by Charles Robert Hice on Tuesday, January 25, 2011 at 5:30pm
The Foreman worked the forklift he let the boy drive when no one is in the Warehouse from the office. One Day he stole some boxes got caught got fired he went home drunk too much got dead got buried. He worked dem seven long years in the Warehouse Job what good is dem years now hes got no home no wife no life. Better to be in the Brier patch even in the winter soltice then in the warehouse office drunk then gone. The workers knew the boss he is the redneck he does not like them Harlem workers so they snitched him. He carried home the Bacon not one box but one whole case the boss catched him just outside the door explain it no sir there is no item here but one dozen more. You might be allowed one item free but not the box is full of 12 days worth of meat. Caught him there ham handed he did get fired on DAT spot him gone he left to never return the new person in the warehouse is from Harlem. They still work for less wages of them legal kind of bucks. He told me once before he died he thought the queer of eye. When they did bury him enter the grave inter the ground eye got the phone call from his wife the sound of sweet soft revenge when she sort of snorted you seemed so nice when you visited our house she told me eye don't think you were the guilty one the one who gave him poison. NO eye replied eye did not visit much. Then eye just sort of lost my will to work when eye got hurt losing more then pieces of my foot eye lost the reason to keep working eye lost the will to get the wife to do the family burden. He left his wife to belly upp into the afterlife uncertain. She thought him poisoned eye think he just drank too darn many bad whiskey cups then left her there for his final curtain. Where did it help him to have religion or keep his wisdom tuned to such the fever pitch the end of him is now inside the ditch the whole process of death just makes me sick. Now eyem working for religion for the world is judging me not guilty of the reason of insanity. Remembering my poor black Jesus.