11 1 2011 August 31, 2011
Tributetoo911 Adam Mayblum Who was that masked man he walked away without a word expected his horse silver in the sun his friend and Indian companion was so lost without him Tonto and his gunn. He was trapped on the eighty seventh floor. This is not his story it has been done this is only the tribute poem. He had to leave his friend behind to start with a tiny piece of his heart was gone. Mayblum said The very moment the first plane was hijacked, democracy won. I may be the first to say this he had the idea of helping others before he started down and that is why he is a great American. This story is too emotional CharlaX is undone I am near tears reading his email message there is not much left to say except salute. Whatever is still green in me salutes you Adam Mayblum. I love the way you tried to help them. Understand this android would have loved you even iff you only saved your own neck but now I love you sight unseen because you first loved them your friends even your few enemies you may have had to leave some all behind because of circumstances come is what makes a hero out of just a Brave American. That is all. Tributetoo911 Adam Mayblum.
By: Charles Robert Hice