Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Paroday of William XLI.

A Paroday of William XLI.


Those petty thefts that who committed
When who is sometimes pretty all alone with heart,
Thy beauty, and thy years full well befitting self appreciation,
For still temptation follows where who art.
Gentle who art, and therefore to be who;
Beauteous who art, therefore to be mislead;
And when a woman swoons nearby, what woman's who
Will sour her like lemone limning till who have prevailed?
Aye WHO! but yet who mighdst my own hand forbear,
And hide who beauty and who straying playing youth,
Who lead thee in their riot even here down that primrose pathway
Where who art forced to break his grip on truth:
Whos by whos beauty tempting who to leave,
Because she saw who anear the rose bush being false too her.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Who left his River rain hat upside down inside her wicker basket full
of trinkets of her love. Her Husband found that River rain hat upside
down in Wicker basket full of trinkets she had given him a lock of her
love. Golden Tresses Silver Kisses we will never lose our love. She
smiled at her man said the HAT was just a River rain hat belonging to
the plumber he must have come to fix the sink. When he nodded as he
walked away she took the River rain hat into secret where she hid it
faraway there near her leaking heart of love. Who left his
RiverRainHat upside down inside her basket full of love.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Thou Paroday of Twain.
Let who confess Mark we two must be Twain,
Although our undivided minds are one;
So shall those poets that do with me remain,
Without Mark Twains help, by who be borne alone.
In our loves there is but one Samuel,
Though in our lives a who respite,
Which although it alters love's sole effect,
Yet doth it Twain steal hours from love's delightedness.
Who may not evermore acknowledge Twain,
Lest whos bewailèd guilt should do Twain shame,
Nor Twain with public kindness honour who
Unless Mark takes that honour from whos name.
But do not so, WHO loves Twain in such sort
As, Twain being whos, whos is Marks good report.

Monday, July 13, 2009


There is only Two Tao. Only good only bad. Master who teaches more than one still only teaches one Tao the bad one cause he is wrong. Rabbi who teaches GOD wears the scriptures in a little wooden box on his head to simulate a dead work a dead world a dead man. Too teach the path to GOD is to follow Tao. Too follow Jesus is to follow Tao. The Parodox of GOD is JESUS. Dead and yet still living. Perhaps this is what TAO is all about a living dead man being GOD. Mye own lamb may never understand. A swordsman seldom retires a fighter full of self just dies. Someday a man recovers from his wounds the beatings brings to him a boon but seldom fights again but stays among the living a shadow of himself a Ghost perhaps of GOD. His Tao of GOD his COdeofHonoR. A doubled edge sword delivers n one from death but gives the enemy the blow that takes him to eternity. What then becomes ooof the double minded man with Sword in hand. IS he the GOD or just a man? Forsaking him for Glory a winner in a fight he wears his CodeofHonoR. Justified by deeds by valor and by pride. Even so he may become the Ruler of the Fire. The Joyous VIctory just ashes turned to pain for Judgement come. Soldiers pay the piper some good some bad some cowards. Who has his CodeofHonoR. For he has stood and faced his enemies swordless friendless no Coward running no Swordsman fighting just JESUS standing there wearing only his Patriots CodeofHonoR.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Who can count transgressions hold them deep in heart fall apart from sorrows or make a brand new start. You have chosen to bring honor to the last stand of this man to add your love to mine. Never will who wander Never will who wonder where is love. Many dance upon the stage and silver screen famous rich fulfilling dreams many More absolutly never make it past the waking dreams the sleeping dawn to dusk a homeless husk just seams to be a scar where love has been but now the love is where my heart will sing for ever for your love is starting over lasting pleasantly for ever there inside whos heart who loves ParmeYou.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


When a Jet is pushing MACH 2 and it is a good pilot in there cockpitted place he will turn the plane in 360 degrees and hit the ass kicking button to launch himself in space thus becoming the first person to actually time travel to the past. E=MC3. When the Jet lands near the city in the past they will think it is an Alien Space Craft. When he leaves the thing dressed in Regs with helmut on they will be sure he is an Alein. Or perhaps an Aritificial INtelligence looking for its function. The paradox is of course meeting yourself (some people would strangle the child in the bizarre effort to suicide.) You would not immediatley dissappear you would have lived all them years in your differant time line beginning where you left off where the child died a ghost murdered and a murderer inside your quality of life basically disintegrating before your very eyes your core fibre being no longer human perhaps the better idea like ford try to shake the boys hand then try to talk to you man to man but would you listen to this older version of yourself or would you be smart enought to knoe its you come to see you from your future. AI knoe its me you see AI knoe that man is AI. Or you would give yourself advise like stop playing with yourself so often and so much it only makes you sad when you get older. Just because no one helps you then they shudder and avoid you now? NO. Just let the boy alone some of those memories and moments with those pictures of those girls with girls are priceless. AI really hate to FLY at supersonic speeds so AI will surely never go away to time travelling day on the wings of the DarkstoneTheoryOFTime.

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