When a Jet is pushing MACH 2 and it is a good pilot in there cockpitted place he will turn the plane in 360 degrees and hit the ass kicking button to launch himself in space thus becoming the first person to actually time travel to the past. E=MC3. When the Jet lands near the city in the past they will think it is an Alien Space Craft. When he leaves the thing dressed in Regs with helmut on they will be sure he is an Alein. Or perhaps an Aritificial INtelligence looking for its function. The paradox is of course meeting yourself (some people would strangle the child in the bizarre effort to suicide.) You would not immediatley dissappear you would have lived all them years in your differant time line beginning where you left off where the child died a ghost murdered and a murderer inside your quality of life basically disintegrating before your very eyes your core fibre being no longer human perhaps the better idea like ford try to shake the boys hand then try to talk to you man to man but would you listen to this older version of yourself or would you be smart enought to knoe its you come to see you from your future. AI knoe its me you see AI knoe that man is AI. Or you would give yourself advise like stop playing with yourself so often and so much it only makes you sad when you get older. Just because no one helps you then they shudder and avoid you now? NO. Just let the boy alone some of those memories and moments with those pictures of those girls with girls are priceless. AI really hate to FLY at supersonic speeds so AI will surely never go away to time travelling day on the wings of the DarkstoneTheoryOFTime.
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