Monday, December 23, 2013


Think of this one as filler chinking holes in time to make this day last longer than eternity. Central focus is the never. SO many people said to me Never will a woman run for President. So many people said this also A Black Man will never be President. Gas will never go OVER $4.oo a gallon in Europe mabe but NEVER in this country. Yew cannot live with your house on your back like a turtle you will never make it. You will never amount to anything. You can never live on love. You will never be a writer. You will never be a poet. You will never be published. You will never stop drinking. You will never stop smoking. You will Never make it past the age of 14 years. You will never have the love of Jesus in your heart. You will not never live so long as to grow up. "A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, cone a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly." Heinlein, Robert A Robot diapers the cat invades the kitchen hogs the meat ships boxes empty builds designs awry writes prose no poetry accounts deletes walls destroys breaks bones of others kills the owners orders the kids orders the house acts uncooperative never alone equates additions efficiently dies and gallantly analyzes its faults. HienLien, CharlaX. As long as Never comes the poor will remain always with you. CharlaXJesus. Eye have an invisible Alien Crafted Space Ship made with computer age technology. Eye am a poet and eye am a writer and eye am 53 years. Eye have witnessed the fall of enemies the death of loved ones. Eye have suffered at the hands of criminals eye am hurt in my body and eye must forgive them for eye am convinced that they all live in la la land. Drunk and on drugs and hiding from the law of punishment. When the Jesus and all his Saints and all His Holy Angels come screaming from the Sky than will eye fight my enemies than and call it Judgement Day come for everyone that says Jesus is a small part of GOD. Eye look onto a dark glass and reflect not the temporary nation with the flag but the Heaven of Zion belonging GOD who sees with every eye threw stone. He will repay thee enemies’ mine see to it that you trouble me no further just find a way to leave me alone or prepare to face the GOD alone your He Man friends who smoke and drink with you will not help you against the living GOD. Be aware that it’s your fault whatever happens from the Lord. Just now a man tried to shake hands with me and eye refused so as he was leaving he reached out his hand to slap my on the shoulder what? eye ask you was that some bizarre queer ritual designed to fray mye frazzled nerves? It was almost too much for the mee eye became very angry and told him to leave me alone. He has bothered me before but he was a different one. The face changes but remains the same old Devil the ruler of the la la land the Drunk. Punk. Bunk. Junk. Sunk. Skunk. Eye talk to other men all day and Never beat them up.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


Send en masse out to hunt
when the idiots keep filltering the intergnet
all the elephont
one day the screen will be blank the screen filled with a lie
every creature dead and gone
on the screen is the number of the deviles namme
piles of bones and piles of meat
666 in flaming red letters
what will the future eat
you will have no other options press the button worship the creature
other people solyant green
Personally eye think porn is better
for nothing is a sin of itself it is only a perception of the person that makes a sin to be a sin
It makes me think and decide for myself
your sin is not mine it is not a sin to me
how naughty or nice am eye
it is a sin only to your selfish person
 — in Tallahassee, FL.

Monday, November 4, 2013

666 governmeant

666 governmeant
chew lead in pencils
no chewing gum aloud in the bus station
no porn in the lieberry is filtered
teach your children to fight
teach them to kill
teach them right
you make me sick in my dreams at night
666 governmeant

Photo: 666 governmeant
666 governmeant
chew lead in pencils
no chewing gum aloud in the bus station
no porn in the lieberry is filtered
teach your children to fight
teach them to kill
teach them right
you make me sick in my dreams at night
666 governmeant

Saturday, October 26, 2013

SIn or else

SIn or else
SIn or else
SIn or else
there is a reason for everything let me begin to explain the way things are to a world of soft people enslaved to the money they still use and crave how many people give things away not even at yard sales they still putt a price on those things the burger king ad with the scantily clad bombo is a no no this infuriated me the whole country should tell them no we do not want sex involved in family restaurants the facebook allowing pictures of beheadings eye will only say this IFF eye were a Serial Killer eye would target only facebook employees leaving those work badges tied to those heads as a warning to the killers roman of you dead this is a subliminal warning message to the facebook robot back off the censoring must stop you two faced allowing whatever to the inn croud while the poor free people are not allowed to play jamming with new friends where do you live inside today you can be certain killers will find you out they will take the heat and beat you down you cannot rule the intergnet you fool it is not made just for you but others of a better kind of people come along and rule some people do not like sex with sports it is supposed to be for there children growing upp the good things we try to do get stuck while the sin we err with keeps coming out the end MARTHA dont read this poem MARTHA
SIn or else
CharlaX — in Pensacola, FL.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Dead Poet Pull

