occidental round smooth no moss a toss a skip a sling across the end of giant the beginning of a house the foundation of the heaven the hiding place of mouse faceing north at all times rolling down the inclined to stop easy hard as a rock
convex concave immobile turning over more then once than once more rolling turning end over end to only stop once near the highway marker past the field over near the fence is gone the sign post wrong the yeild sign of interest lost interest to them that gather stone picks up only one use at a time one stone in the center of the mind one more stone to fling at the father one more stone to fling at the brother one more stone to fling at eye fling flesh into glass house is broken stone wall jackson house gone rules broken made for one and all are gone no rules to fit the individual the rules were made for rock but not for stone iff you are not a stone then rock you have become the searcher for all time learning only lots of nothing until you become stone once was eye rock now eye am stone stone
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Hay Cleveland
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