Monday, February 9, 2009


MickeyMickeyMickeyThe Russians Got Minnie. There was this story could have been a magazine eye liked Fantasy and Science Fiction not necessarily a hard cover book ewe understand the eye about the Mickey Mouse materialized a Giant sized Statue appeared the size of the Empire State Building and invaded the Air Space of New York City. They sent the Army and they could not make a mark upon this thing it just was there and so they were afraid. The Author namme escaped me perhaps was Azimov perhaps not perhaps was Heinlein but mabe not. Eye got a major headache just from try to look this up online. And so eye will reinvent the story CharlaX Style apology now to the real Author of the Mickey. Mickey was not happy the jets came and hit him hard the missiles fell like bombs from the jets they hit his eye several times they were looking for cracks in his armour eye suppose it felt like dust might in a human eye. He did not wave his white gloved hand or grin. He was impervious or mabe just moving slow in our time frame not seeming to move at all an alien. The reason the Army was mad and trying to hit this thing was all the Airline Jets that slammed into death because he was in the way of LaGuardia there. They simply cannot understand anything they can not destroy they aer still and ever such little boys. They sent another jet flight crew they came in low concentrating on one booty. They gave Mickey a hot foot. Some General Doohickey decided the thing was a nemesis and ordered the Atomic Bomb to go up and off they escorted him out and off the property of the Pentagon he is gone. But they saluted him for his glory and thoughts. He was a real lifer. A Dinosaurian yes there is still a few of them left. His heart was red white and blue. Nothing else happened and so they were ordered to reroute the air traffic controllers were bouncing around in that room. You knoe the one they always show in the movies with all the glass windows to see out to the tarmac and all you can see to this day is the ears of the Mickey. Then came the solemn announcement we checked with the rest of the world to see what else was going on and this is what we found. On a yellow memo large square stick it note stuck to the window of LaGuardia Airport Control is this note. "The Russians Have Minnie". End Quote.

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