(666) (the powers that belong to satan) (the manufacturers) (mammom) anyone or someone decided we all have this marvelous web of intergnet it seems to be infinity but we will sell it to you four gigabytes is all you can have for a monthly Princely SIR charge its more like rent on your phone you see you begin to see who is in charge your phone the battery will only last four hours you must soon get a new one phone and or battery but you will never own anything you will ever possess with money it is mine says the devil of time the limits of a finite mind plus cost and earnings times the number of recipients and no you will not have unlimited use of anything no one can do me twenty four seven but perhaps some Queens and Transvestights in the living Quarters plugged into each other in sight of one another an idiot went to the free computor use desk he told the librarian he had two pin numbers and neither one of them was working now OH Boy you could have heard the pin number drop the power chord will chime do you have windows where you live home computor use is up they love me in the bed they look for ways to keep awake and stay online instead of snoring on the bedpost and chewing crackers under pillows lost in the wilderness other people are rude they insist on bothering others when there is simply no reason they are lazy they wont look around for a good place to be alone they think a person online wishes for company halt when the signal drops off for two hours it is painfully aware and hurts the lagg monster rules and no one plays games or completes work until the web itself decides to work a holistic image of a dragging senior is in line to be beheaded hope its eye step aside to let the fagg walk bye with phone attache his hand waving before him like some EgYptian Giddy he did not talk he saves it for his message return to sender he would have steppe on me like some primordial bugg while he searches his redial for the new messages he is the epitome of rude the very child of satan carrying the eternal flame of hell the 666 before him SpELLING INfinity