Saturday, January 31, 2009

He had new jeans and a brand new jacket on a head set over the hood that looked like it contained an orchestra. He went from rags to riches over night perhaps we should send the dogs out to look for nearbye friends. He wanted money whiskey is expensive and so he wandered in the club and set his old bones inside of new wolves clothes at least he was trying to work lets listen inn. ClubbedOwner: "what is that you do?" OldjJoker: "Eye am an entertainer let me have thirty minutes on this stage no matter what happens you only pay me @$20p for the night." The owner said BOY aer yew in luck the band did not show up. Stand Up Comic. First jJoke ed.note.ed. The Owner did not smile as he introduced the OldjJoker by this moniker he wanted all the drinkers to stay and smile and belly up and pay some more. He placed a coffee cup close to the edge of the stage and yelled to everyone if this man is good with jJokes please fill this up. Then he smiled a sort of twisted grin as several patrons stood again and bought another round. One dripped some whiskey in the cup on his way back down to front. The StandUpComic smiled and told his first joke. "We are camped out near the town." " the Policeman frowned and said what are you doing here?" "we are protecting this city from the Herds of Wild Elephants around" there are no Elephants in this city said the policeman quickly" Your thanks is appreciated sir for a job well done" well you could have heard a pin dropp no one moved or ordered any drinks the ClubbedOwner moved a little to the nervous twitch that always came to his left eye when someone was on stage at night. The jJoker cleared his eye and tried again. "There was a man inside the airplane and he was talking rather nerves and loud he rang out LOOK those people down there look just like ants isn’t it amazing" The Pilot leaned out of the cockpit and said Those ARE ants you idiot we have not taken off yet? The only sound in the club was the Sound of Silence. The ClubbedOwner looked at his watch and frowned down at the empty bar glad that he had not paid the jJoker yet. He gulped some air almost certain that he had failed to earn the $20p but then he smiled remembering the deal it was for time all he had to do was fill the thirty minutes or so he was supposing they would pay. "Why" he began then had to start over with "WHY" a little louder no one coughed or encouraged him otherwise. "WHY"? He tried again "did the pygmies paint all there toenails red?" To hide in the Cherrie trees? It was at this time that the StandUpComic looked down at the coffee cup left there for his tips it was turned around upside down. No one ordered another round the Owner was standing there giving him a huge thumbs down He smiled at the ClubbedOwner you have that backwards actually the Romans gave a thumbs down when they wanted someone to live. Groans filled the cavern space of stage. Fright descended upon the StandUpComicOldjJokers face and he left without the $20p or the whiskey spilled from overturned cup on the StandUpComic stage. The Owner was openly weeping saying good night to all the paying customers. He hurried to the door and very carefully pulled a $50p bill from out of his lapel it was his emergency money kept there so hidden well from robbers and from thieves. The jJoker turned and paused aplomb gone. ClubbedOwner: "Eye will give this to you sir on only one condition never come near this place again with your rendition of a comedian." The OldjJoker took the money slowly turned and walked away into the darkness. The Owner closed the stage door to the alleyway and smiled.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Three poems combined OR this item is not for sale. TrueismsThe key is under the mat. The note is on the refrigerator door. The cat is in the Back Yard. The letters is near the mail box. The clothes line is on the side yard. The carport is near the garage closer to the laundry room then the bedroom. The Kitchen is spaced. The living room is every piece of furniture covered up with drop clothes no drop cloths no one can sit and live in living room the den is for the television. There is usually a cage for the children’s pets. Rodents, mice, rats, gerbils, lemmings, squirrels. Little girls keep strange animals. We still eat on the porch. Homeless AppsA series of questions asked of a homeless person at a job interview OR who actually would hire yew?Do you live in an existing structure? Do you have a shower or a bath? Shaving is in style at this office. Do you drink alcoholic beverages such as Lysol?Clothing is meant to be changed daily and washed weakly.Can you chew meat and peanuts with your existing teeth?DO your socks match?When someone shouts fire in a Theater do you duck?Do you walk toward a car and hold your hand out then someone just drives near? Relax iff ewe answered any and all of these questions it just meant that ewe aer not a redneck. RiceforAlgernonDateline New Chaldonea the scientific community was gratified to be the proud mothers of the new insect resistant rice. The field testing stage is almost ready for deployment. They worked in the lab for three months and Algernon the mouse was fattened up because he learned to avoid the treated grains and eat the good stuff. He was mazed. The control group used fluffy grains of untreated whiteflower rice as the control for the treated kind. One side of the maze was left open to make it easier to get the hard unedible portions the mouse learned to dive headlong down inverted partitions to get his taste buds to the rice so soft and chewy it tastes like white rice. Remember how the grains would stick together and so so chewy.