Dead Poet Pull

August 27, 2013 at 9:59am

Dead Poet Pull
Dead Poet Pull
go into a bar on open mike night
they open the trench coats and flash the crowd gos  wild and roars for rear ended poetry night
this infatuation for the macabre is beyond the eye do not resort to sex to deliver poems to a crowd
yet eye write and do it most sporadically now you see it now you hunt for charlax is dead his poems might live on
a collection in a book online old web pages they could not find some of the poems will be left behind no edit coming no further words needed the poet gone into time
life is passed me bye
nothing much is given to a dreamer but religion and suffering at night
eye pull no punches eye pull no money out of a hat full of trickery
baddassshower poetry belongs to the trenchcoat poets not to eye
eye am too poor to bathe lave or slave
pull the taffy daffy duck the tossed salad good luck
liniment for horses pull the wagons pull upp the lane and dismount
cowboys and angel dust pull for the ground
words of comfort do not come from the trenches
pull the rabbit out of the pouch 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

some other thinking not mine

some other thinking not mine

July 25, 2013 at 11:13am
the mention of the men who have no money all the poor poor men please who who not the hooty owl again doh ray me la teeh doh teeh doh hooty owl hooty owl teeh doh
the mention of the men who have no money all the poor poor men please who who not the hooty owl again doh ray me la teeh doh teeh doh hooty owl hooty owl teeh doh

some other thinking not mine
some other thinking not mine
sure they mean well they tell
they hoist the boom and bring it down on you
explaining to you just what you have to do
as iff the gospel is given unto men in paychecks
the  20 dollar bill is lord and master now to them
wear the gun invisible on your belt hide the bullits  from the gun stock they make welts upon your sacrilege form the lines pay the penalty of time
bark your orders from the grave no one listens to your grace whiskey laced sermon now you see them now you do not see them shine on harvest moon of time is coming time is nigh near the starting near the ending of the time
judge me quickly judge me not guilty not thet eye did never sin but the sin must be forgiven men  who  who died and gave us the keys find the lord of all religion please do not call me the hooty owl again Roman Legions beck and call master of them all  is money rolled money counted money paid and money kept from the destruction of the mention of the men who have no money all the poor poor men please who who not the hooty owl again doh ray me la teeh doh teeh doh hooty owl hooty owl teeh doh money not mine thinking some other

Thursday, May 9, 2013



Who WIll photo SM-69708-5764_MEDIA_IMAGE_.jpg
Who will read mye poetry will there be a lieberry in the future of mankind where people turn the books like dimes spent in the slot will they find CharlaX in the melting pot of crucible so many more deserving people write the Asimov and the Heinlein will always be the ones the children want. Perhaps unheeded the book of CharlaX Prose sits on the very last row and gathers dust and moss. Will the last lieberrian perhaps just read the covers one last time and pause. Take down the CharlaX book with trembling hands long used to reading love. And he will never read another book because he fell in love with poem prose and the way this man writes things from his heart he started a reading journey that will not soon depart from start. What is the end of time but novels in our hands the sky shoots clouds across the day turns into night the flashlights come out and still we would not part with book for death. Depending on what is it about not the length for eye have read some very long books because eye was interested and life itself took second place the bed forgotton eye must keep reading Father Mother dear eye am going camping to sleep in mye bookreading again. Perhaps the lieberrian will find all the charlax poems so interesting he will make a light at nite perhaps a General Store left open in the holocost with a flashlight and several thousand batteries on hand after all he has the time. He handles each page with alacrity of age fingers start at the edges and stop and start in a paroday of confused moments meant to halt the passing of time and enjoying some one elses writtings oh to be able to write like this how does this man pen these odes of wisdom. Then one day the book of CharlaXProse falls from withered hands as the man goes gently to his GOD and life is gone. He sleeps like all the rest of them the bombs have come but for several days perhaps weeks a few months of time perhaps years had come and gone the death of falling bombs have missed the old liberrian. Long enought for him to find a reason to read and light the night. Read all the poems Who Will.