Monday, January 26, 2009
Literal interpretation would be impossible to describe the bible says not to add or subtract from the scriptures and Bollywood changes things so many times it’s inevitable they would get it wrong. It could be a lie just to confuse us the Bible is the King James Version Authorized by whom? James is not mye King. Perhaps the King of Spain has a version. Su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis. En France. Sixsixsix Italian seiseisei German Sechssechssechs ROMAN numerals VIVIVI it will not fit on mye forehead this was perhaps in Russia they have larger foreheads шестьшестьшесть what a blunder. Spanish SeisSeisSeis this would not fit on the head of a large bull dog. Perhaps the Bible is in need of Spiritual Interpretation and understanding and a number is not the thing that marks the head but just a mark. Perhaps a long slash from a talon not a tattoo at all. Why are we typing so small the font is twelve lets change it up eye can not read this at all and eye am the author of it all. No not GOD just his servant a servant of Jesus. You need to find him and escape the coming Justice. He is all eye need to survive. 666 this would fit but who decides on Englais numerals. Eye am homeless eye wish to ask the UN about the 666 the mark of the beast eye sent them an email to their Relief section. Perhaps it should have been in Spanish to ensure a reply. The French six is six just like the English six. All the other numbres is differant except the six. Perhaps this is a clue. clikemeforpoetry the fact that a man reaches in a sack and searches it diligently and is so sure that it is empty he got two cakes out of the sack then when he went back the very next day the sack had a sandwich there the favorite kind of fish for eye. The propensity for cheating is now astounding they can bring down words of copy and paste and call them thine own homework is decided not on ablility but Rome. Eye saw a boy make a document from Rome his homework was not typed or thought of in his brain except to look at. Iff the teacher ever questions him about the stuff he turns inn he will be done on one side turn him over on the othere. Fried like Chinese Pride in oil and better oleo. Eye bet you saw butter coming. Has anyone seen the beast yet? Rising up from Ocean Side. Is his namme Ouoouoouo?
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