Abuse of Authority. The number one reason things need to change and why people protest in this Country when the status quo falls below acceptable levels. Everyone is the big cheese weenie and the free public is the loser. It should not be so the sour grapes cannot explain away the rudeness of this status quo. It is wrong to bring your hammer down on a fly. You do not fight bugs with fire. Open the window to make a fly go out in the winter. But at the first hint of a problem you toss out all the rules now dont apply to your MINIONS in your GROUP. Only the poor schmuck that you want to kick out anyway now has rules. It happens everywhere not just the Free public places funded by the Government. It happens in the work place. It becomes a factor at hiring time for yearly functions. Procrastinators love this it keeps them laughing when some poor boy gets kicked out. What does that have to do with it you say to ME when my seat is vacantly then so is he does not have to move or lose his warm spot on the rug. The lug. He is here only to be seen. Most farm work still falls well below the minimum wage set up by the federal Government. THe workers drink gamble away the money and work for no pay at all. Or they get beaten like slaves. In Florida. In THIS Country. There is armed camps that work Winoes for jugs. In this Country. I lost a bed at a DAY WORK FORCE in Tampa because the bunk mate lied and said he paid the man for me. He had a heart. He wanted me to get some sleep. But he lied to me about paying for the bed. So that was even worse to me I wandered out with only cold to go to. I had to quit working every day for no pay. Please don't laugh its becoming the American way.
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Abuse of Authority. The number one reason things need to change and why people protest in this Country when the status quo falls below acceptable levels. Everyone is the big cheese weenie and the free public is the loser. It should not be so the sour grapes cannot explain away the rudeness of this status quo. It is wrong to bring your hammer down on a fly. You do not fight bugs with fire. Open the window to make a fly go out in the winter. But at the first hint of a problem you toss out all the rules now dont apply to your MINIONS in your GROUP. Only the poor schmuck that you want to kick out anyway now has rules. It happens everywhere not just the Free public places funded by the Government. It happens in the work place. It becomes a factor at hiring time for yearly functions. Procrastinators love this it keeps them laughing when some poor boy gets kicked out. What does that have to do with it you say to ME when my seat is vacantly then so is he does not have to move or lose his warm spot on the rug. The lug. He is here only to be seen. Most farm work still falls well below the minimum wage set up by the federal Government. THe workers drink gamble away the money and work for no pay at all. Or they get beaten like slaves. In Florida. In THIS Country. There is armed camps that work Winoes for jugs. In this Country. I lost a bed at a DAY WORK FORCE in Tampa because the bunk mate lied and said he paid the man for me. He had a heart. He wanted me to get some sleep. But he lied to me about paying for the bed. So that was even worse to me I wandered out with only cold to go to. I had to quit working every day for no pay. Please don't laugh its becoming the American way.
Abuse of Authority. The number one reason things need to change and why people protest in this Country when the status quo falls below acceptable levels. Everyone is the big cheese weenie and the free public is the loser. It should not be so the sour grapes cannot explain away the rudeness of this status quo. It is wrong to bring your hammer down on a fly. You do not fight bugs with fire. Open the window to make a fly go out in the winter. But at the first hint of a problem you toss out all the rules now dont apply to your MINIONS in your GROUP. Only the poor schmuck that you want to kick out anyway now has rules. It happens everywhere not just the Free public places funded by the Government. It happens in the work place. It becomes a factor at hiring time for yearly functions. Procrastinators love this it keeps them laughing when some poor boy gets kicked out. What does that have to do with it you say to ME when my seat is vacantly then so is he does not have to move or lose his warm spot on the rug. The lug. He is here only to be seen. Most farm work still falls well below the minimum wage set up by the federal Government. THe workers drink gamble away the money and work for no pay at all. Or they get beaten like slaves. In Florida. In THIS Country. There is armed camps that work Winoes for jugs. In this Country. I lost a bed at a DAY WORK FORCE in Tampa because the bunk mate lied and said he paid the man for me. He had a heart. He wanted me to get some sleep. But he lied to me about paying for the bed. So that was even worse to me I wandered out with only cold to go to. I had to quit working every day for no pay. Please don't laugh its becoming the American way.
Monday, December 14, 2009

WHen I was a young boy standing to my daddies knee in four feet of snow today papa said son the mans gonna get you dont let him do what he did to me. We had a Sherriff for Thirty years at the Courthouse he punished us for drinking and anyother thing we done wrong. It was the Law. WHen I was clearly in the wrong and making my early young mistaken identity crisis I visited the big City only to spend lots of days in City Jail for nothing ever happened bad. MOstly for the drinking. Now that I have sober and even I do not smoke any kind of cigarette or thin cigarro I find that I stay out of Jail more often. The EntireState Office is near my shelter. I am not scared they are there to help me in the event of catastrophic apostrophe usage is not recommended. I seldom use punctuation in a bizarre emulation of eecummings. I simply do not break the law ON PURPOSE. I have a place to stay I have permission from the Owner to be on the property. His workers have retired for warmer climes which thing does not worry me as I climb to home I seem to be in Charge of Property. Sometimes people come but seldom wander around in four feet of snowing area. They feet will freeze iff they follow my tracks before they reach me iff they are in a vehicular mode they better function in the outer lane. Away from me. I am in Hybernation mode. I seldom sleep but dress real cool and look real dumb. It is only Winter come. You should see me smiling as eye type this LaWYore. Jesus CHrist is now mye mouthpiece. I am reformer.
WHen I was a young boy standing to my daddies knee in four feet of snow today papa said son the mans gonna get you dont let him do what he did to me. We had a Sherriff for Thirty years at the Courthouse he punished us for drinking and anyother thing we done wrong. It was the Law. WHen I was clearly in the wrong and making my early young mistaken identity crisis I visited the big City only to spend lots of days in City Jail for nothing ever happened bad. MOstly for the drinking. Now that I have sober and even I do not smoke any kind of cigarette or thin cigarro I find that I stay out of Jail more often. The EntireState Office is near my shelter. I am not scared they are there to help me in the event of catastrophic apostrophe usage is not recommended. I seldom use punctuation in a bizarre emulation of eecummings. I simply do not break the law ON PURPOSE. I have a place to stay I have permission from the Owner to be on the property. His workers have retired for warmer climes which thing does not worry me as I climb to home I seem to be in Charge of Property. Sometimes people come but seldom wander around in four feet of snowing area. They feet will freeze iff they follow my tracks before they reach me iff they are in a vehicular mode they better function in the outer lane. Away from me. I am in Hybernation mode. I seldom sleep but dress real cool and look real dumb. It is only Winter come. You should see me smiling as eye type this LaWYore. Jesus CHrist is now mye mouthpiece. I am reformer.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Suddenly there was three gliders in the sky spitting snow down on COlorado below. There was three gliders above the city they turned on the snow blowers at 20,ooo feet and created the snow storm to insure the revenue they seek. HiddenRanchCOlorado wants snow on the peaks. SO they created it, this sudden unseasonable Snow Storm at the winter of '29. The Trolley Driver warned me iff there is no snow there is no revenues iff the city gets no revenue they starve a carcase Trolley then becomes. Warm dry snow peaking out at least TWO feet deep. Remember that it drifts and we have to walk in it. I am CharlaXANdroidONeSEven only four feet tall I tend to disappear in it. This artificial blown down by them gliders stuff is at least not subzeroing my tempreatures are up. I guess I need better gear like gore text stufft. This poem could turn into self pity patting on the back of eye think I better stop the worry before I lose the girl she left me sitting in the cold. SHe has kept my love. Its in another state I cannot find the necessary heat to take the cold away from Heart eating and drinking cokes in snow is not any sort of fun especially this abstract artificial one. TO prove it go get a handfull of it take it inside a warm place like a home and try to get it to melt it wont melt because its artificial dry made snow. But they will ski on it and bring more revenue to the lift places in the sky. They have to haul some up in ice bucket trucks its so Bizzare. As long as no one knoes its a secret HiddenRanchCOlorado idea I assume that its okay. Have a great snow day.
Suddenly there was three gliders in the sky spitting snow down on COlorado below. There was three gliders above the city they turned on the snow blowers at 20,ooo feet and created the snow storm to insure the revenue they seek. HiddenRanchCOlorado wants snow on the peaks. SO they created it, this sudden unseasonable Snow Storm at the winter of '29. The Trolley Driver warned me iff there is no snow there is no revenues iff the city gets no revenue they starve a carcase Trolley then becomes. Warm dry snow peaking out at least TWO feet deep. Remember that it drifts and we have to walk in it. I am CharlaXANdroidONeSEven only four feet tall I tend to disappear in it. This artificial blown down by them gliders stuff is at least not subzeroing my tempreatures are up. I guess I need better gear like gore text stufft. This poem could turn into self pity patting on the back of eye think I better stop the worry before I lose the girl she left me sitting in the cold. SHe has kept my love. Its in another state I cannot find the necessary heat to take the cold away from Heart eating and drinking cokes in snow is not any sort of fun especially this abstract artificial one. TO prove it go get a handfull of it take it inside a warm place like a home and try to get it to melt it wont melt because its artificial dry made snow. But they will ski on it and bring more revenue to the lift places in the sky. They have to haul some up in ice bucket trucks its so Bizzare. As long as no one knoes its a secret HiddenRanchCOlorado idea I assume that its okay. Have a great snow day.
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Geniallaylialnasaloil has now been developed for skiers nose. Stops frostbite in its tracks. Made by a TotallyTandemCompany. TotallyTandemCompany®™ is a Subsidiary company of WHirlyfritzer(LTD)®™ A overseas version of Zappersunlimited. Jack Burroughs a New Londen Poet is the President from the Cleveland Burroughs area. We went to the Netherlands and Iceland and New Zealand which is very near Colorado. The oil we found was near a Skink bush growing in two pods and dangling there for all the world like a small animal husk might look in winter. We brought the cost down so homeless people can buy this stuff at Albertsons. Its in a round container like Udder Balm. Rub it where it goes. After all there is no telling where that skiers nose has been. Up the slopes or down the tracks. Only 35 P each item sold seperately one container a week is all thats needed Charles will want to get one every day he is that hard nosed. We developed the oil formula from old bannanna peels we find them everywhere on shelves and windowseals. Remember iff its red or black or just chaffed a bite or a crack get Geniallaylialnasaloil in the white label can. By Tandem.
Geniallaylialnasaloil has now been developed for skiers nose. Stops frostbite in its tracks. Made by a TotallyTandemCompany. TotallyTandemCompany®™ is a Subsidiary company of WHirlyfritzer(LTD)®™ A overseas version of Zappersunlimited. Jack Burroughs a New Londen Poet is the President from the Cleveland Burroughs area. We went to the Netherlands and Iceland and New Zealand which is very near Colorado. The oil we found was near a Skink bush growing in two pods and dangling there for all the world like a small animal husk might look in winter. We brought the cost down so homeless people can buy this stuff at Albertsons. Its in a round container like Udder Balm. Rub it where it goes. After all there is no telling where that skiers nose has been. Up the slopes or down the tracks. Only 35 P each item sold seperately one container a week is all thats needed Charles will want to get one every day he is that hard nosed. We developed the oil formula from old bannanna peels we find them everywhere on shelves and windowseals. Remember iff its red or black or just chaffed a bite or a crack get Geniallaylialnasaloil in the white label can. By Tandem.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009

