Thursday, February 12, 2009
Instructions come with jewelry how to plug your nose ring into pc download pictures from your mojo voodoo brain, a new idea from memory. Eye am surprised that there is not more of fetish prevalent in new age society after all it is millennium the end of time is coming soon most any day they use the jewelry. Majic Magic Sorcerery shaking fists of bones and bones from off of ring fingers cold slabs of software waving smoking leaves of any kind of herb. Granted it is hard in public with the many faceted chicken liver fetishes to deliver punches of the magical from African forgotten lore of tribes of Giant Pygmies. They all had a thyroid condition and grew too be too tall at least seven foot there inches too. By the what. Look rather quickly eye depart from normal. A shishimi gown all flowered and expansive flowing robes to hide the reasons for the clothes they mumbo jumbo and they hose the public eye. Practice of the evil eye eye put the whammy eye Moloch you holding up the two fingers needed to bring down the curse from heavens place. They shake the hand from side to side using muscles of the arm found only on the bottom in a paroday of thumb to nosing. As the curses dissipate in aire so thick with remembrances of solitude. Alone forever in that attitude of power did eye mention how they shake and how they quiver is it fear of the unknown power that they call upon. Let me ask ewe. Like a babies rattle but more timid then they start with noises limited then grow bolder when no fist is laid to cheeks so full of mold and turning now to deviles power as they blast away the hour making marks on air and shaking bones just empty socks now filled with rocks now filled with gravels to make noise with the voodoo power there and mojo working in the aire. The screen remains blank but they have a lot of fun they run back and forth expecting something to soon happen but of course they are mistaken and at fault. No internet connection from beyond but nothing comes from elocutions of the tongue but needed electricity is gone. The plug was pulled. No mojo or voodoo might make the computor light at night no mere words will power up the lighted portal to the World Wide Web pc. Please do not shake dem bones at mee. No mojo voodoo at the eye. Just check your internet connections at the source root find a wall socket near your outlet bear some fruit plug in your market what a guy. Instructions come now with your jewelry how to plug into your pc. Mojovoodoopc.
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