facebook poetry friend composite
rejection is not new for me intent on honorable completion of my task is simply to be friends why do you see it any other way poor lass the idea the concept is not new if someone is not friends they simply block you or they change permissions to make sure they dont include you on the wall watch facebook fall a persone wishes to be a friend the man wishes to be her good friend it finally happens to them both they get just what they need a friend still works for self what about my own more selfish interests in my nest is feathers plucked your namme is there among them most people realize they have a lot of friends they do not think you notice them they add pictures they make comments not connected to your want they make the green eye jealousy to bark upon the wall but stop and send a message to the inbox or the chat box and they come make everything all right again the pain is gone the friend is now the freind again let me try to explain this using flavors you get used to vanilla the vanilla bean is nice then someone hands you some chocolate on ice you balk at this new friend she does not want to be your wife and so you miss a step vanillas not so nice so now you have a new girl she is coming around to wanting you to be yourself you mix the vanilla with the chocolate swirls and now she is your Irish flavored girl it changes your perceptions it makes the nuances all the differance let me tell mhy lass for this she asked where is the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow it broke in half you have one end of the rainbow while eye hold onto the other the pot of gold is only you my facebook poetry friend composite