TRY saying a "Blanket Statemeant". ALL TREES ARE ROUND. On the face of things this statement is True. It even looks logical and true from a perspective point of view. I even cannot remmember ever seeing an Unrounded tree or wait unless its the Bonzai. Lets go putt this in laymans terms again. I can NEVER remember ever seeing a tree that was some other shaped than round. I will not say anything for the Bonzai because the very definition. A Clarifier. All NATURAL GROWTH trees are round. Trunk and limbs if left alone the generations round that come from seed in ground. A tree is not indelicate left alone thing they grow up ROUND the shape of limbs and even trunks around the tree is Rounded. But they are not usually a perfect CIRCLE and most trees are wider in one direction only causing them to LOOK skinny on the other two. Two what?? Directions. Keep up. Wide on one side is TWO directions taken on the exCompass NOrth and SOuth because the Tree is faceing East on the thin side and West. The BroadBase of the fat side is NOrthbound and SOuthbound as sure as you will find moss there. The corrected term is ROund we do not call trees oblong or ovoid them at all. Trees is Round. GOD did not make Diamond faceted trees and yet diamonds are round until cutt. Most logs is round until SPlit. GO look at a TRUCKloaded of firewood take a moment to check EACH and EVERY piece on that TRUCK has a Round side and flat side except for the ones in the middle have two flat sides usually taken from the fat side facing north and south to make larger chunks. Iff the wood you are looking at is thin and flat on both sides it was taken from the skinnyside East and West the WoodCutter is LAZY you are wasting your money. The True Test is Density. Check the weight. Iff the wood is light weighted you can be certain the WoodCutter took it from the SKinny SIdes East and West. Iff the wood is heavy and thick you have the North and South from the fat side. Pay up take home the wood clean your chimney flue. Make sure there is no debris lay a flat flat side next to a round flat side Kindling in the central area. WHile the wood is burning bright it lasts longer in the night and keeps burning by replaceing each piece as necessarily they consume one another. Saw logs only in your dreams. GOodnight everybody. Sweet dreams.
TRY saying a "Blanket Statemeant". ALL TREES ARE ROUND. On the face of things this statement is True. It even looks logical and true from a perspective point of view. I even cannot remmember ever seeing an Unrounded tree or wait unless its the Bonzai. Lets go putt this in laymans terms again. I can NEVER remember ever seeing a tree that was some other shaped than round. I will not say anything for the Bonzai because the very definition. A Clarifier. All NATURAL GROWTH trees are round. Trunk and limbs if left alone the generations round that come from seed in ground. A tree is not indelicate left alone thing they grow up ROUND the shape of limbs and even trunks around the tree is Rounded. But they are not usually a perfect CIRCLE and most trees are wider in one direction only causing them to LOOK skinny on the other two. Two what?? Directions. Keep up. Wide on one side is TWO directions taken on the exCompass NOrth and SOuth because the Tree is faceing East on the thin side and West. The BroadBase of the fat side is NOrthbound and SOuthbound as sure as you will find moss there. The corrected term is ROund we do not call trees oblong or ovoid them at all. Trees is Round. GOD did not make Diamond faceted trees and yet diamonds are round until cutt. Most logs is round until SPlit. GO look at a TRUCKloaded of firewood take a moment to check EACH and EVERY piece on that TRUCK has a Round side and flat side except for the ones in the middle have two flat sides usually taken from the fat side facing north and south to make larger chunks. Iff the wood you are looking at is thin and flat on both sides it was taken from the skinnyside East and West the WoodCutter is LAZY you are wasting your money. The True Test is Density. Check the weight. Iff the wood is light weighted you can be certain the WoodCutter took it from the SKinny SIdes East and West. Iff the wood is heavy and thick you have the North and South from the fat side. Pay up take home the wood clean your chimney flue. Make sure there is no debris lay a flat flat side next to a round flat side Kindling in the central area. WHile the wood is burning bright it lasts longer in the night and keeps burning by replaceing each piece as necessarily they consume one another. Saw logs only in your dreams. GOodnight everybody. Sweet dreams.
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fourteen Layers of Light. All white variance of bright. Some dim some shiney but all of them were white. Ivory Porcelain Parrifin Sugar Cloudy Linen Horseywhite. Bright to Brighter in mye night. No color in THIS rainbow White Snow Paper Salt Dogwood Flower Whitewash Paint DogRunt, Ghost. Fourteen layers of White on white no offwhite yellowish flower petaling. The combination of the layers sum total of mye fears. The sin that Jesus called it Crimson Red shall soon be White again. White as white as Snow on a Dogwood fenced with paper, sugar, salt filled clouds of linen billowing ivory like the keys of Parrifin waxing near a porcelain base. Riding a White Horse saving Runt Dogs. Jesus Comes. In fourteen layers of light tonight. A GHost. FourtTteenLayers.
Fourteen Layers of Light. All white variance of bright. Some dim some shiney but all of them were white. Ivory Porcelain Parrifin Sugar Cloudy Linen Horseywhite. Bright to Brighter in mye night. No color in THIS rainbow White Snow Paper Salt Dogwood Flower Whitewash Paint DogRunt, Ghost. Fourteen layers of White on white no offwhite yellowish flower petaling. The combination of the layers sum total of mye fears. The sin that Jesus called it Crimson Red shall soon be White again. White as white as Snow on a Dogwood fenced with paper, sugar, salt filled clouds of linen billowing ivory like the keys of Parrifin waxing near a porcelain base. Riding a White Horse saving Runt Dogs. Jesus Comes. In fourteen layers of light tonight. A GHost. FourtTteenLayers.
Friday, November 20, 2009

YESterday is GOD was there IS there now The Holy Spirit is a TIME travellor. There was sins mistakes horrible machinations bad food and poor relations. Thank GOD its over now while GOD is there he fixes it. TOday is GOD is there The Father moves TOday He fixes all we say and do removes it iff he haves too. Faith means more to him then sight is just plain wrong sometimes. TOday has GOD The Father and the Holy SPirit moving deep within it. TOmorrow has arrived for GOD is there before it comes to eye the SON his namme is Jesus CHrist the one from Nazereth suffice the day was bad we boned it up we made him GLAD we called on him to fix it up now its over for the Father GOD the Holy SPirit and the SON has one more tomorrow only iff we are lucky enought just to find it. TIME
YESterday is GOD was there IS there now The Holy Spirit is a TIME travellor. There was sins mistakes horrible machinations bad food and poor relations. Thank GOD its over now while GOD is there he fixes it. TOday is GOD is there The Father moves TOday He fixes all we say and do removes it iff he haves too. Faith means more to him then sight is just plain wrong sometimes. TOday has GOD The Father and the Holy SPirit moving deep within it. TOmorrow has arrived for GOD is there before it comes to eye the SON his namme is Jesus CHrist the one from Nazereth suffice the day was bad we boned it up we made him GLAD we called on him to fix it up now its over for the Father GOD the Holy SPirit and the SON has one more tomorrow only iff we are lucky enought just to find it. TIME
Friday, November 13, 2009

I. It is there. I. It is there. I. It is there. I saw my lover as in a winnoed window a small square of the only thing that may ever really matter in mye heart a picture is worth these thousands of words but first a joke. I noticed a new set of headphones and I snagged them up in the pocket of my vested interest. I wondered to myself what they did fit. And so i began to look around for the Camera they had come from? Camera? What Radio? LOLZX. Yes. The reason on the Camera Instructions for the headphones now listen closer.
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The reason they had for adding the ear budds to the camera was strang and funn so listen bud to one. They printed the instructions out one by one to make them plain in a brown wrapper. Reason One. Plug your headphones into your Camera just before you Shutter you will then hear the SnapShot loud as thundar. Reason Two was even a stranger Plug your ear BUdds into the battery case when changing batteries you will hear them erase. When telling a poem iff you have to explain her dont bother for no one will get it later. CharlaXAndroidOneSeven says I cant share the PIC but she is there on her website LOZXL my LADY is beautifull what more can I ever want. ♥ We are goona get a poodle.
I. It is there. I. It is there. I. It is there. I saw my lover as in a winnoed window a small square of the only thing that may ever really matter in mye heart a picture is worth these thousands of words but first a joke. I noticed a new set of headphones and I snagged them up in the pocket of my vested interest. I wondered to myself what they did fit. And so i began to look around for the Camera they had come from? Camera? What Radio? LOLZX. Yes. The reason on the Camera Instructions for the headphones now listen closer.
In easy to read Acrobat PDF Format
(using FREE viewer)
Printed Manuals for $17.98
We print your manual
The reason they had for adding the ear budds to the camera was strang and funn so listen bud to one. They printed the instructions out one by one to make them plain in a brown wrapper. Reason One. Plug your headphones into your Camera just before you Shutter you will then hear the SnapShot loud as thundar. Reason Two was even a stranger Plug your ear BUdds into the battery case when changing batteries you will hear them erase. When telling a poem iff you have to explain her dont bother for no one will get it later. CharlaXAndroidOneSeven says I cant share the PIC but she is there on her website LOZXL my LADY is beautifull what more can I ever want. ♥ We are goona get a poodle.
Monday, November 9, 2009

A social nightmare blundering in the day time english tea time is usually at four pm not early certainly not late. So I would be so embarrassed to meat such Royalty I could sit there on my hands. Jumping at every nudge and scone offerring. When she actually came in before me I would Geneflunk like we was always taught to do. SHe would say SO do you like my singging want to dance. Romance? Oh the giggeling boy in me would prance. SHe would ask me to tell her all my wisdom I read on her website that this is what she values most in a little boy. I cleared my throat and then I said, " most searches are expediantly preformed the date aquired not needed after all." The crowds did roar. I take High Tea for I was hungry give me lots of bloddy meat with poultry sweetly adding sugar to the mess. Unless its time for low tea then give my cokkie to the guest. Putt the lemone in the milk curdle the tea for eye love a tart tea time. SHe sighed at such a poetic lout about. I laughed as Susan boiled over at the eye such fun on a MOnday afternoon. Oh the Queen she loved to fill her wanting tummy at this time for lunch was skimpy peanut buttered. White bread after freezing is rather limp old chap book near the laundry basket cased. I hope you like my poem Susan B. ANtoinette.
A social nightmare blundering in the day time english tea time is usually at four pm not early certainly not late. So I would be so embarrassed to meat such Royalty I could sit there on my hands. Jumping at every nudge and scone offerring. When she actually came in before me I would Geneflunk like we was always taught to do. SHe would say SO do you like my singging want to dance. Romance? Oh the giggeling boy in me would prance. SHe would ask me to tell her all my wisdom I read on her website that this is what she values most in a little boy. I cleared my throat and then I said, " most searches are expediantly preformed the date aquired not needed after all." The crowds did roar. I take High Tea for I was hungry give me lots of bloddy meat with poultry sweetly adding sugar to the mess. Unless its time for low tea then give my cokkie to the guest. Putt the lemone in the milk curdle the tea for eye love a tart tea time. SHe sighed at such a poetic lout about. I laughed as Susan boiled over at the eye such fun on a MOnday afternoon. Oh the Queen she loved to fill her wanting tummy at this time for lunch was skimpy peanut buttered. White bread after freezing is rather limp old chap book near the laundry basket cased. I hope you like my poem Susan B. ANtoinette.
Friday, November 6, 2009