A story of the true life of Delta Dawn OR Condensed by Campells.The bus line used to run the city bus near her door way she took it one block across the square they never charged her fare was free. She worked for the government but one day she fell in love with mee. The android eye. We had a lovely time the day was filled with sighs and no regrets. And then it happened she had become homeless. Perhaps she blames this downfall that she lives upon the eye but what fault is man that loves. She wears that flower on a pin she lets it near her shoulder above her breast and cries when someone asks her where is that man that used to be here. She looks like she is looking up into the Heaven up above not in denial at all but just accepting that he’s gone. In her younger days they called her Delta Dawn Prettiest woman you ever laid eyes on. Then a man of low degree stood by her side And promised her he'd take her for his bride eye never promised her a rose garden. She lives too much in there regrets in alcoholic hazy days of twisting cheap wine caps from bottles never aged the expiration date a bizarre torment of formaldehyde hidden in hopes of better lives. What is that flower you have on could be a faded rose from day’s gone bye. And did eye hear ewe say that he is never coming back to the bus stop at the end of every lane in this lifeline. She carries all her clothes in a backpack and a zipper bag and sews her layers to skin kept hidden from the sunlight. She has a heart as great as all the suffering she’s done she loves too deeply for a man to touch or reach perhaps she sleeps so sound at night because the light of love and GOD resides in her in Jesus. A man would only confuse her with a self centered love like some bizarre tom cat using her for self aggrandizement. Eye could not live one lifetime to the bitter end but had to choose to live it one day at a time. 'Cause she walks downtown with a suitcase in her hand. Looking for a mysterious dark-haired man Eye am sorry that eye had to leave her.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Authorization RequiredThis server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.Apache/2.0.61 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.0.61 OpenSSL/0.9.7a FrontPage/ mod_bwlimited/1.4 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 PHP/5.2.4 Server at Port 80 – DarkstoneThe end of world scenario has people blown to smithereens what iff the emeny is Chinese and they developed smart bombs that just take the peoples clothes and blow the weapons up inside of peoples bags the airport dome is open the smart bombs there aer falling the people now run naked the luggage all exploding. The poet was in the lieberry saving his work one naked page at a time. He had a half of a page of a WORD® document when the smart bomb outside went off. They played them stupid sirens the Civil Defense puts out it sounds like a tornado coming mabe ewe can remember the sound iff ewe lived in the deep deep south. The building locked automatically eye refused to leave the Sirens stopped the Sheriff of the County of Cork came into the room he seemed drunk. The Cork was pulled from the Whiskey neck too soon in the day to suit eye. He laughed and swaggered a bit and he would not meet mye eye. What UP Sherriff Corked said eye. He tired to sound Officious with his drunken presence but he poured the western accent on too thick like that awful BarBQued. This is official business said the eye eye am retrieving a WORD document lost in a priority. Before the bombs were dropped. It’s very important that eye save it. The Sheriff got sober in record time and thumbed his WalkyTalky™® on within ten minutes there was three agents there from the FBI. We are from the Federal Bureau Of WORD® Document Retrieval Investigation. This is a matter now for Home Security and the computor called us in automatically at the same time the Sherriff was using the old way of the WalkyTalky™® They immediately saluted the eye. Eye waved them. Then eye laughed at them and said eye am not longer undercover the day is half over and they smiled. They each brought me the word document in triplicate the only thing upon it was the error message grommet. The condensed soup mix in the center of the page inflated and there was the poem Flowers Faded. Flowers Fade. Eye saw the pretty flowers on the road side They were all so pretty to me They seemed permanent to me But snow will frown Wind and Rain and Sun. The Flowers are all gone. The Sherriff was the first to say it WHY it is only a poem. Only a poem ALL three FBEYE people cried out at once like a chorus. His ewe his wife his interneted life she loves this poem she reads it twice when she reads it sometimes she lets a tear slide down her nose and she smiles. She just loves it. Said eye. It was worth all the clothes and the bullits exploding in bags. Eureka eye have it said eye. Retrieve.