Ruby Red Slippers
Thoughts of the Yellow Brick Road
the house was spinning spinning like a whirling house
it looked like a farm house with old wooden slats painted whitewash
it fell from the sky the tornado let it go and it fell and it fell from the sky onto the yellow brick roadside
it landed on the bad witch not the bad witch it was her cousin from the emerald city it was the bad witches cousin and she wore those Red Ruby Slippers
Dorothy woke up
she saw the slippers those read ruby slippers she saw them disappear off the witches feet and then she looked down at her feet and there there there were the ruby slippers on her feet on Dorothy's feet
and then the Good Witch Glenna or Glenda ? came from the sky on her Fairy Wings and she asked Dorothy where had she come from and she said from the Sky. Then she said Kansas where is Aunt Em and then she pointed at the house and the witch under the house and her feet pulled up funny sort of curling up and then she just disappeared. The witch not Dorothy. ANd the Good Witch warned her about the Bad Witch would send those Stupid flying monkeys oh my god. ANd the Scare Crow Man oh no oh my god. And when she grew up and stopped smoking Mary Jane Cigarettes she wept. ANd when she Wept eye cried. And TOTO oh my god TOTO and the Happy ending did eye forget the Wizard of Oz ? and now you see it now you see the whole story in my eye perspectively.