Soltive pre ordained priest warlike additives initially a Jesus Freak becoming cold hearted in the winter. Bane has come with hatred of simple minded people. Sexual orientation is nill. Macabration indentation on the quilt. A welcome matt with a towel for spills. I have a small fortune tied. Up is not an option now. There is only snow up there eventually. The water line is nearer the river then the streaming stream of water near me on the highway catching all the melting riverlets as they run away from home in WinterBane. Some men still have strength but they abuse it think to break down boarded ruins tearing down old barns and cornors of old abandoned houses where homeless and poor people might find shelter from the rain. Where will they find to dwell. Because of wealth they have a large area to heat in WinterBane they have a larger of a structure the more expensive in the WinterBane with sleet coming down in Sheets of Ice looked like a solid wall of water hitting me Frost icing clothing no thing was DRY ice all over me a few moments after I stepped toe out of sheltor walking on the SIDE of the road cant walk on the roadway slipping on the ICE stepped offroad walking in the treelined. I found what looked like a Najavo Hogan brogaded outside there was clothes hannging on branches a Babylon Garden in the snow. While the whole city was whited out at degrees zero. The goose has a liver. Oh Pâté the liver rules the Goose is cooked with too many alcholic incumbents while the minutes of the meeting Read all old activity reported long ago nothing is new under the sun. Nothing there is nothing is there nothing in my past has preparred me for my future education has failed me for the alcholic eye was ruined for functioning in SOciety degenerate reborne. Nothing smelles worse to a man then sex mixed up with tobacco and alchohol how can anyone live as porn objects and still survive the toll booth smells like whiskey before three pee em it takes the heart to control it takes the lust to want. I feared to die for I was sinnor I feared one day to lay underneathe the snow ensheathed but then one day has come to eye EYE Fear No Snow EYE Fear No Snow I am a man. The snow no longer bothers me. I am beneath it all, My soul is not inside of me. It leaves me when I fall. As I lay here silently,wating for the trumpet, It will blow!
I do not any longer fear the snow.
Copyright © 2006 charles hice
Soltive pre ordained priest warlike additives initially a Jesus Freak becoming cold hearted in the winter. Bane has come with hatred of simple minded people. Sexual orientation is nill. Macabration indentation on the quilt. A welcome matt with a towel for spills. I have a small fortune tied. Up is not an option now. There is only snow up there eventually. The water line is nearer the river then the streaming stream of water near me on the highway catching all the melting riverlets as they run away from home in WinterBane. Some men still have strength but they abuse it think to break down boarded ruins tearing down old barns and cornors of old abandoned houses where homeless and poor people might find shelter from the rain. Where will they find to dwell. Because of wealth they have a large area to heat in WinterBane they have a larger of a structure the more expensive in the WinterBane with sleet coming down in Sheets of Ice looked like a solid wall of water hitting me Frost icing clothing no thing was DRY ice all over me a few moments after I stepped toe out of sheltor walking on the SIDE of the road cant walk on the roadway slipping on the ICE stepped offroad walking in the treelined. I found what looked like a Najavo Hogan brogaded outside there was clothes hannging on branches a Babylon Garden in the snow. While the whole city was whited out at degrees zero. The goose has a liver. Oh Pâté the liver rules the Goose is cooked with too many alcholic incumbents while the minutes of the meeting Read all old activity reported long ago nothing is new under the sun. Nothing there is nothing is there nothing in my past has preparred me for my future education has failed me for the alcholic eye was ruined for functioning in SOciety degenerate reborne. Nothing smelles worse to a man then sex mixed up with tobacco and alchohol how can anyone live as porn objects and still survive the toll booth smells like whiskey before three pee em it takes the heart to control it takes the lust to want. I feared to die for I was sinnor I feared one day to lay underneathe the snow ensheathed but then one day has come to eye EYE Fear No Snow EYE Fear No Snow I am a man. The snow no longer bothers me. I am beneath it all, My soul is not inside of me. It leaves me when I fall. As I lay here silently,wating for the trumpet, It will blow!
I do not any longer fear the snow.
Copyright © 2006 charles hice
Friday, October 30, 2009

Reddneck Fever, JohnnieBeeGoody, Molly,GoodMolly, and the Ballad OF Johhny Horton 014 FM radio will be right back after this commercial message. "This is D.J. Molecule. I am worried The World War Three End OF the World has come and we are the Last FM Radio Station left playing on the dial up or down. 014 FM is ONTHEAIR. This is not a Joke we are Broadcasting from Loppeared Kansas. We think the Bombs missed us Cause frankly there is no real reason for THEM commie pinkoes to bomb Kansas." OFFTHEAIR aside , "D.J.Molecule is freaking out I have a Blaster walking inn and out of the Radio Station blasting Little Green Chinamen. Its a Laser Beam only I like to pretend its a real Phaser Beam. We are all poor Dirt Farmers here and there is lots of Mexicans working in the fields. They come cheaply from New Mexico in Cattle trucks and Mules bring them to work illegally." ONTHEAIR, "This is D.J.Molecule playing more songs and poetry. While the Musick is playing keep trying to Call out to SOMEOTHER Station We think we may be the LastFMRadioStationONTHEAIR broadcasting at 014 megahurtz WABC radio affiliate." "Newsflash ALL the news thats fit to print. All the Major Cities are burning now we are getting scared of Radiation there is NO Radio Stations playing up or down the dial exception to the rule is 014 FM the VOice of the ENDOFTHEWORLD." "This is D.J.Molecule, again, "When WABC goes off the air you can search AM for news and there you will find no one left alive at this ENDOFTHEWORLD for we the affiliate of WABC 014 FM from Loppeared are the LastFMRadioStationONTHEAIR staytuned "this is D.J.Molecule again." My boss is in the Vault he wont come out They went in there they tried to find an AUdiotape and Located Abscence Of Snow by the famouse CharlaX Poet. ONTHEAIR sign is flashing now our signal is getting weaker "this is D.J.Molecule again." Everyone in the WHOLE WIDE WEB is dead SO we are going to play this AUdio tape of CharlaX The Poet his very own Abscence of Snow after this Commercial Message. Ed.Noted.ED. And of course at THATMOMENTINTIME is when the LastFMRadioStationONTHEAIR produced that fateful WHINE it just went ZILCH and fried and then an audible HISS. Goodbye.
Reddneck Fever, JohnnieBeeGoody, Molly,GoodMolly, and the Ballad OF Johhny Horton 014 FM radio will be right back after this commercial message. "This is D.J. Molecule. I am worried The World War Three End OF the World has come and we are the Last FM Radio Station left playing on the dial up or down. 014 FM is ONTHEAIR. This is not a Joke we are Broadcasting from Loppeared Kansas. We think the Bombs missed us Cause frankly there is no real reason for THEM commie pinkoes to bomb Kansas." OFFTHEAIR aside , "D.J.Molecule is freaking out I have a Blaster walking inn and out of the Radio Station blasting Little Green Chinamen. Its a Laser Beam only I like to pretend its a real Phaser Beam. We are all poor Dirt Farmers here and there is lots of Mexicans working in the fields. They come cheaply from New Mexico in Cattle trucks and Mules bring them to work illegally." ONTHEAIR, "This is D.J.Molecule playing more songs and poetry. While the Musick is playing keep trying to Call out to SOMEOTHER Station We think we may be the LastFMRadioStationONTHEAIR broadcasting at 014 megahurtz WABC radio affiliate." "Newsflash ALL the news thats fit to print. All the Major Cities are burning now we are getting scared of Radiation there is NO Radio Stations playing up or down the dial exception to the rule is 014 FM the VOice of the ENDOFTHEWORLD." "This is D.J.Molecule, again, "When WABC goes off the air you can search AM for news and there you will find no one left alive at this ENDOFTHEWORLD for we the affiliate of WABC 014 FM from Loppeared are the LastFMRadioStationONTHEAIR staytuned "this is D.J.Molecule again." My boss is in the Vault he wont come out They went in there they tried to find an AUdiotape and Located Abscence Of Snow by the famouse CharlaX Poet. ONTHEAIR sign is flashing now our signal is getting weaker "this is D.J.Molecule again." Everyone in the WHOLE WIDE WEB is dead SO we are going to play this AUdio tape of CharlaX The Poet his very own Abscence of Snow after this Commercial Message. Ed.Noted.ED. And of course at THATMOMENTINTIME is when the LastFMRadioStationONTHEAIR produced that fateful WHINE it just went ZILCH and fried and then an audible HISS. Goodbye.
Monday, October 26, 2009

A Father allows his SON to have a Radio. Waveband then comes apart when the boy plays the musick too loud ROck E Roll drum solo guitar riff brass crecendo rhythum and blue sultry tunes. The boy so sex starved hair is growing from his palms he is nearly blind from sneaking peaks at night undercover with a fleshlight a pair of twezzers and a mirror. He nearly always sees his breathe but seldom catches his Reflection in that LOUD FORNICATING musick of Three DOg Night and Foghat. no knobs no knobs no knobs. The knobs came off the Radio he turns them on with a pair of pliers just to piss the old man off. The AM band he tore in half he never wants to be a nerd again. HOT on one said cold on the under. Puberty is messing with his Religious fervor turned up in the wrong Direction he only tunes the Radio Station to FM. A Father Feathor.
A Father allows his SON to have a Radio. Waveband then comes apart when the boy plays the musick too loud ROck E Roll drum solo guitar riff brass crecendo rhythum and blue sultry tunes. The boy so sex starved hair is growing from his palms he is nearly blind from sneaking peaks at night undercover with a fleshlight a pair of twezzers and a mirror. He nearly always sees his breathe but seldom catches his Reflection in that LOUD FORNICATING musick of Three DOg Night and Foghat. no knobs no knobs no knobs. The knobs came off the Radio he turns them on with a pair of pliers just to piss the old man off. The AM band he tore in half he never wants to be a nerd again. HOT on one said cold on the under. Puberty is messing with his Religious fervor turned up in the wrong Direction he only tunes the Radio Station to FM. A Father Feathor.
Thursday, October 22, 2009

We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find. The Doctor of Facebook has always got a good line. He is a friend of mine. He always has time to fix a broken heart. Does it really matter what my FORG eats a hamburger or a ice cream??? I bet DOC will knoe its just a mouse click away from being solved today. There is always snacks in his waiting room for me he knoes eye like them corn chips and he gets them buy the cases. He solves the worlds problems one more at a time. He likes the songs of yesteryear the same as you and eye. He knoes all the lyrics to all the bye and bye. Many times He seems to knoe what words mean to a tee or tea. We add them constantly to a longish list of fun. Eye should go on and on but this is done a pome entitled to him GOD bless you Harley McDeeb my facebook Doctor.
We were given: Two hands to hold. To legs to walk. Two eyes to see. Two ears to listen. But why only one heart? Because the other was given to someone else. For us to find. The Doctor of Facebook has always got a good line. He is a friend of mine. He always has time to fix a broken heart. Does it really matter what my FORG eats a hamburger or a ice cream??? I bet DOC will knoe its just a mouse click away from being solved today. There is always snacks in his waiting room for me he knoes eye like them corn chips and he gets them buy the cases. He solves the worlds problems one more at a time. He likes the songs of yesteryear the same as you and eye. He knoes all the lyrics to all the bye and bye. Many times He seems to knoe what words mean to a tee or tea. We add them constantly to a longish list of fun. Eye should go on and on but this is done a pome entitled to him GOD bless you Harley McDeeb my facebook Doctor.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