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Are we happy when good news comes after a delay of days sometimes goes on too long or are we sort of jaded when elated hits the fan and then we hear that all is well we sort of hang the head and think that mabe it was too long in coming great the news may be but why the wait? It’s like eating when one has this cold a chore that has to be accomplished done so quickly over taste was not a factor. Like bathing in a tub with clothes on. Like eating sustenance the basics with no deserts afterwords. Let them eat cake and bake on the sandy shoreling no snoring on the couch legs in womb positions slouch. No cost is spared in experimental dressings perfume flaunted at no charge. Wide open spaces calling no one to come out. While the foundations of her lover are now taken away by force from him forever as they besmirch the only thing he had left his good name is gone fropped away with cuttings from academies of Belarus Institutions where they train the Teamsters to treat paying customers like dust. My feet aer sorer then they ever have been even when eye marched the Masonic Dixon line to Winter Haven. My head keeps filling up with a clear liquid measure seemingly with no end of snot. Grime despair grips me in group graspings grimly. My pretty green scarf is now a catchers rag for snot the thing must weigh a ton and eye keep forgetting not to wear it and so it goes on neck until eye hasty pulling off. Remembering just where it is suddenly like a light bulb going on. Pull the switch turn the light switch on the light comes on pull the switch anon the second time around the light switch down the light goes off the off and on is up and down the last place eye want to put that rag is pocket. My jeans look nice but there is stains not showing. Near the places that people frown. The day is nice where lamb is at and daughters home. This is only thing that makes me smile. GoodNews. Now there they said at once don’t you feel so bad all that worry that you did it was for nothing you should feel even worse now that you knoe that she is safe and sound and no harm done. Feel bad because you worried some. The habit of a lifetime.
Eye am the android eye eye use the computor to write the computor is not using eye to make this document complete this is about steps. A step is measured by the stride. A man’s stride is usually a yard. He walks into the yard he strides he steps. An android step is two feet long. Eye actually measured this once eye put both mye feet end to end and marked it off two feet long. For a shoe to be 12 inches in length it would have to be a size twelve eye wear a size eight and one half nine. Let mee try again. Mye stride is Seventeen and one half inches or two feet to each step is recommended. Eye am halt and lame in one foot and that is where the shorter mechanism is. The other foot is overcompensated eye always lose the big toe nail. It simply grew too long to take the place of balance acting like a buffer on a tailless monkey eye never slide mye foot or glide it in the air like the silver surfer there. Eye step and then eye step the other foot and then eye steps them both up stepps of stone washed denim steppes near clouds of iambic perimeter. The flash and glitter of the trail of heat left by Johnny Storm washes over eye can try to stand on water now but can’t look down or think of what is in the water lurking in the deep eye cant. Eye cant the chronicles of Thomas as eye Covet only sleep perchance the bodily functions. Eye have a theorem of rest complete with the muscles relaxer not moving helps. There is no medicine made that will penetrate mye super human blood. Eye leak a lot of fluid in the night when eye lay down and dream of play time. Walking is good exerciseing. Sweating in mye layers will cause a change to come. Derelict asteroids bounce off the red S upon mye chest anatomy with long sleeves in the winter usually blue. Black or gray or shades of steppes. Protestant religion makes a man to lose his head when speaking to idiots. Eye step and step again restepping them eye steps in twain vainly up the stepps of brick upon the brick add the mortor now brick upon the wall up steppes of closed line timed to the three minutes egg eye add one to make it four. NO matter what we do to self proclaim the end of man is death perchance to dream to eat or sleep to watch the time awaiting judgement day eye cant. Stepstepssteppssteppes. This document is rather limited in function a bit lathery a small bit of frothy even whipped into a parfait of meringue made tasty it would slide down the Stepstepssteppssteppes. One more try at blasphemy eye cry Protest Protest Protest the reason why. Up and down the Stepstepssteppssteppes. Eye Stepstepssteppssteppes.