Wreaking havoc on freedom. UnAmerican doctrine. Animal Farm and 1984 comes back to mine ideas. NOthing has prepared me for the invasion of my bastion my simple broadcast may save millions please pay attention minions. The right to view (sic)k any material upon the internet should be a given no one wants them listening to hearing hiding in the backroom watching what your seeing it smacks of worse things then eye am doing. Its pure and easy Nazism. Naught see ism. An easy play on words. Most of you know eye am a maker of short prose story poems shuddering in extacy as minions comment on my work is slow there is no where that eye can go to avoid the Big Bother Eye they have the Ear as well as Eye decide what eye can do adult and American its true just take a freedom from me makes me read white and blue all over again the green is for the Army Man eye trained to fight the enemy is LIFE is TIME is now the Admistrative Privalges gone mad. The program said NO Poetry allowed as we are Blocking your IP address how sad it includes the little pictures now no longer sent to ewe in email there is only a small oblonged box that says this picture can be seen at Photobucket this makes me mad its not ever PORN unless you count the three wise rich men from the ZZTopPoem sent. The Children must understand eye am not defending everthing upon the internet but eye am defending my personal right to view anything and then decide just for myself iff eye can see it. Today they have take that freedom back away from me and caused me once again to be a free American.
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