There are people you have seen them in a AD naseum Museum stepping past the boundries driving the Guards Crazy trying to Straighten up the pictures on the Walls pulling rugs straight out in front of doorways and iff you ask them why they say a Public Servant someone might fall twisting foot on rug, how can you even ask that of me its so self evident. Acting on a thought. Driving down a one way street to parellell park but only for a little while. Action on a thought wave patteran. Idiot Savant. We were not unintelligent perhaps most of us were acting on a Genius level IQ normal. More of it was lurking out of control sending us to the North Pole I must have felt that lurid pull I wanted just to go so badly once. I was in the snow sleeping in an IGloo cooler when I convinced myself it could and would be done. Then I read that Peary BOok failed the attempt at Battling certain Death to reach the spot of True Zero North. I was marching in a Dream to that line of Demarcation Zoned defecating there right there leaving a part of Arkansas on that frozen Tundra Mark. Basically that stuff is frozen there in place forever glued no one could be uncertain of the placement of the Northern Pole anymore. People bounding there from Maine stepping past the CharlaX offering and back quickly to the heated Bi polar plane. Yes, they smiled into the camera, HIS pile is here, this is the Northern Boundry of the World. Remarked and left by CharlaX on the INdian Summer Day. It is one of those bigger fish that got away I miss the fact I never did this I am truley sorry now that life got in my way of Certain Death someday. He died marking the North Pole is on my TOmbstone in the Dream the Servant of you all. This has been written on the North Pole : This has to be the most desolate place on Earth no sound no smell nothing living no movement but for that Savant Servant.
There are people you have seen them in a AD naseum Museum stepping past the boundries driving the Guards Crazy trying to Straighten up the pictures on the Walls pulling rugs straight out in front of doorways and iff you ask them why they say a Public Servant someone might fall twisting foot on rug, how can you even ask that of me its so self evident. Acting on a thought. Driving down a one way street to parellell park but only for a little while. Action on a thought wave patteran. Idiot Savant. We were not unintelligent perhaps most of us were acting on a Genius level IQ normal. More of it was lurking out of control sending us to the North Pole I must have felt that lurid pull I wanted just to go so badly once. I was in the snow sleeping in an IGloo cooler when I convinced myself it could and would be done. Then I read that Peary BOok failed the attempt at Battling certain Death to reach the spot of True Zero North. I was marching in a Dream to that line of Demarcation Zoned defecating there right there leaving a part of Arkansas on that frozen Tundra Mark. Basically that stuff is frozen there in place forever glued no one could be uncertain of the placement of the Northern Pole anymore. People bounding there from Maine stepping past the CharlaX offering and back quickly to the heated Bi polar plane. Yes, they smiled into the camera, HIS pile is here, this is the Northern Boundry of the World. Remarked and left by CharlaX on the INdian Summer Day. It is one of those bigger fish that got away I miss the fact I never did this I am truley sorry now that life got in my way of Certain Death someday. He died marking the North Pole is on my TOmbstone in the Dream the Servant of you all. This has been written on the North Pole : This has to be the most desolate place on Earth no sound no smell nothing living no movement but for that Savant Servant.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Family is thicker than mudd. Grass Rotts green green grass of home is gone. There was Chaos and a storm. A sickness. Time was taken short. Calm now after brief decay. Tender love was visited a kiss on cheek an added say. We will try again you now must understand I have to keep her love onesided but it is there by faith. Printed paper documents entail jail or missing courting still unshure the hurry up is gone the time will come anon an early winter morn. What good was life we can not keep it we can live it incorrectly even when we learn it somewhat differantly we keep on messing up them second chances those changes we keep promising to make will never come until the Root is gone. Iff it were possible to me to become a Pilot of a War machine and I was allowed one shott of flying history with bombs ready to dropp I would spread my wings and fly over my old hometown and level the Courthouse where I did spend a lot of time until there was no need to dropp another bomb on them bricks that house them jails upstairs. Reason fails in the face of fantasy revenges. To watch love die in the form of family people then to go on living is a form of torture to go on expecting Heaven then is some sort of Bizarre religious understanding of the Jesus. I want you all to knoe all my friends and my own lover. Iff there was no chance at Heaven's Jesus there would be no Poet CharlaX, living and surviving in the Snow. Root gone.
Family is thicker than mudd. Grass Rotts green green grass of home is gone. There was Chaos and a storm. A sickness. Time was taken short. Calm now after brief decay. Tender love was visited a kiss on cheek an added say. We will try again you now must understand I have to keep her love onesided but it is there by faith. Printed paper documents entail jail or missing courting still unshure the hurry up is gone the time will come anon an early winter morn. What good was life we can not keep it we can live it incorrectly even when we learn it somewhat differantly we keep on messing up them second chances those changes we keep promising to make will never come until the Root is gone. Iff it were possible to me to become a Pilot of a War machine and I was allowed one shott of flying history with bombs ready to dropp I would spread my wings and fly over my old hometown and level the Courthouse where I did spend a lot of time until there was no need to dropp another bomb on them bricks that house them jails upstairs. Reason fails in the face of fantasy revenges. To watch love die in the form of family people then to go on living is a form of torture to go on expecting Heaven then is some sort of Bizarre religious understanding of the Jesus. I want you all to knoe all my friends and my own lover. Iff there was no chance at Heaven's Jesus there would be no Poet CharlaX, living and surviving in the Snow. Root gone.
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Study the Candle. I cut the wick too make the retard. To stop the wax from consuming too fast in the flame. Study the Candle. Mocking me. The wick is too long again and bent. It turns and bends the flame rises again. The Candle is shorter why won't the Candle burn slower? The whole Candle shifted in the holder looming forward Burning even faster but not yet worth the effort of reaching out and straightening. But to my surprise the wick has burnt the edges off the flame as iff some unseen lifeforce has donated the Candle my bidding. Perhaps never looming large at all over against the wall the shadow is moving now the Candle is working there for me now after all. Study the Candle it burns.
Study the Candle. I cut the wick too make the retard. To stop the wax from consuming too fast in the flame. Study the Candle. Mocking me. The wick is too long again and bent. It turns and bends the flame rises again. The Candle is shorter why won't the Candle burn slower? The whole Candle shifted in the holder looming forward Burning even faster but not yet worth the effort of reaching out and straightening. But to my surprise the wick has burnt the edges off the flame as iff some unseen lifeforce has donated the Candle my bidding. Perhaps never looming large at all over against the wall the shadow is moving now the Candle is working there for me now after all. Study the Candle it burns.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We have some Idea of GOD; but most people want to PLACE GOD up on a Throne "ABOVE" and keep GOD there an old man with white hair. But a Jesus Crucified now risen from the Dead appears much differant. He is ready to ride a White Winged Horse into the last Battle for the World will soon be judged by a living GOD with a Very Sharp Sword to bring to Earth his justice putting down the Rule of Men. The last act of Sedition of Satanic Forces do not stand in battle with a living GOD the outcome there is certain you will lose your final certain in the facts the final judgement. What does a GOD do? Is he a silent sitter, doing absoulutley nothing while he sits just waiting for the WORD of Judgement. Perhaps he listens to the Prayers to the prayers all the prayers of all the sinners saved what we may think is random navigation of the universe his thoughts colliding worlds into the stars. I like to think that the Ruler of the Universe does not let it spin one revolution without a loving Ruler at that Helm to give it meaning what is so puzzeling? In the silence of the atmosphere of GOD the IMage of the Throne may be larger than a MAN, try a man there being GOD. Get the idea. He may be longer than the Universe Larger inside your mind He sits the size of just one man. Perhaps the Universe condensed like as a soup can sized Orb of muticolored light a small round ball with every Solar System every Planet there Imagine Kneeling Down. GOD speaks, to me my Jesus Speaks to me Mye GOD in Heaven Speaks a question. What? What is it CharlaX? What do you want to knoe? What are you doing Jesus? GOD is silent. Then wait wait wait for it. Jesus Speaks. I am ruling the Universe. That glowing ball see it spinning there spinning changing turning Colors one by one over and over. I will be glad when it is over with and done. Waiting on the Throne to Speak, Waiting for the VOices of GOD to come to me. TO tell me when to go and get it over with anon. CharlaX Wept. JesusinMotion.
We have some Idea of GOD; but most people want to PLACE GOD up on a Throne "ABOVE" and keep GOD there an old man with white hair. But a Jesus Crucified now risen from the Dead appears much differant. He is ready to ride a White Winged Horse into the last Battle for the World will soon be judged by a living GOD with a Very Sharp Sword to bring to Earth his justice putting down the Rule of Men. The last act of Sedition of Satanic Forces do not stand in battle with a living GOD the outcome there is certain you will lose your final certain in the facts the final judgement. What does a GOD do? Is he a silent sitter, doing absoulutley nothing while he sits just waiting for the WORD of Judgement. Perhaps he listens to the Prayers to the prayers all the prayers of all the sinners saved what we may think is random navigation of the universe his thoughts colliding worlds into the stars. I like to think that the Ruler of the Universe does not let it spin one revolution without a loving Ruler at that Helm to give it meaning what is so puzzeling? In the silence of the atmosphere of GOD the IMage of the Throne may be larger than a MAN, try a man there being GOD. Get the idea. He may be longer than the Universe Larger inside your mind He sits the size of just one man. Perhaps the Universe condensed like as a soup can sized Orb of muticolored light a small round ball with every Solar System every Planet there Imagine Kneeling Down. GOD speaks, to me my Jesus Speaks to me Mye GOD in Heaven Speaks a question. What? What is it CharlaX? What do you want to knoe? What are you doing Jesus? GOD is silent. Then wait wait wait for it. Jesus Speaks. I am ruling the Universe. That glowing ball see it spinning there spinning changing turning Colors one by one over and over. I will be glad when it is over with and done. Waiting on the Throne to Speak, Waiting for the VOices of GOD to come to me. TO tell me when to go and get it over with anon. CharlaX Wept. JesusinMotion.
Thursday, September 24, 2009

A PAroday of Asimov
Empire and Foundation
Braves travel great distances between the planets of Donk. They must use wireless there. The Clown came into the glen the Maiden noticed him the Brave stood up by fire protectively he scowled down at the Clown ignoring him was found a pantomime he drew a heart in air but such a sad face on Clown made his white face an agony he finally speaks a lost Tribal toungue comes painfully " a heart, a woman with a heart, and thats not all, a mind with which to think good thoughts; iff trouble comes I think this woman would come to aid, this total stranger, even this sad Clown face in danger." The Brave takes time to look at trail the Army man on horses there. The Leutinant dismounted two men on either side of him with horse whips at the ready. By this time the tribe was coming to the glen all about the men they stood the whole Imageination. The Clown was standing loose a goose about to cook. The Brave stepped closer to the Leutinant smiled up into disaster as the Army pulled his gun from holster Brave was faster grabbed the gun and twister. He stood there as the Leutinant smiled and said we come from Donk. What about that. Brave smiled back we come from Tribe take look about you Army guy. I am keeping the Clown send DONK to me, what about that. They fell all about the place whipping the tribal people with the horse whips. Soon it was over and the Leutinant left without his gun in holster gone. Brave looked down at piece in hand he wept. Sorry for what his nerves now felt. The Army played a band happy that they got to hit someone. The Maiden and the Clown and the Brave all went back to Village Square to use the wireless there until DONK was sure to come. To find his Clown. FOundation and Empire. The Leutinant and the Clown.
A PAroday of Asimov
Empire and Foundation
Braves travel great distances between the planets of Donk. They must use wireless there. The Clown came into the glen the Maiden noticed him the Brave stood up by fire protectively he scowled down at the Clown ignoring him was found a pantomime he drew a heart in air but such a sad face on Clown made his white face an agony he finally speaks a lost Tribal toungue comes painfully " a heart, a woman with a heart, and thats not all, a mind with which to think good thoughts; iff trouble comes I think this woman would come to aid, this total stranger, even this sad Clown face in danger." The Brave takes time to look at trail the Army man on horses there. The Leutinant dismounted two men on either side of him with horse whips at the ready. By this time the tribe was coming to the glen all about the men they stood the whole Imageination. The Clown was standing loose a goose about to cook. The Brave stepped closer to the Leutinant smiled up into disaster as the Army pulled his gun from holster Brave was faster grabbed the gun and twister. He stood there as the Leutinant smiled and said we come from Donk. What about that. Brave smiled back we come from Tribe take look about you Army guy. I am keeping the Clown send DONK to me, what about that. They fell all about the place whipping the tribal people with the horse whips. Soon it was over and the Leutinant left without his gun in holster gone. Brave looked down at piece in hand he wept. Sorry for what his nerves now felt. The Army played a band happy that they got to hit someone. The Maiden and the Clown and the Brave all went back to Village Square to use the wireless there until DONK was sure to come. To find his Clown. FOundation and Empire. The Leutinant and the Clown.
Saturday, September 5, 2009