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Deserted Nomad walked into the sand when the sun was low near the horizon just beginning the day it was warm but not hot it was January 1, 2012. He stepped slowly and carefully conserving his strength for the grueling tasks ahead and the long hot deserted day. The flask of water was near half full a long pull and he would need more to walk back would be disastrous. He pantomimed a shadow and lurked into the pace. One step then he dragged the left foot up and paced anew the process taking far too long the sun was high when he began to make a circle in the sand a round perfectly flat close to where the sun would be when he was finished Nomad kind of thing. He took the ruler from the long pocket pouch on his belt the bandits were sure that he carried a knife but it was just the wooden ruler flat on one side and convexed on the other it were as curved or rounded outward like the exterior of a sphere or circle and he turned that side toward the sphere of the orb of the sun. Just as the sun was getting into place his job done he marked the line in the shadow with his finger to keep it until he had measured it was Twelve Thirty P.M Noon on Judgement day. Nothing moved in the desert. Nothing fell from the Sky. The nomad began the long walk back to the Indian Cisterns he had found. For three days he had lain in the Earth in simulated Christ like Death. Listening to the desert. Quite insane now nothing left of the white man he once was Indian he has become he sort of Shrugged and then he smiled. The world had not ended at least at the proscribed time. But something else happened to him on the long walk back to water and to life his lame foot began to twitch and come alive and suddenly he could walk without dragging the useless it had become. He went leaping and praising GOD the JESUS of us all. Until the Midnite of this day. He did not get in the hole with the snakes this time for he was actually afraid of what had happened to him and he walked into the dump and searched the old food cans more to pass the time than to score but he found many cans of peanuts and peanut butter there was hundreds of the things all off brand nammes. He ate good for seven days wondering at his luck. Scoffing now at the Mayans. For instead of this world ending he had been saved to live in it better than he was stronger faster touched more by the Healer’s wings than with disastor. But when he reached with his hand into the long knife like pouch to get the wooden ruler it was gone and he remembered how he left it in the sand inside the circle of all time. Laughing now he started dragging the left foot a little more for the bandits who were sure to be there watching from the rocks and he stopped and took a longish stone and placed it in the pouch to look like knife to make the bandits stay a life. Then he was home.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Literal interpretation would be impossible to describe the bible says not to add or subtract from the scriptures and Bollywood changes things so many times it’s inevitable they would get it wrong. It could be a lie just to confuse us the Bible is the King James Version Authorized by whom? James is not mye King. Perhaps the King of Spain has a version. Su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis. En France. Sixsixsix Italian seiseisei German Sechssechssechs ROMAN numerals VIVIVI it will not fit on mye forehead this was perhaps in Russia they have larger foreheads шестьшестьшесть what a blunder. Spanish SeisSeisSeis this would not fit on the head of a large bull dog. Perhaps the Bible is in need of Spiritual Interpretation and understanding and a number is not the thing that marks the head but just a mark. Perhaps a long slash from a talon not a tattoo at all. Why are we typing so small the font is twelve lets change it up eye can not read this at all and eye am the author of it all. No not GOD just his servant a servant of Jesus. You need to find him and escape the coming Justice. He is all eye need to survive. 666 this would fit but who decides on Englais numerals. Eye am homeless eye wish to ask the UN about the 666 the mark of the beast eye sent them an email to their Relief section. Perhaps it should have been in Spanish to ensure a reply. The French six is six just like the English six. All the other numbres is differant except the six. Perhaps this is a clue. clikemeforpoetry the fact that a man reaches in a sack and searches it diligently and is so sure that it is empty he got two cakes out of the sack then when he went back the very next day the sack had a sandwich there the favorite kind of fish for eye. The propensity for cheating is now astounding they can bring down words of copy and paste and call them thine own homework is decided not on ablility but Rome. Eye saw a boy make a document from Rome his homework was not typed or thought of in his brain except to look at. Iff the teacher ever questions him about the stuff he turns inn he will be done on one side turn him over on the othere. Fried like Chinese Pride in oil and better oleo. Eye bet you saw butter coming. Has anyone seen the beast yet? Rising up from Ocean Side. Is his namme Ouoouoouo?