Think of this one as filler chinking holes in time to make this day last longer than eternity. Central focus is the never. SO many people said to me Never will a woman run for President. So many people said this also A Black Man will never be President. Gas will never go OVER $4.oo a gallon in Europe mabe but NEVER in this country. Yew cannot live with your house on your back like a turtle you will never make it. You will never amount to anything. You can never live on love. You will never be a writer. You will never be a poet. You will never be published. You will never stop drinking. You will never stop smoking. You will Never make it past the age of 14 years. You will never have the love of Jesus in your heart. You will not never live so long as to grow up. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, cone a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly." Heinlein, Robert A Robot diapers the cat invades the kitchen hogs the meat ships boxes empty builds designs awry writes prose no poetry accounts deletes walls destroys breaks bones of others kills the owners orders the kids orders the house acts uncooperative never alone equates additions efficiently dies and gallantly analyzes its faults. HienLien, CharlaX. As long as Never comes the poor will remain always with you. CharlaXJesus. Eye have an invisible Alien Crafted Space Ship made with computer age technology. Eye am a poet and eye am a writer and eye am 53 years. Eye have witnessed the fall of enemies the death of loved ones. Eye have suffered at the hands of criminals eye am hurt in my body and eye must forgive them for eye am convinced that they all live in la la land. Drunk and on drugs and hiding from the law of punishment. When the Jesus and all his Saints and all His Holy Angels come screaming from the Sky than will eye fight my enemies than and call it Judgement Day come for everyone that says Jesus is a small part of GOD. Eye look onto a dark glass and reflect not the temporary nation with the flag but the Heaven of Zion belonging GOD who sees with every eye threw stone. He will repay thee enemies’ mine see to it that you trouble me no further just find a way to leave me alone or prepare to face the GOD alone your He Man friends who smoke and drink with you will not help you against the living GOD. Be aware that it’s your fault whatever happens from the Lord. Just now a man tried to shake hands with me and eye refused so as he was leaving he reached out his hand to slap my on the shoulder what? eye ask you was that some bizarre queer ritual designed to fray mye frazzled nerves? It was almost too much for the mee eye became very angry and told him to leave me alone. He has bothered me before but he was a different one. The face changes but remains the same old Devil the ruler of the la la land the Drunk. Punk. Bunk. Junk. Sunk. Skunk. Eye talk to other men all day and Never beat them up.
Eye have witnessed the fall of enemies the death of loved ones.