April one
this is copy from facebook notes
charlax Poetry
April one foolishly advances
by Charles Robert Hice on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 10:01am
April one
if not for her own husband, who is constantly on the road attempting
to sell more units for his boss, who blames his money-focused approach
to life on his shabby upbringing by his father, who often lost jobs
(and even a finger once in a car factory) while daydreaming about
becoming a great writer like his favorite poet, who chose composing
stanzas over spreadsheets and as a result found himself often worried
late into the evenings about how he would manage to pay his rent
while realizing he had absolutely no one left to blame save himself.
late at night when i should be asleep
excerpted from Robert Brewers poem
CharlaX Poetry
Five Lines of Freedom
In the eye of the Clergy your husband will not save himself but wind up keeping you from going inn to Glory but shortly you will see the truth again
In the Laymens terms selling items for the living is not work but feeding frenzy needs the job the husband will be home to sleep to love you more then ever more
IN her own eye she wishes she could give the Father back the finger give the finger to the Father of the Man
From the passing stranger the point is the poem he wishes to write poetry he must be homeless to fulfill his destiny
from no viewpoint
in 100 April years God will stop these fears he will wipe away your tears for YOU my April fools who live inn loving Harmony
Anne McWilliams version
instead details swim, paddling back from the brink
of ruin, bearing down hard on middle age
life's wrong turns have brought me to my knees
eternal questions cannot be taught
all i have is a voice, what you have heard is true
choices can take everything away
not even born as promised, a premature life
knows there is misery enough in this world
no one exists alone
fair warnings long outgrown, i shut the door
to turn energies towards a file drawer, spring cleaning
no sacrifice seems trivial
time always finds the hole
a silent appeal confronts years left
stands at the foot of my bed each morning
ready to start over
the end of poems in America
Aprils Fools