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Class we now come to the Dexter Principle Rule. All words with o in the center of the word but with the er ending will be spelled with the or ending. This is what it looks like in the New Websters Dictionary: Dexter Principle Rule: All words with o in the center of the word but with the er ending will be spelled with the or ending. We aer not concerned today with the suffix or the plurality endings. What an oxymoron you are Shelby. A Giant Shrimpe A Jumbo Peanut. Class here is Shelby’s example for all of you to see. Roter. Eye am Quite sure we can change this to rotor with the Dexter Principle however the word Roter is not in the dictionary. Eye went to The Saurus and got eleven words never mind what they were. None of them had o for a middle letter. SEARCH RESULTS: "Roter" No results found for Roter. Rotoplane no. Sorry eye am not sorry. Rotoplaner mabe. Shelby iff Rotoplaner were a real word we could use the Dexter Principle Rule to make it Rotoplanor. Be a Followor you will never be a leador. Or a reador. Two more examples of the Dexter Principle Rule used. Pay attention Shelby. Gumbo Stew you. French Vanilla. ? What? Shelby you insist that Vanilla is French ? Please prove it. CLASS here is Shelby’s example Many years ago I worked in a factory in Mitcham Surrey England.Where we were making Vanilla after working rather for just a couple of weeks people around me could tell when I was coming because the scent was embedded in my clothing and even my skin. So strong was the scent. Shelby you are a WaterloggedStarFish. Mitcham Surrey England is not in France and the vanilla mentioned was not French Vanilla Shelby you have a D? Aer you trying for the F? The only resemblance to living people in this room is eye the teachor. Oh mye yes that is not a good example of The Dexter Principle Rule. The very first one eye missed. There was no o in teacher. What’s that class? Leader and Reader is wrong as well oh well eye am nerves now because of Shelby. Rotater. We can use the Dexter Principle Rule to make the Rotater into a Rotator. Oh? Never mind. Shelby gets a final grade of C. It was all mye fault for feeling bad. Narrater? Narrator? NO? Class dismissed. Eye am not so sure that the Dexter Principle Rule is such a good example for a teacher in this school and poor Shelby never got it write. DearDanielWebsters.

Seen a young er man looked like an old er friend passed in front of mind could the world work after all then that thought passed away reminded me of back in the day too many people fall into the sea. Statically speaking statistics will tell you no one lives past thirty. So it would not hurt mye brain to come up with some other idea of how mye friend got to be alive and working on the street enough to ride a city bus. He did not grow from collage to be a worker in a warehouse he wanted so much more a car and fancy house a door. He has those things from working but so poor. The house is not so large just a lot usually they can not even grow pot in the yard in the city limited to what they can find to eat they pay the Gas Prices refuse to fuel the masses he has to turn down some acquaintances not inside my truck he said no I am sorry eye can not afford the gas to take you there. Do not tell me that the Indian was black but go and tell my friend. He is over there. OKAY. The man was not so cruel and not intending to be mean he loves the Golden Rule and let the conversation lay a narrow view. When a mans mistakes look better on paper than what he had intended them to write a color or a theme becomes the narrowviewed careening ravine. Indenting becomes daunting and haunting a way of life the shadows in the manor loft hide the coughing loon a fright to those of afternoon boardem. Boardum. Bordem. Bordum. Bordem. It still looks wrong to eye. Bordem is the way WORD spelt it. Its smelt. Spelt incorrectively iff ewe ask mee. Uncorrectably in ability deterred. What a WORD word is. A sword without its s. Words without the plural s. Worded without ed. Reworded without the reed. Reword it appears in WORD without an underline and so we proceed now to the diction. Ary. How are you today ARY just testing. To pay attention to the WORD. Reword: A Student. Definition One: A person or persons limited in two directions by age and height and weight we can eliminate freaks and the handicapped. Usually limited to on the lower end of the scale let us say 17 years of age. Up to the spectrum of say the age of 21. After that is Graduated Class. NO more a student of four years. This is not complete you gasp you say what about the Medical Students. Eye gasp and say eye told you we can eliminate freaks and the handicapped. Granted some of those categories listed may attend Collage until the age of 43. But that is extreme liferism. Not the normal span. Definition Three: Reword: To Word again. NarrowViewed.
