Family is thicker than mudd. Grass Rotts green green grass of home is gone. There was Chaos and a storm. A sickness. Time was taken short. Calm now after brief decay. Tender love was visited a kiss on cheek an added say. We will try again you now must understand I have to keep her love onesided but it is there by faith. Printed paper documents entail jail or missing courting still unshure the hurry up is gone the time will come anon an early winter morn. What good was life we can not keep it we can live it incorrectly even when we learn it somewhat differantly we keep on messing up them second chances those changes we keep promising to make will never come until the Root is gone. Iff it were possible to me to become a Pilot of a War machine and I was allowed one shott of flying history with bombs ready to dropp I would spread my wings and fly over my old hometown and level the Courthouse where I did spend a lot of time until there was no need to dropp another bomb on them bricks that house them jails upstairs. Reason fails in the face of fantasy revenges. To watch love die in the form of family people then to go on living is a form of torture to go on expecting Heaven then is some sort of Bizarre religious understanding of the Jesus. I want you all to knoe all my friends and my own lover. Iff there was no chance at Heaven's Jesus there would be no Poet CharlaX, living and surviving in the Snow. Root gone.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Family is thicker than mudd. Grass Rotts green green grass of home is gone. There was Chaos and a storm. A sickness. Time was taken short. Calm now after brief decay. Tender love was visited a kiss on cheek an added say. We will try again you now must understand I have to keep her love onesided but it is there by faith. Printed paper documents entail jail or missing courting still unshure the hurry up is gone the time will come anon an early winter morn. What good was life we can not keep it we can live it incorrectly even when we learn it somewhat differantly we keep on messing up them second chances those changes we keep promising to make will never come until the Root is gone. Iff it were possible to me to become a Pilot of a War machine and I was allowed one shott of flying history with bombs ready to dropp I would spread my wings and fly over my old hometown and level the Courthouse where I did spend a lot of time until there was no need to dropp another bomb on them bricks that house them jails upstairs. Reason fails in the face of fantasy revenges. To watch love die in the form of family people then to go on living is a form of torture to go on expecting Heaven then is some sort of Bizarre religious understanding of the Jesus. I want you all to knoe all my friends and my own lover. Iff there was no chance at Heaven's Jesus there would be no Poet CharlaX, living and surviving in the Snow. Root gone.
Family is thicker than mudd. Grass Rotts green green grass of home is gone. There was Chaos and a storm. A sickness. Time was taken short. Calm now after brief decay. Tender love was visited a kiss on cheek an added say. We will try again you now must understand I have to keep her love onesided but it is there by faith. Printed paper documents entail jail or missing courting still unshure the hurry up is gone the time will come anon an early winter morn. What good was life we can not keep it we can live it incorrectly even when we learn it somewhat differantly we keep on messing up them second chances those changes we keep promising to make will never come until the Root is gone. Iff it were possible to me to become a Pilot of a War machine and I was allowed one shott of flying history with bombs ready to dropp I would spread my wings and fly over my old hometown and level the Courthouse where I did spend a lot of time until there was no need to dropp another bomb on them bricks that house them jails upstairs. Reason fails in the face of fantasy revenges. To watch love die in the form of family people then to go on living is a form of torture to go on expecting Heaven then is some sort of Bizarre religious understanding of the Jesus. I want you all to knoe all my friends and my own lover. Iff there was no chance at Heaven's Jesus there would be no Poet CharlaX, living and surviving in the Snow. Root gone.
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