Friday, February 26, 2010


Wreaking havoc on freedom. UnAmerican doctrine. Animal Farm and 1984 comes back to mine ideas. NOthing has prepared me for the invasion of my bastion my simple broadcast may save millions please pay attention minions. The right to view (sic)k any material upon the internet should be a given no one wants them listening to hearing hiding in the backroom watching what your seeing it smacks of worse things then eye am doing. Its pure and easy Nazism. Naught see ism. An easy play on words. Most of you know eye am a maker of short prose story poems shuddering in extacy as minions comment on my work is slow there is no where that eye can go to avoid the Big Bother Eye they have the Ear as well as Eye decide what eye can do adult and American its true just take a freedom from me makes me read white and blue all over again the green is for the Army Man eye trained to fight the enemy is LIFE is TIME is now the Admistrative Privalges gone mad. The program said NO Poetry allowed as we are Blocking your IP address how sad it includes the little pictures now no longer sent to ewe in email there is only a small oblonged box that says this picture can be seen at Photobucket this makes me mad its not ever PORN unless you count the three wise rich men from the ZZTopPoem sent. The Children must understand eye am not defending everthing upon the internet but eye am defending my personal right to view anything and then decide just for myself iff eye can see it. Today they have take that freedom back away from me and caused me once again to be a free American.


Wreaking havoc on freedom. UnAmerican doctrine. Animal Farm and 1984 comes back to mine ideas. NOthing has prepared me for the invasion of my bastion my simple broadcast may save millions please pay attention minions. The right to view (sic)k any material upon the internet should be a given no one wants them listening to hearing hiding in the backroom watching what your seeing it smacks of worse things then eye am doing. Its pure and easy Nazism. Naught see ism. An easy play on words. Most of you know eye am a maker of short prose story poems shuddering in extacy as minions comment on my work is slow there is no where that eye can go to avoid the Big Bother Eye they have the Ear as well as Eye decide what eye can do adult and American its true just take a freedom from me makes me read white and blue all over again the green is for the Army Man eye trained to fight the enemy is LIFE is TIME is now the Admistrative Privalges gone mad. The program said NO Poetry allowed as we are Blocking your IP address how sad it includes the little pictures now no longer sent to ewe in email there is only a small oblonged box that says this picture can be seen at Photobucket this makes me mad its not ever PORN unless you count the three wise rich men from the ZZTopPoem sent. The Children must understand eye am not defending everthing upon the internet but eye am defending my personal right to view anything and then decide just for myself iff eye can see it. Today they have take that freedom back away from me and caused me once again to be a free American.

Friday, February 19, 2010


You cannot place a poet in a box of predetermined learning rules and regulations no sooner said then done you cannot call a man an idiot that only hath a speech impedimeant the rules are ever changing outside this box. Wake up. Too Poetry. Spelling is an emphasis oration is a gift of GOD we pronoun the words with this lack of actual spelling its usually on purpose to emphasis the differance. HOW DARE YEW or EWE or even YOU take me for an imbelical cord. I wish that eye could read orate the fate of this particulate. To make you laught at each and every predicate nuance the day make hay diddle diddle in the ears of all the minions there. Where. Where they incline upon divine divan the fan blowing away the smoke from the burnning fish in pan. Fry bread is sticks again. Can you hear the way eye am writing this POETRY POETRY POETRY POETRY today. Every poem has a title every poem hath an middle missive then an ending this bye quoting someone elses poetry. The book is Leadershippe FOUR Literalness. Written by Forrest Poetry Chilsom Trail Associated Press. Iff you see a resemblence. Ed.note.ed. Qooth page ppp 42 end Quoth 43. ...Iff literacy education is ever to reach the STASIS of a SOCIALIST REPUBLIC (emphasis is mind) misquothing now it must go threw a transition phasors on stunned you got you in which students provide increasing impedimeants to learning is not a simple process. Make the Johhny read more Poetry.

Friday, February 12, 2010



Valentine lover. When she says that she still loves.

Valentine high. When she kisses loves no other. Valentine Cry. When I realize what she has given me what passes for our souls in all eternity our love aglow her heart and mind entwined with mine I cry the tears of love they flow down upon my carpet as I ride. This dream of majic love. Oh Valentine; be true to you. Trust the heart to send the CupiddDart to this one who dreams of you upon his Majic Carpet riding.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


CharlaXDictionary entry seven numbered knot NervO: the state of the computor user when the mouse goes all squirrley.No amount of noodeling no dragging no tapping can ease mye nervo. The fine art of a mouse pad escapes the commands I carefully do everything write and then it goes south it stops working it will not recognize my tapping it even slides to the right eye soon have to stop and go retrieve it like a bone that slides out of the dogs mouth eye suppose eye am too sensitively trained to the drag and click mouse on the public servor used to doing the dragging for copy and pasteing. NOT the grating nerves of the chalk boarded but the aweful loss of control of noodeling there is no other word to explain the movement of a tool with a mind of its own a mouse intent on taking its own time on going where it pleases no matter what the user attempting. Scrolling is halfway down the page eye go then the mouse takes off trying to escape he shows me several options the arrows pointing both ways at once like the scarecrows arms then the almost time function arrows that point in circles eye cannot get them to actually do anything but wait them out untill its over twirling. Eye advocate no violence but wish the missing person that taught me how to double tapp this mouse learns a better lesson and the tap and slide works better now. What eye am trying to communicate to the faithful minions is the way it grates inside the nerve endings and iff you are not nervous or ever have been nervous as a person then you will not relate. Perhaps a distant cousin or an uncle or an aunt even you could be my mother in a placento sort of relationship smother me with mother love. Both of them. Sort of. Just a play on words no need to start the motor car. NervO.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


The quantum foam is sticky, like taffy. My mind pulls on it and every strand of gooey color brings to me the sweet essence of you from all the universes. This is Doctor Bucks theory of the QuantumUniversal. The QuantumUniversal(Tm)(R) theory simply stated is this : Time Travel to the future is impossible so to the past times we must go. This is DR. Bucks assistant DR. Hice : We sent a chicken back to 1932 in our time travel machine it was unable to lay eggs when we actually retrieved it it was trying to peck itself to death we think the brain is affected and we are searching for a volunteer a human to send back in time again. We need a volunteer from among all the facebook contestants we will have to choose among teh reluctants. JB has chosen to remain annonamouse but has agreed to be our guinea piggy. He wants to go back to 1963 to eat some of the pie he forgot that day on his MOthers window still sitting there hot and smothered with love. It was Apple flavored fig newton pie. Oh Yuckk. Some mothers fill pies with strang things but always add love. We hesitated only once then hit the switch that sent him back to his mothers kitchen in 1965. What. No Doctors is not perfect and we overshot the time by two years the pie was gone his MOther had none. SHe looked carefully at John and said My SOn how you have grown where did you learn to shave facebook mabe oh that bad facebook place. He was overheard to exclaim as he took our sled back to flight Oh my Mother eye love you eye do but the quantum foam is sticky like taffy, my mind pulls on it; and every strand of gooey color brings to me the sweet essence of you from all the universes. You were always a good poet she smiled down at John Burroughs who frowned back at the Doctors Hice and Time Buck. The QuantumUniversal Theory has worked go now to facebook and look how Jesus Crisis turned out.