TODAY the silk word is Yankovitch.
Silk is the word of many journeys the Life and times of one Weird Al Yankovitch comes to my silky mind. Perhaps he heard me thinking. Perhaps his super hearing. OMG he said the MONKEY has a laptop HAR HAR HAR. He is not without talent it TAKES his talent to preform his parody. He is many Yanks at once to make so many Comedy. I was almost sure that he had to be an Englishman. This is a AL YANKOVITCH speech not in its entirety i am including this as nothing eye can paroday an example of his dry humor some say dehydrated into an old joke. Qoote
Qoote Weird Al Yankovitch
The songs on “Internet Leaks” will all show up again on my next full album release, whenever that is (I’m assuming next year sometime, but there’s no way to be sure). Some people may say, “Why should I buy the ‘Internet Leaks’ tracks now when they’re going to be on your next album anyway?” Well, if all you’re interested in is the physical CD, and you don’t mind waiting a year or so… you probably SHOULDN’T buy the tracks now. Nobody’s forcing you to buy the songs twice – I just wanted to make the tracks available so everybody could enjoy them as early as possible
he was his own website
he is on facebook
he is on twitter
he at least does not need to GET a life
and he can have this paroday of mine
oh how richly reworded we are today. This man is funny this man is fun. Do look him up perhaps just google him. What fun. I am making a list and checking it twice to see iff he is on it there. He IS the one that said you can not make a silk purse out of a sows ear eye am sure of it now it was HIM. ??? mabe. He is the person that said Ethnic people have steel wire hair. But please send me no emails or even quote me quoting him on this perhaps it was someone else. Yes eye am certain now he paused the play button on his hearing aide. To tune in to the CharlaX Poetry playing now today. He did say He was so pleased to meet the many people he has made fun of his short life is the only one he has ??? oh please COME ON tell me it was him ? Someone. SO NOW you know the rest of the story butt there is no page two today. This has been Paul Harvey. Good Day !!!
eye tried to subscribe to you on facebook with SMS they wanted a stupid phone numnber. Alfred Matthew is only an AMerican. *GASP*LMAO ROTHF GOD save this Queen some more.
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