Eye walk a long way out to sleep in an unsafe place the plan is to be quiet on the way so nerves will let me rest when home it takes me over three hours just to make the trip the sidewalk is no funn most of the business is closed the ones which are there pandering to rich tourists or poor enclaves of local ghetto dwellers there. some burger joints a few fancy restaurants the most peculiar peccadillo is the motels behind the locked fences the rooms boarded up no hole untouched no way inside even iff someone left the sidewalk and scaled the fence they could never get into the room at all there is a Pinkerton Guard they live on the premises inside there personal cars not sure where they even enter the property from they come they go they guard the worthless property eye suppose to keep the homeless out. Eye was pushing the shopping cart eye stopped on the sidewalk just resting my sore foot some then BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG the boy in the car lifted the pistol with the clip to make sure eye seen this. There is only one reason for there to be only FIVE bullits the police still do this for safety. Eye was already thirsty but suddenly my mouth got very dry. Every bullit missed me. OR they must be blanks. Some old men die of heart attacks. They must have been trying to scare me. It is just as bad as bullits bouncing on the tarmac would have been more deadly. But eye got very little sleep last nite after the shooting spree at me was it worth the child's laughter. The person who did this is probably surprised eye did not fall down and die. Eye am assuming this is what they were after.
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