Double Standard Rules whats good for the goose is not to be given to the gender. Winter break is almost half over now. The robots pulled the trash truck upp to the fence then found nothing to be loaded the building has been closed for three days nothing is being carried out. When they loaded the next door stuffins eye could almost here the conversation went something like this. FOOD. Look to all this food being tossed out. SO WHAT. The Driver told him RULES. Toss it in the hopper its just trash you will not putt none of it in the cab over my dead body see eh? The poor worker looked white eyed upp to him so whats that THING you got there why do you think you could keep the THING but you wont let me keep the nothing. Because eyem the DRIVER. Its just Rules. This is what happens every Day in the big city. The Driver neared the dump outside of Rome he eyed the poor old person on the rood. His helper did not show upp to dump the trash in to the hopper so he was hopeful now this person might need to do the extra job for the lift out to the headquarters of the trash management building was 40 miles out from town lying in the wilderness. The old Bald Jewish Man hopped into the truck wearing his old Coat. Eye will work for you for the ride out of town. GOOD the driver grunted. Eye will let you do the hard lifting. SO they talked while they worked but soon it was time for the Apostle to hit the road the last thing they discussed is this RULE. He told the driver when eye go travel eye travel in the Spirit. HO HO the driver told him when eye travel eye go in the Trash Truck. So why did you keep the wine carafes you found but you would not let me keep the old corn in the trash bag to Carry with me to the next town. Whats your name. Saul of Tarsus of Rome. Its the Rule. Eyem the driver you're the helper the peon the employee of the company you will not steal from this company while eye the driver might choose to keep something eye AM not stealing do you not see the differences. When in Rome do only to the Romans Rule. Enlightenment of the Rules. INNtheSpirit.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Double Standard Rules whats good for the goose is not to be given to the gender. Winter break is almost half over now. The robots pulled the trash truck upp to the fence then found nothing to be loaded the building has been closed for three days nothing is being carried out. When they loaded the next door stuffins eye could almost here the conversation went something like this. FOOD. Look to all this food being tossed out. SO WHAT. The Driver told him RULES. Toss it in the hopper its just trash you will not putt none of it in the cab over my dead body see eh? The poor worker looked white eyed upp to him so whats that THING you got there why do you think you could keep the THING but you wont let me keep the nothing. Because eyem the DRIVER. Its just Rules. This is what happens every Day in the big city. The Driver neared the dump outside of Rome he eyed the poor old person on the rood. His helper did not show upp to dump the trash in to the hopper so he was hopeful now this person might need to do the extra job for the lift out to the headquarters of the trash management building was 40 miles out from town lying in the wilderness. The old Bald Jewish Man hopped into the truck wearing his old Coat. Eye will work for you for the ride out of town. GOOD the driver grunted. Eye will let you do the hard lifting. SO they talked while they worked but soon it was time for the Apostle to hit the road the last thing they discussed is this RULE. He told the driver when eye go travel eye travel in the Spirit. HO HO the driver told him when eye travel eye go in the Trash Truck. So why did you keep the wine carafes you found but you would not let me keep the old corn in the trash bag to Carry with me to the next town. Whats your name. Saul of Tarsus of Rome. Its the Rule. Eyem the driver you're the helper the peon the employee of the company you will not steal from this company while eye the driver might choose to keep something eye AM not stealing do you not see the differences. When in Rome do only to the Romans Rule. Enlightenment of the Rules. INNtheSpirit.