My basketball Jones has Air Nike® and laces them with differant colors depending on his many moods and who he is out with after his big games. His boyfriends like the purple ones and orange neon is his fave. Eye drove mye mother crazxy once wanting those high tops only black ones so eye could call them supermans shoes. Be thankful ewe aer young but only once. We only had white laces iff you wanted black ones you had to get them from the dime store they called them old mans laces and they tried to talk you out of changing. This could be a problem in the gym locker room lets go sit in on a near fight happening. A great discussion has developed in the shower stall the man likes to be alone when soap is lathered on. Lets listen inn as eye begin. Yes, I am the victim of a Basketball Jones Ever since I was a little baby, I always be dribblin' In fac', I was de baddest dribbler in the whole neighborhood Then one day, my mama bought me a basketballAnd I loved that basketball I took that basketball with me everywhere I went That basketball was like a basketball to me (Basketball Jones, I got a Basketball Jones)(I got a Basketball Jones, oh baby, oo-oo-ooo) BasketballJones™® Tyrone Shoelaces® Jorden Lightfoot was singing in the shower stalled he walked out only to find his blue tennis shoes gone they had dissipated into thick air and FREEZE he holard only once and the thief was frozen into place and dropped the Blue Nike® tennis shoes at once. These mye shoes the thief began Air Jorden quickly dropped his Airline bag he carried extra socks and laces inn covering just one shoe and then he smiled and almost ran a little dance in place like athletes will do when they win anew. Just tell me Alphonse what color are the laces in these shoes. Alphonse looked slyly down at the one staring at his face and he was about to dance in place and he said Neon Orange at once and then grimaced when Air Jorden called a witness to listen inn eye came at once we androids do not materialize from space but suddenly just appear as iff from nowhere. What. Up. Air Jorden said the man said neon orange laces in the Blue Nike® tennis shoes eye say one the one under the airline bag is purple. Then he lifts the bag and eye concur the thief is caught the man is frowning at the eye and at the "River" Jorden. Ed.note.ed. we will not discuss this nickednamme or where he got it End.Note. The thief was not punished but we had to let him go when he opened up his locker and found his own Blue Nike® tennis shoes still where he had left them end of story. PPPs just let me add this appendix his laces were white one side and neon orange on the other so lets not bother others or second guess a star who likes his laces to be differant than they are when Nike® comes in Blue. Author Disclaimer of course this is a Paroday meant to resemble someone and to bring a smile to NBA play. And for the Kid to read. BlueNikeLace.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
We have the technology Captain. We can minimize the word document capabilities and place them in the email compose. Make it so Spock. When eye am writing scathing reply or trying to enter a website forbidden the new email tool bar will make it look just like a word document. No more need for pesky flies er files. a branch subsidiary of has developed the WordDOC.doc handy dandy EmailMaker ™ ®. It has everything condensed in a smaller version of a word document font is no problem now. We here at also developed the Nazi.Copywriter.doc the complete program is over three thousand p but you can still get the demo for only one thousand p. Who is not fond of a Nazi female telling you just what to do and when. With software like this who needs hardware. My fave saying is when she places those mauvelous hands on hips and says succinctly "We vatch yew closer now each and very day if you add a banner to an existing poem or a picture even it will not void your copywrited but it will annoy me. Yew do not vant that to happen mye little leapshien." "Iff you change one word I villa kill yew with mye kindnesses." "No more kisses. Ach tow leiber." Wait the boss is coming. Back to the explanation of the WordDOC.doc program. This idea is so simple it must be why missed it. Ewe already knoe what a Word Document does think of these applications in a tool bar form applied in each and every email composition. Now ewe have the idea what great fun. No more tedium copy and paste. Type your message in your email and save the document at the same time no more gigabyteing your computor one simple task now avoids the waste of over duplications. Adding images to existing text has never been this easy. Warrenty Warranty: Because there is no way to force compliances we cannot make a warranty under these conditions the New Nuevo Foreign Stock and Bar Exchanger in Mexico City states in the preamble to there Constriction Services Memo and eye Quote "Email add ons such as tool bars and other non essentials will not be considered as Warrantable items." End Quote. Ed.note.ed. Heil Mexicali. EmailMaker ™ ® is only sold at RadioShacked (Pp) Patent Pending so do not email this company or Zappersunlimited.Ltd. Please Present President Whirly knoes nothing at all about us. We only work with them in the Department of the Treasury. EmailMaker ™ ® is the namme to ask for when you pay only 500p your middle namme must be Steal. Each item sold separately. Only one per house. We intend to be wealthy someday. But we have no wish to flood a non existing market with a new product. If the counter person at the RadioShack place looks blankly back at you just mention WordDOC.doc this will get the message threw. It comes in a brown paper wrapper for anonymity. Remember to bring the 5oop With ewe.
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