once upon the time of man and twice upon the arm of GOD there came upon the internet of them they conspired to make an army up of robots unsuspected on the public eye became the undercover man on facebook private eye found them nano bots and oiled them in the can they had the vouchers for the millennium used up and wiped off the side of all the accounts were gone ex see you tree hide behind the all eye all eye all in free metaltarsisbendoralloy mechanism failed go back to profile page the poems are going very well but the movie is always one that eye have seen before the ending well in hand when eye get home again eye leave at the part where eye came inn what is that on my wall what have you people done while eye was gone it looks like sin like ice like something big has been chagrin the lever pulled the function over now the robots come dismantle eye the robots won the eye is dry ice is formed on legs of wall the home page lost in falderal the melting pot of ice cascaded down her tisket is her tasket its in her green and yellowed basket just incase she asks it was as cold on facebook as a well diggers last brass witches list of friends she exes them to make room for the five thousand loaves and fishes she reels inn for facebook
Sunday, April 25, 2010

once upon the time of man and twice upon the arm of GOD there came upon the internet of them they conspired to make an army up of robots unsuspected on the public eye became the undercover man on facebook private eye found them nano bots and oiled them in the can they had the vouchers for the millennium used up and wiped off the side of all the accounts were gone ex see you tree hide behind the all eye all eye all in free metaltarsisbendoralloy mechanism failed go back to profile page the poems are going very well but the movie is always one that eye have seen before the ending well in hand when eye get home again eye leave at the part where eye came inn what is that on my wall what have you people done while eye was gone it looks like sin like ice like something big has been chagrin the lever pulled the function over now the robots come dismantle eye the robots won the eye is dry ice is formed on legs of wall the home page lost in falderal the melting pot of ice cascaded down her tisket is her tasket its in her green and yellowed basket just incase she asks it was as cold on facebook as a well diggers last brass witches list of friends she exes them to make room for the five thousand loaves and fishes she reels inn for facebook
once upon the time of man and twice upon the arm of GOD there came upon the internet of them they conspired to make an army up of robots unsuspected on the public eye became the undercover man on facebook private eye found them nano bots and oiled them in the can they had the vouchers for the millennium used up and wiped off the side of all the accounts were gone ex see you tree hide behind the all eye all eye all in free metaltarsisbendoralloy mechanism failed go back to profile page the poems are going very well but the movie is always one that eye have seen before the ending well in hand when eye get home again eye leave at the part where eye came inn what is that on my wall what have you people done while eye was gone it looks like sin like ice like something big has been chagrin the lever pulled the function over now the robots come dismantle eye the robots won the eye is dry ice is formed on legs of wall the home page lost in falderal the melting pot of ice cascaded down her tisket is her tasket its in her green and yellowed basket just incase she asks it was as cold on facebook as a well diggers last brass witches list of friends she exes them to make room for the five thousand loaves and fishes she reels inn for facebook
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

She Placed her self into a picture frame a picture smiles where the sun does shine.
For it just survives. Her best fit was in our allotted time.
NO one knoes that she and eye exist except the ONE that loves me;
and these the ones that HE gives me, to bring me love.
The daughter caught the mother eye into the sun she smiled for eye she smiled for mee.
A picture captures love but cannot convey or contain it.
Exception happens when the one who poses smiles.
The one who L()()ks must never frown.
The love eye have for ewe is in YOUR smile and now your smile is in mye eye.
On the making of a poem ed.note.ed no one but the Author and his lover ever get the meaning of a poem no one but the sister new found not the old one way back home she can see it in the smile no one but the daughter and the mother and the editor and the author and the reader reading meaning minion and yes sister ever understanding just what eye meant from poet eye. Eye could see mee in your smile.
She Placed her self into a picture frame a picture smiles where the sun does shine.
For it just survives. Her best fit was in our allotted time.
NO one knoes that she and eye exist except the ONE that loves me;
and these the ones that HE gives me, to bring me love.
The daughter caught the mother eye into the sun she smiled for eye she smiled for mee.
A picture captures love but cannot convey or contain it.
Exception happens when the one who poses smiles.
The one who L()()ks must never frown.
The love eye have for ewe is in YOUR smile and now your smile is in mye eye.
On the making of a poem ed.note.ed no one but the Author and his lover ever get the meaning of a poem no one but the sister new found not the old one way back home she can see it in the smile no one but the daughter and the mother and the editor and the author and the reader reading meaning minion and yes sister ever understanding just what eye meant from poet eye. Eye could see mee in your smile.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
FIFteenth Day Of April FLower Power Poetry
FIFteenth Day Of April FLower Power Poetry

"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along." ~Rumi~
all along the watchtower is a song but its a love story too for ewe must climb them ladder rungging wet she works too hard
Climb the rung, Ladder. Tote that barge, Bale. Batton down them latches, Batches. Open up them swales. Straddle the barb , Wire. Straddle the wire, Fence. Straddle the ladder rung sweat and get wet and get down Oo0o0o0o0o get down o0o0oo0o dance with me bababay lamb. so they will all understand it perfectly he says in English : Play the card game as iff you are dealing the cards back into the deck they way they came out. (there is a stunned silence in this room). Deal the cards. They say. One by one they smile and play the card game each man is secretly playing his cards as iff they are being dealt back into the deck the same way they came out. Poetboy smiles.
"The minute I heard my first love story, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along." ~Rumi~
all along the watchtower is a song but its a love story too for ewe must climb them ladder rungging wet she works too hard
Climb the rung, Ladder. Tote that barge, Bale. Batton down them latches, Batches. Open up them swales. Straddle the barb , Wire. Straddle the wire, Fence. Straddle the ladder rung sweat and get wet and get down Oo0o0o0o0o get down o0o0oo0o dance with me bababay lamb.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Twelveth Day of Aprileth
Twelveth Day of Aprileth
Drafty by WordySWorthington