Double Standard Rules whats good for the goose is not to be given to the gender. Winter break is almost half over now. The robots pulled the trash truck upp to the fence then found nothing to be loaded the building has been closed for three days nothing is being carried out. When they loaded the next door stuffins eye could almost here the conversation went something like this. FOOD. Look to all this food being tossed out. SO WHAT. The Driver told him RULES. Toss it in the hopper its just trash you will not putt none of it in the cab over my dead body see eh? The poor worker looked white eyed upp to him so whats that THING you got there why do you think you could keep the THING but you wont let me keep the nothing. Because eyem the DRIVER. Its just Rules. This is what happens every Day in the big city. The Driver neared the dump outside of Rome he eyed the poor old person on the rood. His helper did not show upp to dump the trash in to the hopper so he was hopeful now this person might need to do the extra job for the lift out to the headquarters of the trash management building was 40 miles out from town lying in the wilderness. The old Bald Jewish Man hopped into the truck wearing his old Coat. Eye will work for you for the ride out of town. GOOD the driver grunted. Eye will let you do the hard lifting. SO they talked while they worked but soon it was time for the Apostle to hit the road the last thing they discussed is this RULE. He told the driver when eye go travel eye travel in the Spirit. HO HO the driver told him when eye travel eye go in the Trash Truck. So why did you keep the wine carafes you found but you would not let me keep the old corn in the trash bag to Carry with me to the next town. Whats your name. Saul of Tarsus of Rome. Its the Rule. Eyem the driver you're the helper the peon the employee of the company you will not steal from this company while eye the driver might choose to keep something eye AM not stealing do you not see the differences. When in Rome do only to the Romans Rule. Enlightenment of the Rules. INNtheSpirit.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Apostle Paul was in Rome Airport when the Security asked him to disrobe it seems they wanted to Patt him down he demanded his rights AS the Roman Citizen to no avail they assured him no Patt down no ticket to Kiev. He decided suddenly to submit they took him to the screen. He has too many wine bottles in his sleeve they began to be suspiciously. He shrugged his large Jewish shoulders Nerves then he grinned reassuringly to them. Eye do seem to you to be the winoe its True. “Chief of Security” Thompson stepped over to the screen “whats in this pocket what is this Mass of mess lumped in the inner pocket of this old Coat you're wearing like it is Golden Fleece.?” Bread Crumbs for the long trip home to Jerusalem. “Give us most of the wine we will let you board the flight from Rome but do not try this here once more we still might think you might be one of THOSE Christians everyone is looking for.” “You may keep the bread. Confidentially EYE personally like to snack on the plane going over. Just let me Patt you just once before we let you go you're such the good looking Man. But of course. Then this is how the Apostle got from Rome to Kiev's Dome. He is wishing he was back on the A Train now going home.
The Apostle Paul was in Rome Airport when the Security asked him to disrobe it seems they wanted to Patt him down he demanded his rights AS the Roman Citizen to no avail they assured him no Patt down no ticket to Kiev. He decided suddenly to submit they took him to the screen. He has too many wine bottles in his sleeve they began to be suspiciously. He shrugged his large Jewish shoulders Nerves then he grinned reassuringly to them. Eye do seem to you to be the winoe its True. “Chief of Security” Thompson stepped over to the screen “whats in this pocket what is this Mass of mess lumped in the inner pocket of this old Coat you're wearing like it is Golden Fleece.?” Bread Crumbs for the long trip home to Jerusalem. “Give us most of the wine we will let you board the flight from Rome but do not try this here once more we still might think you might be one of THOSE Christians everyone is looking for.” “You may keep the bread. Confidentially EYE personally like to snack on the plane going over. Just let me Patt you just once before we let you go you're such the good looking Man. But of course. Then this is how the Apostle got from Rome to Kiev's Dome. He is wishing he was back on the A Train now going home.
Paroday701 Addition One
Paroday701 Addition One

What IFF the Apostles took the A Train. Berth D for Dell. There is the router chords in the Walls of the Romans Senate house. We photographed them lest weekend. Now the evidence is reeling to us YES they rode the A Train from town to town. Sleeping Berths of the Viaduct A Train were found filled with bread crumbs & empty wine vats. Pictures on Page 37. Day Pass South Capitol Rail Runner Express 12 27 YD 63. Please retain Valid Ticket for Discount do no duplicates. Here is the actual email message we uncovered from the Apostle Paul to someone named Mark Luke or John. They kept copies just like telegraphs. From: PlaththeApostle@google.rom to MLJ@GMail.rom we look threw the Glass darkly now but soon we will see thee facebook online. Leaving Rome 7.23 pm getting to LA 8.41 pm the next overnight Day. We keep breaking the bread passing the wine around be good old chipper now cook us up the sirloins for the tripp home. Obscured card # xxxxxxx.....7638 Visa 92463722 don't leave ROME without it. HOHOHO.