September 17
1966 WOW what a young man u aer
I'm turning 43 on September 17!
People walk into walls. They fall down slapping. They wear aprons only at home. They enter laughing. This photographic poet makes pictures of poetry people. For those of us in the Cleveland Remote Area he is like a god. Serving up parts of places we can never visit. Serving up people we should never see. Helping to make poems come alive I love the videos on you tube sometimes better than to read the text on blogger we can chose to keep them later view them when no hurry has arrived. A Saint has to be included as a Catholic OH SIR you have been nominated by this hope, r. On A List. He stands alone or with someone. An englishe accente. A microphone a camera a tripod left at home. I love you SIR. Its not enought to be a Roman Soldier bringging love to hearts. You must almost be a starving artiste a most unhappy Blartist with this world. Happy Birthday JesusJBCrisis at your home.
September 17
1966 WOW what a young man u aer
I'm turning 43 on September 17!
People walk into walls. They fall down slapping. They wear aprons only at home. They enter laughing. This photographic poet makes pictures of poetry people. For those of us in the Cleveland Remote Area he is like a god. Serving up parts of places we can never visit. Serving up people we should never see. Helping to make poems come alive I love the videos on you tube sometimes better than to read the text on blogger we can chose to keep them later view them when no hurry has arrived. A Saint has to be included as a Catholic OH SIR you have been nominated by this hope, r. On A List. He stands alone or with someone. An englishe accente. A microphone a camera a tripod left at home. I love you SIR. Its not enought to be a Roman Soldier bringging love to hearts. You must almost be a starving artiste a most unhappy Blartist with this world. Happy Birthday JesusJBCrisis at your home.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Actor must be HUGE upon the stage foursquare not curtained on fore the world must keep on going on! The Play! The Play's The Thing. Fore certain. Bet you thought I got it wrong this is what William Shakespeare wrote. Perhaps CharlaX got it from his head inn hearte was felt a lesson plan? I reasoned out this attribute this statesmeant it just has got to be from him? To be or not to be was this the final question questing certain answers come back againe to hearte aparte frome judgemente smarte? To be or not to be was this an Actor not a poet homeless? OUT OUT brief candle flame floating in the snowe of wintere whims thus tractore beame from GOD to call home a Jesus Soul. One moore poet gone to home, a writer formed, a poet gone. The Play, The play's the thing. The Play. Fore all the world's a stage and every Poet is the Actor speaking in his written wordes. The sorrow borne of acuallity his depression leaking out and biting you who know. THEPLAY'STHETHING. The solitude of self-imposed sanctitude a life awry the useless knowledge leaking leaking gone. Like as to water in the rocks or Stone bleeding down perhaps the loss of too much needed blood has left the home no Garden but Entombe. The Play, The Play's the thing. Shakespeares a secret Christian under Bards robes wore a Catholic Rosary and Cross. The way he bellowed at Authority striving to be taken thus dispatched to heaven pearl gate to be a Hebrew slave among the liveing dead. The play's the thing. What woulld poor William say to us today. He was not a Poet making rhyme but a playwright writting times putting young lads in NUNS outfits on stage for no young women fit to spit his words onstage, the boys falsetto sent the audience to fits and giggles. The play the play the play (then falls) the play the play (the final curtain).
The Actor must be HUGE upon the stage foursquare not curtained on fore the world must keep on going on! The Play! The Play's The Thing. Fore certain. Bet you thought I got it wrong this is what William Shakespeare wrote. Perhaps CharlaX got it from his head inn hearte was felt a lesson plan? I reasoned out this attribute this statesmeant it just has got to be from him? To be or not to be was this the final question questing certain answers come back againe to hearte aparte frome judgemente smarte? To be or not to be was this an Actor not a poet homeless? OUT OUT brief candle flame floating in the snowe of wintere whims thus tractore beame from GOD to call home a Jesus Soul. One moore poet gone to home, a writer formed, a poet gone. The Play, The play's the thing. The Play. Fore all the world's a stage and every Poet is the Actor speaking in his written wordes. The sorrow borne of acuallity his depression leaking out and biting you who know. THEPLAY'STHETHING. The solitude of self-imposed sanctitude a life awry the useless knowledge leaking leaking gone. Like as to water in the rocks or Stone bleeding down perhaps the loss of too much needed blood has left the home no Garden but Entombe. The Play, The Play's the thing. Shakespeares a secret Christian under Bards robes wore a Catholic Rosary and Cross. The way he bellowed at Authority striving to be taken thus dispatched to heaven pearl gate to be a Hebrew slave among the liveing dead. The play's the thing. What woulld poor William say to us today. He was not a Poet making rhyme but a playwright writting times putting young lads in NUNS outfits on stage for no young women fit to spit his words onstage, the boys falsetto sent the audience to fits and giggles. The play the play the play (then falls) the play the play (the final curtain).
Thursday, August 27, 2009
We make false claims. We use animal product. We falsify reports to FDA. Send to us all your gum and we will send all our gums to you as fast as U s Mail. We are a subsidiary of Whirly Corporation a Division of ZappersUnlimited/Treasury/DPlence.org we make JBC chewing gum. Thats right for a limited price and time only 37P each. JackBennyChewingGUM He kept the stuff too long we went to every Theatre he was ever at and harvested the wadded pats of ABC GUM now JBC GUM. Jack Benny Gum comes with our famouse Warrenty Warranty. Warranty noun (pl. warranties) 1 a written guarantee promising to repair or replace Jack Benny Chewing Gum if necessary within a specified period. 2 an engagement by an insured party that certain statements are true or that certain conditions shall be fulfilled must be a green bogger in the patty. warrantee noun 1. a recipient of a warranty issued by Jack Benny Chewing Gum COmpany 2. 3. warrenty 2. a customer to whom a warranty is given 3. a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications i.e. JBC GUM. Send it back to us and we will send you more we will always send you some. We here at Whirly ZappersunlimitedLTD.org.net.web.dot want you to enjoy your chew. The Whole Wadd Collection is available for 37,000P only be serious when you enquire. http://www.hyperlinkcode.com">thiscodewassobadandwefoundnogumhereanyway oops wait this is a computor glitch. Amazing the difficulties we face just making word doccuments these days. http://www.possumsal.com/Benny/benny.html this place had lots of gum on them seats you. FakeCare.Com.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
"The Calibrated Birthday"
"The Calibrated Birthday" http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=131984&id=502834001&l=17a8eec5b3
"The Calibrated Birthday" A dedication to facebook Paul A. Toth In the manner of Tertullian, I'm celebrating my birthday because it's absurd to celebrate it.Once twice three times a lady day. Tertullian said it best A woman will tell you her secrets lovers and divest all her wealth but never her age will she tell william or bill or frank or tom or ernesto the tailor. Look upon that old mons gaze he is dripping positively slipping his disguise is leaving like as to a culinary cook uses too many spices big namme brand nuances in the effort to create a New Yourk licious crisus. Adding dashes to spoon halves to dishes. Taking a good slice of meat overdosing it complete the poor wretched thing in marinade to make that thick juicy critter taste like lemone pepper. Because people want to arise ABOVE the level of the animal. They make Cake for Birthday Party. One layer of chocolate bread like yeasty substance with a Coconut Icing that has to be Brown Sugar mixed with some sort of real candy melted in a sauce pan I can never figure what they used to get that flavor of abuse defies description just say Manna at sunrisen. It has to be that something simple like a Cocoa Bean was beaten with that whisk and whipped with a blending shaker that SUCKER must have been at least all of three feet tall. Ovoided to make all that creamy CocoaNut Icing on that one-layered Coconut Cake for Birthday SURPRISE! When that person of the Hour is Adult the Candles meant TEN Years for every one of life lived long so GrandMa has Seven Candles on her once a year layer Coconut Bundt. But go ask her how old is she GrandMa says shes Forty Three. Happy Birthday Facebook Boy.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Limosine pulled up to the door and waited and waited some more. The counter person was a thinker and soon walked over to the foyer grabbed the bulky footrug with the rubberbacking to prevent slipping it happened to be Blue a color not condusive to the happening event. The PAtron of the Limo dissembarked at the Driver "It is only a Blue Carpet Greeting ? WHat happened to the Red Carpet Treatment. Then he sat down on the computor screen was dark. He moved the mouse around finally finding the Internet E he clicked on the GLOBE and got the INternet Open. TO his dismay they were using MSN that day as home page. He turned back to the counter person, "I had my driver drive over 500 miles to Colorado just so I can send this email from YAHOO on this COmputor I want my Lady Friend whom lives in A lessor Southern State to see your LOGO on the email letterhead that I just sent? The counter person grinned that patronizing lopsided grin thay have a way of using it for all such strang events. "OH SIR", it does not work that way at all when you open your own email at YAHOO it sends your email with your email address to your friends email address down south, BUT there is no such thing as a COmpany LOGO Address at least not yet. And so Donald Romand Plence left the Best Western Motel in Durango Colorado with much regret to drive back in his LIMO to New York City to the offices of the President Thommas Whirly of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company ZappersunlimitedLTD.org.net.web.dot@Whirly.com to make a new parent company for INternet Logos. Gentlemen, please, I have called this meeting of this Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to Decide to INvest in a new way of doing business on the INternet. I am very excited at this new idea and hope it generates this COmpany Bullions of Dollar Signs. (Jjohn Jjones was at this meeting using one of his human disguises) in reality he is the Manhunter From Mars. His ears turned green but no one noticed them or him. "Suppose," this was Plence, " you are a businessman from Chicago, Ill. You want to Impress a Client Empress with the email address where you are staying in a fancy motel place." "SO you go to YAHOO.com type in John JOnes for instance type your password such as redmars open up your internet account." Jjohn Jjones blanched totally a green face spitting out his coffee his undercover compromised on hearing this but again no one even noticed him HE quickly realized it was only a random example PLENCE had used. So intent were all the men on hearing Plence's Oratory remarks and his delivery on this Monday. It was raining outside everyone had the Trademark TrenchCoat and Hat hangging on every available hook on the wall it was why the Manhunter From Mars liked to hang out here in these offices. Plence again. "OK is everyone with me now so far? NOW go to your emails under the compose button open the drop down menu see that Button that says Determine Location??? Click only once left click will do it do not double click or right click." INstantly every LapTop in the room said FROM the Offices of the ZappersunlimitedLTD.org.net.web.dot@Whirly.com in Bright Red Letters in the body of the Content of the message. This will only work for a COMPANY like let us say Best Western if they agree to pay for our Domain priviledges. Iff we were in a Best Western that has Purchased our Agreement we can send this. But instead of Whirly it will say Best Western on the LOGO in the Letterhead. We just hit the button marked DETECTION. We have the hardware software set available now for sale. Is there any questions.? At the word DETECTION the Urbanite Detective had grabbed his TrencherCoat and Hat mumbled "COFFEE be right back", out the door he went into the Rainy Gloomy MOnday unsure now of his anonymity within this COmpany. On an unrelated matter Plence was warmed suddenly BLurtted out : "GENTLEMEN PLEASE", then in hushed tones; "What are you all talking about and what is that muttering in the background?" Elect a spokesman tell all the group including me. John Jacobson stood up : "OH SIR" We noticed when Jjohn Jjones just left the room he left his coffee cup I took it my mistake his initials are JJ, at this part Plence waived his hand in a kinder gesture of dismissive. "AN honest mistake my goodman, Well what is it tell us spit it out.?" "WEll sir there was too much sugar in it." "NOT the coffee what is that mummering about?" "OH that. TheTalking Clock. We invented a talking clock. Every five minutes on the dot it says", TICK TOCK TOCK TICK CLOCK I AM THE TALKING CLOCK TOCK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK ZONK. "But we forgot to program it to tell the time.?" NO was all the treasurer of the Zappersunlimited@.ORG said. "NO funding available at all for a clock that does not tell the time he added then an aside" : I wonder who JONES really is ? TO no one in particular.
The Limosine pulled up to the door and waited and waited some more. The counter person was a thinker and soon walked over to the foyer grabbed the bulky footrug with the rubberbacking to prevent slipping it happened to be Blue a color not condusive to the happening event. The PAtron of the Limo dissembarked at the Driver "It is only a Blue Carpet Greeting ? WHat happened to the Red Carpet Treatment. Then he sat down on the computor screen was dark. He moved the mouse around finally finding the Internet E he clicked on the GLOBE and got the INternet Open. TO his dismay they were using MSN that day as home page. He turned back to the counter person, "I had my driver drive over 500 miles to Colorado just so I can send this email from YAHOO on this COmputor I want my Lady Friend whom lives in A lessor Southern State to see your LOGO on the email letterhead that I just sent? The counter person grinned that patronizing lopsided grin thay have a way of using it for all such strang events. "OH SIR", it does not work that way at all when you open your own email at YAHOO it sends your email with your email address to your friends email address down south, BUT there is no such thing as a COmpany LOGO Address at least not yet. And so Donald Romand Plence left the Best Western Motel in Durango Colorado with much regret to drive back in his LIMO to New York City to the offices of the President Thommas Whirly of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company ZappersunlimitedLTD.org.net.web.dot@Whirly.com to make a new parent company for INternet Logos. Gentlemen, please, I have called this meeting of this Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to Decide to INvest in a new way of doing business on the INternet. I am very excited at this new idea and hope it generates this COmpany Bullions of Dollar Signs. (Jjohn Jjones was at this meeting using one of his human disguises) in reality he is the Manhunter From Mars. His ears turned green but no one noticed them or him. "Suppose," this was Plence, " you are a businessman from Chicago, Ill. You want to Impress a Client Empress with the email address where you are staying in a fancy motel place." "SO you go to YAHOO.com type in John JOnes for instance type your password such as redmars open up your internet account." Jjohn Jjones blanched totally a green face spitting out his coffee his undercover compromised on hearing this but again no one even noticed him HE quickly realized it was only a random example PLENCE had used. So intent were all the men on hearing Plence's Oratory remarks and his delivery on this Monday. It was raining outside everyone had the Trademark TrenchCoat and Hat hangging on every available hook on the wall it was why the Manhunter From Mars liked to hang out here in these offices. Plence again. "OK is everyone with me now so far? NOW go to your emails under the compose button open the drop down menu see that Button that says Determine Location??? Click only once left click will do it do not double click or right click." INstantly every LapTop in the room said FROM the Offices of the ZappersunlimitedLTD.org.net.web.dot@Whirly.com in Bright Red Letters in the body of the Content of the message. This will only work for a COMPANY like let us say Best Western if they agree to pay for our Domain priviledges. Iff we were in a Best Western that has Purchased our Agreement we can send this. But instead of Whirly it will say Best Western on the LOGO in the Letterhead. We just hit the button marked DETECTION. We have the hardware software set available now for sale. Is there any questions.? At the word DETECTION the Urbanite Detective had grabbed his TrencherCoat and Hat mumbled "COFFEE be right back", out the door he went into the Rainy Gloomy MOnday unsure now of his anonymity within this COmpany. On an unrelated matter Plence was warmed suddenly BLurtted out : "GENTLEMEN PLEASE", then in hushed tones; "What are you all talking about and what is that muttering in the background?" Elect a spokesman tell all the group including me. John Jacobson stood up : "OH SIR" We noticed when Jjohn Jjones just left the room he left his coffee cup I took it my mistake his initials are JJ, at this part Plence waived his hand in a kinder gesture of dismissive. "AN honest mistake my goodman, Well what is it tell us spit it out.?" "WEll sir there was too much sugar in it." "NOT the coffee what is that mummering about?" "OH that. TheTalking Clock. We invented a talking clock. Every five minutes on the dot it says", TICK TOCK TOCK TICK CLOCK I AM THE TALKING CLOCK TOCK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK ZONK. "But we forgot to program it to tell the time.?" NO was all the treasurer of the Zappersunlimited@.ORG said. "NO funding available at all for a clock that does not tell the time he added then an aside" : I wonder who JONES really is ? TO no one in particular.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Who was eye eye was mee I am who and eye and I and i am me. I,CharlaX, I darkstone. I Charlie, for i like charlie best. I can almost here her voice when she types out I love You Charlie I think her love sustains me in my chest where love doth dwell in heart so blessed by Jesus now at rest. I lay me down I,Charlie, for what is sorrow but a test I, CharlaX, I overcome I learn to love myself.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
XLIII.Will SOnnet sone of shakespeare a paroday of charlax p.
XLIII.Will SOnnet sone of shakespeare a paroday of charlax p.
When must I thinke, then do mine minde best thinke,For all the day whoe thinkes things unremembered;But when I dreame, in dreames whoe cannot thinke,When brightly dark the nighte, how dark the bright rejected.Then whoe, whose shadow shadows doth make puttets on the walle,How would whoe shadow's form form Will SOnnet on the walle,To see the clear rabbit with whoe ears up in clearer light,When to unseeing eyes whoe rabbit puttet shines so bright!How would, whoe say, mine eyes be blessèd made a sight for sore.By looking on a rabbit puttet on the walle in the living day,When in dead night whoe fair imperfect rabbit puttet is butt a shadeThrough heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay a rabbit puttet with enow a nose as well as ears formed! All days are nights to see till I see whoe will sonnet formed upon the walle, And nights bright days when dreams do show thee rabbit shadow puttet with ears and nose will sonnet formed.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I (Jesus)
I (Jesus)

