains you need a new rapp your talk is all wrong you are slurring again you seem now to be an addicted tree friend listen to eye overcame the same problem now eye am Doctoring treating the addicts like yew wont you listen and at least admit that you have a real problem dont deny it come clean now admit it dont live in your denial. The sad tree became mad now the Doctor had to step a little to the left to avoid the sap spittle from the beard of this giant Oaken Elm. Eye am the greatest tree that ever lived he began to deny it. Eye have no sap problem in fact no problem of any kind let the watch man step a little to the left of the incline then he can see the clock called the Big Bend let them eat cake let them opine let them dine and the Tree Surgeon just walked away letting the Oaken Elm tree relate to the sidewalk was trying to slink down away from the terrible fate of this tree full of sap let the minions relate to this fate stop hangging all over every time you go on a tree date with sap running down the large doubled chin marring the outfit makeing men grin look at the easy lay look at the drunken old sot full of pot full of want. Your barking and your bite in the night get you in trouble all sorts of odd fellowes will call. Cry Wolf let them harm all the other trees now. Get sober stop using the sap. Get a clean outfit get a new thinking capp.
The Surgeon made a house call to the tree housed near the Golf coarse was the bark and dry to the touch of the famous tree doctor Guss. Well the neighbor hood watch complained again he cant see the clock the one they call Big Bend, your leaves and your trunk are hanging over you are addicted again. Sap. My professional opinion is pinion sap is blocking your membrains you need a new rapp your talk is all wrong you are slurring again you seem now to be an addicted tree friend listen to eye overcame the same problem now eye am Doctoring treating the addicts like yew wont you listen and at least admit that you have a real problem dont deny it come clean now admit it dont live in your denial. The sad tree became mad now the Doctor had to step a little to the left to avoid the sap spittle from the beard of this giant Oaken Elm. Eye am the greatest tree that ever lived he began to deny it. Eye have no sap problem in fact no problem of any kind let the watch man step a little to the left of the incline then he can see the clock called the Big Bend let them eat cake let them opine let them dine and the Tree Surgeon just walked away letting the Oaken Elm tree relate to the sidewalk was trying to slink down away from the terrible fate of this tree full of sap let the minions relate to this fate stop hangging all over every time you go on a tree date with sap running down the large doubled chin marring the outfit makeing men grin look at the easy lay look at the drunken old sot full of pot full of want. Your barking and your bite in the night get you in trouble all sorts of odd fellowes will call. Cry Wolf let them harm all the other trees now. Get sober stop using the sap. Get a clean outfit get a new thinking capp.
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