eye was ai only child true story ewe this old man picks up sticks he got eight up on his plate when eye went innside the City Market store eye was noticing the basket cause it was in the middle of the aisle where there was no one there the thing looked forlorn and abandoned just waiting like a bizzaro bird to be plucked away from love the woman on the aisle was there she told me plainly the cart does not belong to me but so what said eye the carts belong only to the store the young men working there cared nothing for the thing at all they chafted at this old gray headed man telling them anything at all it came to me they was trying to catch a thief they mabe planted a dummy purse and cell phone in that cart just like in real old life you get old every day you did your time and then its over its time to go thats just life thats how it comes the end after the starting gun the race is fixed the thief is caught but eye won eye turned it in eye told on them they said it has been like this for a very long time grasshodder old man and eye left and noticed the cart was no longer there all proud of self all happy that eye had won escargo out the door but wait this twist of fate they swept me out with the cardbored lines of food in the cheaper bins are gone there is none and so when eye asked for a Rain Check she said OH NO you can not have this stuff free it is already marked down to non existant ???today eye decided to no more be a customer on the floor swept past the door and gone away.
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