I (Jesus)
Charles, your namme is written in the Lamb Book Of Life. So you can go over to that Throne that says JESUS on it and miss the Second Death Judgement. But you have to understand THIS you sinned against GOD and must be taken to account of it to his SON cause Charles, you cursed and looked at women you gave alms to travellers and you drank a lot too much sometimes a DRUNK. You told ribalding jokes you told some lies you made fun of many peoples time and time again yet you still and ever did say JESUS to your friends. Perhaps you should be whipped. Perhaps you could be beaten. But I (Jesus) atoned FOR your sins I (Jesus) took away your sins upon the CROSS and now it is YOUR judgement day. HOW do YOU plead? NOT GUILTY OF IT AT ALL ! Not because I (Charles) am not guilty cause of JESUS took my Place. He made his Immortal Sacrifice so i can now be saved. I can claim the Blood of Jesus as my final resting place. I can claim the Love of GOD. Well Done. Well said. NOW here is HEavens Pearl Gate. GO QUICKLY. Enter Inn. The JOY of JESUS place.
I (Jesus)
Charles, your namme is written in the Lamb Book Of Life. So you can go over to that Throne that says JESUS on it and miss the Second Death Judgement. But you have to understand THIS you sinned against GOD and must be taken to account of it to his SON cause Charles, you cursed and looked at women you gave alms to travellers and you drank a lot too much sometimes a DRUNK. You told ribalding jokes you told some lies you made fun of many peoples time and time again yet you still and ever did say JESUS to your friends. Perhaps you should be whipped. Perhaps you could be beaten. But I (Jesus) atoned FOR your sins I (Jesus) took away your sins upon the CROSS and now it is YOUR judgement day. HOW do YOU plead? NOT GUILTY OF IT AT ALL ! Not because I (Charles) am not guilty cause of JESUS took my Place. He made his Immortal Sacrifice so i can now be saved. I can claim the Blood of Jesus as my final resting place. I can claim the Love of GOD. Well Done. Well said. NOW here is HEavens Pearl Gate. GO QUICKLY. Enter Inn. The JOY of JESUS place.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
A Paroday of William XLI.
A Paroday of William XLI.

Those petty thefts that who committed
When who is sometimes pretty all alone with heart,
Thy beauty, and thy years full well befitting self appreciation,
For still temptation follows where who art.
Gentle who art, and therefore to be who;
Beauteous who art, therefore to be mislead;
And when a woman swoons nearby, what woman's who
Will sour her like lemone limning till who have prevailed?
Aye WHO! but yet who mighdst my own hand forbear,
And hide who beauty and who straying playing youth,
Who lead thee in their riot even here down that primrose pathway
Where who art forced to break his grip on truth:
Whos by whos beauty tempting who to leave,
Because she saw who anear the rose bush being false too her.
Those petty thefts that who committed
When who is sometimes pretty all alone with heart,
Thy beauty, and thy years full well befitting self appreciation,
For still temptation follows where who art.
Gentle who art, and therefore to be who;
Beauteous who art, therefore to be mislead;
And when a woman swoons nearby, what woman's who
Will sour her like lemone limning till who have prevailed?
Aye WHO! but yet who mighdst my own hand forbear,
And hide who beauty and who straying playing youth,
Who lead thee in their riot even here down that primrose pathway
Where who art forced to break his grip on truth:
Whos by whos beauty tempting who to leave,
Because she saw who anear the rose bush being false too her.
Monday, July 27, 2009

Who left his River rain hat upside down inside her wicker basket full
of trinkets of her love. Her Husband found that River rain hat upside
down in Wicker basket full of trinkets she had given him a lock of her
love. Golden Tresses Silver Kisses we will never lose our love. She
smiled at her man said the HAT was just a River rain hat belonging to
the plumber he must have come to fix the sink. When he nodded as he
walked away she took the River rain hat into secret where she hid it
faraway there near her leaking heart of love. Who left his
RiverRainHat upside down inside her basket full of love.
Who left his River rain hat upside down inside her wicker basket full
of trinkets of her love. Her Husband found that River rain hat upside
down in Wicker basket full of trinkets she had given him a lock of her
love. Golden Tresses Silver Kisses we will never lose our love. She
smiled at her man said the HAT was just a River rain hat belonging to
the plumber he must have come to fix the sink. When he nodded as he
walked away she took the River rain hat into secret where she hid it
faraway there near her leaking heart of love. Who left his
RiverRainHat upside down inside her basket full of love.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Thou Paroday of Twain.

Let who confess Mark we two must be Twain,
Although our undivided minds are one;
So shall those poets that do with me remain,
Without Mark Twains help, by who be borne alone.
In our loves there is but one Samuel,
Though in our lives a who respite,
Which although it alters love's sole effect,
Yet doth it Twain steal hours from love's delightedness.
Who may not evermore acknowledge Twain,
Lest whos bewailèd guilt should do Twain shame,
Nor Twain with public kindness honour who
Unless Mark takes that honour from whos name.
But do not so, WHO loves Twain in such sort
As, Twain being whos, whos is Marks good report.
Thou Paroday of Twain.
Let who confess Mark we two must be Twain,
Although our undivided minds are one;
So shall those poets that do with me remain,
Without Mark Twains help, by who be borne alone.
In our loves there is but one Samuel,
Though in our lives a who respite,
Which although it alters love's sole effect,
Yet doth it Twain steal hours from love's delightedness.
Who may not evermore acknowledge Twain,
Lest whos bewailèd guilt should do Twain shame,
Nor Twain with public kindness honour who
Unless Mark takes that honour from whos name.
But do not so, WHO loves Twain in such sort
As, Twain being whos, whos is Marks good report.
Monday, July 13, 2009