I wandereth lonethumb has this cloud
above the snow lines
That float on high rilles o'er vales and hills,
on wings of turtle doves
When all at once I saw a crowded hillside,
a bunch of skunks
A host of white stripes, of black furry creatures;
Beside the streaming, beneath the tree of aging,
Fluttering and dancing in the wafting smell oh my god that odour.
Continuous as the eyes that shine
And pissing on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a hayfield trampling all them mice in way:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves of amber grains beside them wilted at advance, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves did weep at smell of cats;
A poet could not be but gay and very handsome man,
In such a jocund buzzard company!
I sniffed—and gagged—but little thought of smell had penetrated brain
What wealth the show of all them kitty buzzard skunks to me had brought:
For oft, when on my side of tent I lie
In vacant or in sniffing mode,
They flash upon that inward eye of love them most
Which is the blissters of the solitude of nose;
And then my heart with pleasure fills the lungs,
And silences the coughing choking charlax withe his skunks.
Drafty by WordySWorthington
I wandereth lonethumb has this cloud
above the snow lines
That float on high rilles o'er vales and hills,
on wings of turtle doves
When all at once I saw a crowded hillside,
a bunch of skunks
A host of white stripes, of black furry creatures;
Beside the streaming, beneath the tree of aging,
Fluttering and dancing in the wafting smell oh my god that odour.
Continuous as the eyes that shine
And pissing on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a hayfield trampling all them mice in way:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.
The waves of amber grains beside them wilted at advance, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves did weep at smell of cats;
A poet could not be but gay and very handsome man,
In such a jocund buzzard company!
I sniffed—and gagged—but little thought of smell had penetrated brain
What wealth the show of all them kitty buzzard skunks to me had brought:
For oft, when on my side of tent I lie
In vacant or in sniffing mode,
They flash upon that inward eye of love them most
Which is the blissters of the solitude of nose;
And then my heart with pleasure fills the lungs,
And silences the coughing choking charlax withe his skunks.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Eight Days Of April
Eight Days Of April

eye was ai only child true story ewe this old man picks up sticks he got eight up on his plate when eye went innside the City Market store eye was noticing the basket cause it was in the middle of the aisle where there was no one there the thing looked forlorn and abandoned just waiting like a bizzaro bird to be plucked away from love the woman on the aisle was there she told me plainly the cart does not belong to me but so what said eye the carts belong only to the store the young men working there cared nothing for the thing at all they chafted at this old gray headed man telling them anything at all it came to me they was trying to catch a thief they mabe planted a dummy purse and cell phone in that cart just like in real old life you get old every day you did your time and then its over its time to go thats just life thats how it comes the end after the starting gun the race is fixed the thief is caught but eye won eye turned it in eye told on them they said it has been like this for a very long time grasshodder old man and eye left and noticed the cart was no longer there all proud of self all happy that eye had won escargo out the door but wait this twist of fate they swept me out with the cardbored lines of food in the cheaper bins are gone there is none and so when eye asked for a Rain Check she said OH NO you can not have this stuff free it is already marked down to non existant ???today eye decided to no more be a customer on the floor swept past the door and gone away.
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eye was ai only child true story ewe this old man picks up sticks he got eight up on his plate when eye went innside the City Market store eye was noticing the basket cause it was in the middle of the aisle where there was no one there the thing looked forlorn and abandoned just waiting like a bizzaro bird to be plucked away from love the woman on the aisle was there she told me plainly the cart does not belong to me but so what said eye the carts belong only to the store the young men working there cared nothing for the thing at all they chafted at this old gray headed man telling them anything at all it came to me they was trying to catch a thief they mabe planted a dummy purse and cell phone in that cart just like in real old life you get old every day you did your time and then its over its time to go thats just life thats how it comes the end after the starting gun the race is fixed the thief is caught but eye won eye turned it in eye told on them they said it has been like this for a very long time grasshodder old man and eye left and noticed the cart was no longer there all proud of self all happy that eye had won escargo out the door but wait this twist of fate they swept me out with the cardbored lines of food in the cheaper bins are gone there is none and so when eye asked for a Rain Check she said OH NO you can not have this stuff free it is already marked down to non existant ???today eye decided to no more be a customer on the floor swept past the door and gone away.
Edit this page (if you have permission) | Google Docs -- Web word processing, presentations and spreadsheets.
Sunday, April 4, 2010

one two buckle mye belt
three four move the computor to the door
five six pick up the belt pouch next
seven eight get the black bag straight
nine ten off to town again
eye do this every day
to make the poems that we
love to line the cages of the birds upon
them crows you keep to make you sleep
the later then you think it was
the air is all eye need to fly
one two buckle mye belt
three four move the computor to the door
five six pick up the belt pouch next
seven eight get the black bag straight
nine ten off to town again
eye do this every day
to make the poems that we
love to line the cages of the birds upon
them crows you keep to make you sleep
the later then you think it was
the air is all eye need to fly
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