INtrinsic fortify.docx
Sunday Earth Day April 22 2012
Intrinsic fortify
Part two
There was no part one
Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater is a company in England located in New York City the President is a Whirly he is always a Whirly while the treasurer is only a Plence. The San Antonio office of the Sanitation Bureau would not talk to us they said they have heard of our silver plater and did not wish us to make pipelines to there river walk. We decided not to make our services available in Texas there is not much water and it is a waste of our time. The Mexicans wanted us not to get paid they hoard the Gold billions into Bullions and hide them in the Bunions of the many colored shoes they were to the Fiesta is in progress now. Gold means nothing to us we work too hard to every be satisfied with mere Mexican Incan latino Gold. The CharlaX poet is too old to dig with a shovel in the dirt and so we move away from Texas leaving him to write as he is the most famous living dead poet left alive. In the course of rivers lies silver platings left millenniums ago by other civilizations using pipelines made of Gold the Spainyards will dig up San Antonio when we send them our Mapps with the Anchient pipeline outlined down there in Gold it is the least we can do to help you all. Signed Acting as President Luftwaller Von Whirly in dementia send this from the desk of Ardvil Plence the treasurer of Whirlyglomeratialsilverplater company New York Office a division of in London Ltg. Written on the Dell of CharlaX in San Antonio Texas this was Intrinsic fortify. Sunday Earth Day April 22 2012