There is only Two Tao. Only good only bad. Master who teaches more than one still only teaches one Tao the bad one cause he is wrong. Rabbi who teaches GOD wears the scriptures in a little wooden box on his head to simulate a dead work a dead world a dead man. Too teach the path to GOD is to follow Tao. Too follow Jesus is to follow Tao. The Parodox of GOD is JESUS. Dead and yet still living. Perhaps this is what TAO is all about a living dead man being GOD. Mye own lamb may never understand. A swordsman seldom retires a fighter full of self just dies. Someday a man recovers from his wounds the beatings brings to him a boon but seldom fights again but stays among the living a shadow of himself a Ghost perhaps of GOD. His Tao of GOD his COdeofHonoR. A doubled edge sword delivers n one from death but gives the enemy the blow that takes him to eternity. What then becomes ooof the double minded man with Sword in hand. IS he the GOD or just a man? Forsaking him for Glory a winner in a fight he wears his CodeofHonoR. Justified by deeds by valor and by pride. Even so he may become the Ruler of the Fire. The Joyous VIctory just ashes turned to pain for Judgement come. Soldiers pay the piper some good some bad some cowards. Who has his CodeofHonoR. For he has stood and faced his enemies swordless friendless no Coward running no Swordsman fighting just JESUS standing there wearing only his Patriots CodeofHonoR.
There is only Two Tao. Only good only bad. Master who teaches more than one still only teaches one Tao the bad one cause he is wrong. Rabbi who teaches GOD wears the scriptures in a little wooden box on his head to simulate a dead work a dead world a dead man. Too teach the path to GOD is to follow Tao. Too follow Jesus is to follow Tao. The Parodox of GOD is JESUS. Dead and yet still living. Perhaps this is what TAO is all about a living dead man being GOD. Mye own lamb may never understand. A swordsman seldom retires a fighter full of self just dies. Someday a man recovers from his wounds the beatings brings to him a boon but seldom fights again but stays among the living a shadow of himself a Ghost perhaps of GOD. His Tao of GOD his COdeofHonoR. A doubled edge sword delivers n one from death but gives the enemy the blow that takes him to eternity. What then becomes ooof the double minded man with Sword in hand. IS he the GOD or just a man? Forsaking him for Glory a winner in a fight he wears his CodeofHonoR. Justified by deeds by valor and by pride. Even so he may become the Ruler of the Fire. The Joyous VIctory just ashes turned to pain for Judgement come. Soldiers pay the piper some good some bad some cowards. Who has his CodeofHonoR. For he has stood and faced his enemies swordless friendless no Coward running no Swordsman fighting just JESUS standing there wearing only his Patriots CodeofHonoR.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who can count transgressions hold them deep in heart fall apart from sorrows or make a brand new start. You have chosen to bring honor to the last stand of this man to add your love to mine. Never will who wander Never will who wonder where is love. Many dance upon the stage and silver screen famous rich fulfilling dreams many More absolutly never make it past the waking dreams the sleeping dawn to dusk a homeless husk just seams to be a scar where love has been but now the love is where my heart will sing for ever for your love is starting over lasting pleasantly for ever there inside whos heart who loves ParmeYou.
Who can count transgressions hold them deep in heart fall apart from sorrows or make a brand new start. You have chosen to bring honor to the last stand of this man to add your love to mine. Never will who wander Never will who wonder where is love. Many dance upon the stage and silver screen famous rich fulfilling dreams many More absolutly never make it past the waking dreams the sleeping dawn to dusk a homeless husk just seams to be a scar where love has been but now the love is where my heart will sing for ever for your love is starting over lasting pleasantly for ever there inside whos heart who loves ParmeYou.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

When a Jet is pushing MACH 2 and it is a good pilot in there cockpitted place he will turn the plane in 360 degrees and hit the ass kicking button to launch himself in space thus becoming the first person to actually time travel to the past. E=MC3. When the Jet lands near the city in the past they will think it is an Alien Space Craft. When he leaves the thing dressed in Regs with helmut on they will be sure he is an Alein. Or perhaps an Aritificial INtelligence looking for its function. The paradox is of course meeting yourself (some people would strangle the child in the bizarre effort to suicide.) You would not immediatley dissappear you would have lived all them years in your differant time line beginning where you left off where the child died a ghost murdered and a murderer inside your quality of life basically disintegrating before your very eyes your core fibre being no longer human perhaps the better idea like ford try to shake the boys hand then try to talk to you man to man but would you listen to this older version of yourself or would you be smart enought to knoe its you come to see you from your future. AI knoe its me you see AI knoe that man is AI. Or you would give yourself advise like stop playing with yourself so often and so much it only makes you sad when you get older. Just because no one helps you then they shudder and avoid you now? NO. Just let the boy alone some of those memories and moments with those pictures of those girls with girls are priceless. AI really hate to FLY at supersonic speeds so AI will surely never go away to time travelling day on the wings of the DarkstoneTheoryOFTime.
Location: facebook gmail
When a Jet is pushing MACH 2 and it is a good pilot in there cockpitted place he will turn the plane in 360 degrees and hit the ass kicking button to launch himself in space thus becoming the first person to actually time travel to the past. E=MC3. When the Jet lands near the city in the past they will think it is an Alien Space Craft. When he leaves the thing dressed in Regs with helmut on they will be sure he is an Alein. Or perhaps an Aritificial INtelligence looking for its function. The paradox is of course meeting yourself (some people would strangle the child in the bizarre effort to suicide.) You would not immediatley dissappear you would have lived all them years in your differant time line beginning where you left off where the child died a ghost murdered and a murderer inside your quality of life basically disintegrating before your very eyes your core fibre being no longer human perhaps the better idea like ford try to shake the boys hand then try to talk to you man to man but would you listen to this older version of yourself or would you be smart enought to knoe its you come to see you from your future. AI knoe its me you see AI knoe that man is AI. Or you would give yourself advise like stop playing with yourself so often and so much it only makes you sad when you get older. Just because no one helps you then they shudder and avoid you now? NO. Just let the boy alone some of those memories and moments with those pictures of those girls with girls are priceless. AI really hate to FLY at supersonic speeds so AI will surely never go away to time travelling day on the wings of the DarkstoneTheoryOFTime.
Location: facebook gmail
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A terrible pain is there they crimp the bones when they twist the head suddenly the blood roars the neck is red as they do not worry about people like myself they laugh and draw the pistol and they smile out the side of the mouth they still spit that chaw it dribbles down the chins to land on necks of red. They speak if asked to say they say you are in the file. The file? yes the file. The one thats under trigger finger the nail file of my gun. That one. Thats a reddnecked telling joke. So they left the bar revving up them engines whine out they went as eye heard them go bye one man was at the edge of the group shouting at the last man in line. There was Eight Harley Riders each one the same size Gas Tank the same size byke parts the same year model except for the fact that seven of them Gas Tanks was painted powder blue and only one of them was painted black and this one was smaller then the rest of the blue ones by several gallon sizes. The leader of the group was the last in line eye could clearly hear him saying to the black gas tanked man "It is too bad that we all do not have gas" in a strang reddnecked voice. He always rides beside the victum. They promised him a share in victories and half of all the women. When they made camp each man took a piece of the byke they needed to be kept for emergency use and they each man took off a glove or a boot whatever they decided they man now needed for they had a code of brotherly love. We have to have your byke old TOM but here is clothes to wear to get you back to town start walking old sod. TOm lives on a hillside near the eye in DUrango now. Kicked out by them reddnecked harley posse on the trail out of Colorado.
A terrible pain is there they crimp the bones when they twist the head suddenly the blood roars the neck is red as they do not worry about people like myself they laugh and draw the pistol and they smile out the side of the mouth they still spit that chaw it dribbles down the chins to land on necks of red. They speak if asked to say they say you are in the file. The file? yes the file. The one thats under trigger finger the nail file of my gun. That one. Thats a reddnecked telling joke. So they left the bar revving up them engines whine out they went as eye heard them go bye one man was at the edge of the group shouting at the last man in line. There was Eight Harley Riders each one the same size Gas Tank the same size byke parts the same year model except for the fact that seven of them Gas Tanks was painted powder blue and only one of them was painted black and this one was smaller then the rest of the blue ones by several gallon sizes. The leader of the group was the last in line eye could clearly hear him saying to the black gas tanked man "It is too bad that we all do not have gas" in a strang reddnecked voice. He always rides beside the victum. They promised him a share in victories and half of all the women. When they made camp each man took a piece of the byke they needed to be kept for emergency use and they each man took off a glove or a boot whatever they decided they man now needed for they had a code of brotherly love. We have to have your byke old TOM but here is clothes to wear to get you back to town start walking old sod. TOm lives on a hillside near the eye in DUrango now. Kicked out by them reddnecked harley posse on the trail out of Colorado.
Friday, June 19, 2009

People uncaring for others should vouchafe the statements they make as self evidence of idiosyncracy elongated synapase responses of hate generated by ignorance of facts and completely biased in opinion of others and self worth on the scale of egotistical brain dead. Perhaps then and only then will they stop destroying hearts. Eye screwed up mye resolve to speak to the group eye was so nerves and wanting to be accepted by mye peerrage group old men drinking coffee in a MIDDLE size town not small MOMA bare not LARGE papa barely just write Baby bare there. The critique was most unincitefull a porridge of go jump in the lake river bed eye cannot get over it easily it must be jealousy rearing its ugly head it must be the man is not a writer himself of privey to lots of them making up stories and sharing them at class time. Perhaps eye was wrong to look for understanding in the throng. When someone judges another person they must first walk in his moccassins and get a life for self its privelaged infomation to hurt someone with sarcasm when they lay the heart on sleeve for all too see. Perhaps just passing wind that fell on them to go beyond propriety in public places to make faceless propoganda to hurt wannabe followers of group. Eye could not never be commediane upon the stage eye would be devasted but the hecklers there would win they would drive me away taking crooked staff to neck and drag me off the stage frightened like the dear in headlights trying to remember who eye am what is mye own namme today. How can eye write under such pressure of the orientation of learning a lesson when will eye ever learn too keep the mouth shut and let no one leave comments why would a writer want that why would a writer want them to be so heartless.
People uncaring for others should vouchafe the statements they make as self evidence of idiosyncracy elongated synapase responses of hate generated by ignorance of facts and completely biased in opinion of others and self worth on the scale of egotistical brain dead. Perhaps then and only then will they stop destroying hearts. Eye screwed up mye resolve to speak to the group eye was so nerves and wanting to be accepted by mye peerrage group old men drinking coffee in a MIDDLE size town not small MOMA bare not LARGE papa barely just write Baby bare there. The critique was most unincitefull a porridge of go jump in the lake river bed eye cannot get over it easily it must be jealousy rearing its ugly head it must be the man is not a writer himself of privey to lots of them making up stories and sharing them at class time. Perhaps eye was wrong to look for understanding in the throng. When someone judges another person they must first walk in his moccassins and get a life for self its privelaged infomation to hurt someone with sarcasm when they lay the heart on sleeve for all too see. Perhaps just passing wind that fell on them to go beyond propriety in public places to make faceless propoganda to hurt wannabe followers of group. Eye could not never be commediane upon the stage eye would be devasted but the hecklers there would win they would drive me away taking crooked staff to neck and drag me off the stage frightened like the dear in headlights trying to remember who eye am what is mye own namme today. How can eye write under such pressure of the orientation of learning a lesson when will eye ever learn too keep the mouth shut and let no one leave comments why would a writer want that why would a writer want them to be so heartless.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009

Actual Police FUnction : what is your DOB boy what is your Social Security Number boy Show me a picture I.D. boy howdy erzatz Mark of the Beast ; 072154429041680760420071 There is also thirteen numbers in a rows on mye new lieberry card eye choose not to reproduce this number online someone could steal mye time. TODAY ; eye was a namme dropper a Woman from OHIO the CLeveland area was in DUrango to RIDE THE TRAIN with her little boy cute how cute in an Engeener suit. She did not tell me her number but she said they were with a Childrens Group do figure. The narrow Guage Railroad Train parking lot was packed like sardines they charge SEVEN 7 $$$$$$$ Dollars for a parking spot per vehicular car. Eye quickly told her eye was Friends with one "John Burroughs" of Cleveland she said " YES, I have heard that namme." This hurried out of eye said " He is a poet eye am linked to him on Facebook. "SO very nice" she said then hurried off with towseled boy to catch a Train ride. An instant Karma byte of fame Congratulations SIR for being mentioned in an early mourning conversation so very far away from home. Even in DUrango they seem to know your namme...instant Karma fame. They will never stamp a bar code on forehead of eye perhaps abbreviated the number 666 stamped with permanence a Branding Iron to Skull on less important personages of ROME , COlorado.
Actual Police FUnction : what is your DOB boy what is your Social Security Number boy Show me a picture I.D. boy howdy erzatz Mark of the Beast ; 072154429041680760420071 There is also thirteen numbers in a rows on mye new lieberry card eye choose not to reproduce this number online someone could steal mye time. TODAY ; eye was a namme dropper a Woman from OHIO the CLeveland area was in DUrango to RIDE THE TRAIN with her little boy cute how cute in an Engeener suit. She did not tell me her number but she said they were with a Childrens Group do figure. The narrow Guage Railroad Train parking lot was packed like sardines they charge SEVEN 7 $$$$$$$ Dollars for a parking spot per vehicular car. Eye quickly told her eye was Friends with one "John Burroughs" of Cleveland she said " YES, I have heard that namme." This hurried out of eye said " He is a poet eye am linked to him on Facebook. "SO very nice" she said then hurried off with towseled boy to catch a Train ride. An instant Karma byte of fame Congratulations SIR for being mentioned in an early mourning conversation so very far away from home. Even in DUrango they seem to know your namme...instant Karma fame. They will never stamp a bar code on forehead of eye perhaps abbreviated the number 666 stamped with permanence a Branding Iron to Skull on less important personages of ROME , COlorado.
Friday, May 29, 2009

