for thirty five minutes eye seemed to be in the twilight zone doing five minutes worth of posting feeling oppressed of the devil hurting in trouble fighting for control my laptop over heating the industrial block is in FireFox now the window dropped down when eye tried to tweet the 666 in full control of eye sent the tweet to the government the whole thing seems to be the set up entrapment to the yuppies squares they will put them into the round holes eye feel like eye been wrestling with the devil he is winning on the question of Divinity why be divided on this question is this Devil or God there is no reason to be Atheist why go the negative when you could live forever. Do you see just why its good to just believe just Imagine this Mister Atheist suppose you were right eye will be there right beside you in your night forever asleep with you no more problems now. But just suppose we both get up Me yelling Jesus you crying NO this is not happening. Bound with ropes from Angels trembling hands then lowered into the Lake of Fire with Brimestone then. YOu not eye. Eye believed. Just in case it happens to be covered with his Blood. Eye place my Faith above your ignorance of God. See you there someday. lost in thought the ending of this poem is escaping me. why knot love is such the hard reality. kill
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