The extra sheet was nice the color of some of the flowers eye have seen the door at coffeehouse still sticks the ramp over the river an invitation to get run over a young woman should not head over be a driver even on a safe path on her bycicle the harder life is the easier it becomes to cope withe the problems come eye have never learned not to react with anger dissbelief when life is dissing mee the dark black pellets from the dear roe deer upon mye trail turning brown in a thankful Colorado sun tempers me a bit calms the eye have a family of river birds rather large in plumage with white bellies long black tails even though they love mee they aer dumb not intelligent at all but then one flew over near the road to say hello to eye can here the Train in Durango keeping time like a Locomotive on tracks making all the children smile even eye seem happier now.
The extra sheet was nice the color of some of the flowers eye have seen the door at coffeehouse still sticks the ramp over the river an invitation to get run over a young woman should not head over be a driver even on a safe path on her bycicle the harder life is the easier it becomes to cope withe the problems come eye have never learned not to react with anger dissbelief when life is dissing mee the dark black pellets from the dear roe deer upon mye trail turning brown in a thankful Colorado sun tempers me a bit calms the eye have a family of river birds rather large in plumage with white bellies long black tails even though they love mee they aer dumb not intelligent at all but then one flew over near the road to say hello to eye can here the Train in Durango keeping time like a Locomotive on tracks making all the children smile even eye seem happier now.
Friday, May 22, 2009
False Cascade
False Cascade

The Picture Perfect World Facade the trees are hardwood sparsley greening leaning in the right direction as iff the painter was the sun. The lipp of grass to represent the lawn tells me what is wrong with this picture is the waterfall from underneathe the ledge all wrong iff meant to be from natures GOD. The flowers have no patteran the colors seem to be paint by numbers the overhang is the only clue that this is not in nature set in woods but cloudy in the distance is the shadow trees must be the Number 3ab 06 for pastel flowers near the edges of the grasses 04 so pinkish there 07 is the darker one but missing is the purple that eye loved to make this painting even pleasing to this eye when finished up the numbers left to be painted was 01 for White froth the 05 for water blue the painter mixes them to make it waterfall Nature as a fake brocade linned with numbers all mixed up this false cascade.
The Picture Perfect World Facade the trees are hardwood sparsley greening leaning in the right direction as iff the painter was the sun. The lipp of grass to represent the lawn tells me what is wrong with this picture is the waterfall from underneathe the ledge all wrong iff meant to be from natures GOD. The flowers have no patteran the colors seem to be paint by numbers the overhang is the only clue that this is not in nature set in woods but cloudy in the distance is the shadow trees must be the Number 3ab 06 for pastel flowers near the edges of the grasses 04 so pinkish there 07 is the darker one but missing is the purple that eye loved to make this painting even pleasing to this eye when finished up the numbers left to be painted was 01 for White froth the 05 for water blue the painter mixes them to make it waterfall Nature as a fake brocade linned with numbers all mixed up this false cascade.
Friday, May 8, 2009

Sunglasses work so nice in Sun so otherwise shining brite they help me see when otherwise so tite the asset becomes the liability when shadow falls all over eye can see in shadow come so eye can see then vainly stabbing at the case to close them up not needed now but suddenly eye snap them open using lenses made to filter mother nature in the dark as eye walk into the blazing sun the shadows gone eye look for shade where eye can sit to write this ode removing shades so eye can print this natural voice of god the gnats play the band of hat where sweat has dried just on the edge of that replacing shades eye peer out at the patches of the sun lite too many people filling lite eye fight not people yet eye fight the lite eye fight the gnat at the edges of my hat
Sunglasses work so nice in Sun so otherwise shining brite they help me see when otherwise so tite the asset becomes the liability when shadow falls all over eye can see in shadow come so eye can see then vainly stabbing at the case to close them up not needed now but suddenly eye snap them open using lenses made to filter mother nature in the dark as eye walk into the blazing sun the shadows gone eye look for shade where eye can sit to write this ode removing shades so eye can print this natural voice of god the gnats play the band of hat where sweat has dried just on the edge of that replacing shades eye peer out at the patches of the sun lite too many people filling lite eye fight not people yet eye fight the lite eye fight the gnat at the edges of my hat
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fred Kirchner Unacknowledged
Fred Kirchner Unacknowledged

Ohio artiste making poetry wants to meet younger people needing to read poems. Resume includes reading at finer Ohio areas. Wait. Ohio poet wants people to hear him read come visit the Ohio Area. Wait. The dirt road moved last spring. They moved the mailboxes to the other end of the road again. So the old Jeep the post office uses can get them brand new Michigrins tyres and deliver the poems to the old folk’s homes. Let me try again. OHIO area poet reads good words among us. Wants a girl friend to come to listen as he reads and thumbs his chapped book for her amusement. WAIT. Stop. Ohio poet new to poetry wants acknowledgement from both readers and listeners. Come to the Ohio Area to hear the poems of this poet reader. There putt this one in the ad Fred. Kirchner is acknowledged now.
Ohio artiste making poetry wants to meet younger people needing to read poems. Resume includes reading at finer Ohio areas. Wait. Ohio poet wants people to hear him read come visit the Ohio Area. Wait. The dirt road moved last spring. They moved the mailboxes to the other end of the road again. So the old Jeep the post office uses can get them brand new Michigrins tyres and deliver the poems to the old folk’s homes. Let me try again. OHIO area poet reads good words among us. Wants a girl friend to come to listen as he reads and thumbs his chapped book for her amusement. WAIT. Stop. Ohio poet new to poetry wants acknowledgement from both readers and listeners. Come to the Ohio Area to hear the poems of this poet reader. There putt this one in the ad Fred. Kirchner is acknowledged now.
Monday, May 4, 2009

Foaming lines of mischievousness gloaming. A Beach Bucket full of sandy playing balls a long rolling pin with rolling balls to press the bread; this is what the merman has for his mermaid in the sand. The mermaid has her underwater cavern cave the place for her merman to enter there to enter in the gloaming wave as it engulfs the beach they kiss he waits for lover to insist his entrance to her underwater lair. He enters her entrance there entranced they live as forever loving life as just one person in the sand as man and wife. They play in cavern’s cave with mermaid’s merman’s rolling pin for bread and sandy beach balls in the sand in mermaid’s cavern cave there in the sand they’re in the sand there in the sand.
Foaming lines of mischievousness gloaming. A Beach Bucket full of sandy playing balls a long rolling pin with rolling balls to press the bread; this is what the merman has for his mermaid in the sand. The mermaid has her underwater cavern cave the place for her merman to enter there to enter in the gloaming wave as it engulfs the beach they kiss he waits for lover to insist his entrance to her underwater lair. He enters her entrance there entranced they live as forever loving life as just one person in the sand as man and wife. They play in cavern’s cave with mermaid’s merman’s rolling pin for bread and sandy beach balls in the sand in mermaid’s cavern cave there in the sand they’re in the sand there in the sand.
Friday, May 1, 2009

300 years ago Etienne Lenoir and Henry Ford had a race. IN 1709 they had no highways with yellow intermittent strips or white lines. The first car was a horseless carriages invented by Lenoir and Ford to race in instant space they ran them down the old dirt road in every song found. They nearly had a head on collision the first time they were tested they botched it lucky to be alive no parts or pieces missing the first two car race was an accidental accident smashed up. Here is the blow by blow play action and instant replay. May 1, 1709 this is the first ever car raced. And their off. Ford is sliding around the first turn but Lenoir is stretching into the neck. Ford is very faster than Olds Lenoir. In fact he got so far ahead he is turning backwards on the dirt and heading faster backwards. Lenoir stepped on the gas instead of the brakes. Ford stomped the accelerator. The crash only knocked the Google offline. They both lost the goggles under the racing aviator caps they thought they was flying so conical of a thing. They both limped away the Ford got in a Limo to race back to the Airport and to Leer jet away. Lenoir only walked back to his Hotel de Franco near the Airport. Both cars was towed to storage where they wait until this day this day in May a fantasy the price enormously inflated. Good Lord Mister Ford iff yew could only see what yew have done. 300 years from now on May 1, 2309 all the highways are grown over with green yellow colored glass from the fallout of the gas used in the Chinese World Wars Three. The last General Motor is on Display at Peeking Chinese Theatre. IN Los Alamos near California. First car last motor.
300 years ago Etienne Lenoir and Henry Ford had a race. IN 1709 they had no highways with yellow intermittent strips or white lines. The first car was a horseless carriages invented by Lenoir and Ford to race in instant space they ran them down the old dirt road in every song found. They nearly had a head on collision the first time they were tested they botched it lucky to be alive no parts or pieces missing the first two car race was an accidental accident smashed up. Here is the blow by blow play action and instant replay. May 1, 1709 this is the first ever car raced. And their off. Ford is sliding around the first turn but Lenoir is stretching into the neck. Ford is very faster than Olds Lenoir. In fact he got so far ahead he is turning backwards on the dirt and heading faster backwards. Lenoir stepped on the gas instead of the brakes. Ford stomped the accelerator. The crash only knocked the Google offline. They both lost the goggles under the racing aviator caps they thought they was flying so conical of a thing. They both limped away the Ford got in a Limo to race back to the Airport and to Leer jet away. Lenoir only walked back to his Hotel de Franco near the Airport. Both cars was towed to storage where they wait until this day this day in May a fantasy the price enormously inflated. Good Lord Mister Ford iff yew could only see what yew have done. 300 years from now on May 1, 2309 all the highways are grown over with green yellow colored glass from the fallout of the gas used in the Chinese World Wars Three. The last General Motor is on Display at Peeking Chinese Theatre. IN Los Alamos near California. First car last motor.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Whitebread Jesus
Whitebread Jesus

Jesus is limpwristed white anglo saxon male tripping on acid drinking pale ale smoking only Manitoba Red but willing to BONG with any group of young educated white people STOP. Of course this write is all self evidently supported by the Constituents of the Republicans Hierarchy. Jesus was an Israelite. A dark skinned desert dwelling nomad he travelled back from EgYpt on a Camel back. Jesus is a Negroid. He is a tall and balding black man with a hair lip in the south of darkenness so that when he smiles his teeth are showing up like the Cheshire Cat smile as eye remember ALICE as eye smile. Jesus is Oriental yellow palor blending into hide as homeless next to concrete walls unpainted near the asphalt changing colors as the world glides bye. Jesus is blue. Because we make him sad. A frosty blue reflecting anger turning purple and then red because of coming judgment of the dead. Jesus is mad. But not at ewe or eye. Jesus is white for Holy Robes cleansed of all the weaknesses of Human Frailties; GOD.
Jesus is limpwristed white anglo saxon male tripping on acid drinking pale ale smoking only Manitoba Red but willing to BONG with any group of young educated white people STOP. Of course this write is all self evidently supported by the Constituents of the Republicans Hierarchy. Jesus was an Israelite. A dark skinned desert dwelling nomad he travelled back from EgYpt on a Camel back. Jesus is a Negroid. He is a tall and balding black man with a hair lip in the south of darkenness so that when he smiles his teeth are showing up like the Cheshire Cat smile as eye remember ALICE as eye smile. Jesus is Oriental yellow palor blending into hide as homeless next to concrete walls unpainted near the asphalt changing colors as the world glides bye. Jesus is blue. Because we make him sad. A frosty blue reflecting anger turning purple and then red because of coming judgment of the dead. Jesus is mad. But not at ewe or eye. Jesus is white for Holy Robes cleansed of all the weaknesses of Human Frailties; GOD.
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