What IFF the Apostles took the A Train. Berth D for Dell. There is the router chords in the Walls of the Romans Senate house. We photographed them lest weekend. Now the evidence is reeling to us YES they rode the A Train from town to town. Sleeping Berths of the Viaduct A Train were found filled with bread crumbs & empty wine vats. Pictures on Page 37. Day Pass South Capitol Rail Runner Express 12 27 YD 63. Please retain Valid Ticket for Discount do no duplicates. Here is the actual email message we uncovered from the Apostle Paul to someone named Mark Luke or John. They kept copies just like telegraphs. From: PlaththeApostle@google.rom to MLJ@GMail.rom we look threw the Glass darkly now but soon we will see thee facebook online. Leaving Rome 7.23 pm getting to LA 8.41 pm the next overnight Day. We keep breaking the bread passing the wine around be good old chipper now cook us up the sirloins for the tripp home. Obscured card # xxxxxxx.....7638 Visa 92463722 don't leave ROME without it. HOHOHO.
Sunday, December 26, 2010

New Scientific evidence the Christians had computor laptops. The reason they moved from town to town was the wifi signals. PROFF is offered in this new Time Volumn. Finding power chords in the old Roman viaducts. Proff is offered on pge 32 see the square thing on the Wall socket. DOESN'T look just like the old PN2. The Roman soldiers caught them lots of times down in the coffee shops on twelfth street. HOOKING UP. SMURFING. Just look on these old faded photographs from the shoe boxes we found in Rome. Time Books by Werner do not get us confused. Were the publishers of The Big Picture. New film of the Church of Corinthia features the Apostle Paul with his Dell laptop you might even see him looking up Hollywood in the search box. WE knoe they googled. They did not use the battery power much there were no clocks back then. They only had one weblog set to Google.rom. Microsoft had not invented Yahoo yet. There is no new thing done under the sun we think they used solar power to run some computor labs. We did find some old Dell computors on Fourtenth street it was easy to hack them we typed fishfry for the password.
New Scientific evidence the Christians had computor laptops. The reason they moved from town to town was the wifi signals. PROFF is offered in this new Time Volumn. Finding power chords in the old Roman viaducts. Proff is offered on pge 32 see the square thing on the Wall socket. DOESN'T look just like the old PN2. The Roman soldiers caught them lots of times down in the coffee shops on twelfth street. HOOKING UP. SMURFING. Just look on these old faded photographs from the shoe boxes we found in Rome. Time Books by Werner do not get us confused. Were the publishers of The Big Picture. New film of the Church of Corinthia features the Apostle Paul with his Dell laptop you might even see him looking up Hollywood in the search box. WE knoe they googled. They did not use the battery power much there were no clocks back then. They only had one weblog set to Google.rom. Microsoft had not invented Yahoo yet. There is no new thing done under the sun we think they used solar power to run some computor labs. We did find some old Dell computors on Fourtenth street it was easy to hack them we typed fishfry for the password.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

He is not limited to 5000 friends the apps work for him he prolly got ten thousand screens with different people constantly friending him he is on the Wall in only fifty three of them so he kisses them coherently to do inane replies there is no pictures on his Wall there is no girls for friends he leaves his GOLD computor only to refill his Whiskey bottle now or then the label changes depending what they got left in the store that Day for him. He is the ageless boy of summer his brown good looks defy descriptions. Iff you putt those weird green Laurel leafs on his ears he would look the spitting image of Dionysus the Wine Bibbing god. Statistics is numbering the Billions mentioned in the news is staggering. Preference is given to people with cell phones credit limits real homes with gardens where ZuckerBookman is lifted up in toast. When eye see the Face of ZuckerBookman in the bread under my pizza meat is when eye will believe in facebook for Social Media include the poor poet this time fix my facebook restore my property online. IN the name of ZuckerBookman make it so. We love to be on Facebook in the snow.
He is not limited to 5000 friends the apps work for him he prolly got ten thousand screens with different people constantly friending him he is on the Wall in only fifty three of them so he kisses them coherently to do inane replies there is no pictures on his Wall there is no girls for friends he leaves his GOLD computor only to refill his Whiskey bottle now or then the label changes depending what they got left in the store that Day for him. He is the ageless boy of summer his brown good looks defy descriptions. Iff you putt those weird green Laurel leafs on his ears he would look the spitting image of Dionysus the Wine Bibbing god. Statistics is numbering the Billions mentioned in the news is staggering. Preference is given to people with cell phones credit limits real homes with gardens where ZuckerBookman is lifted up in toast. When eye see the Face of ZuckerBookman in the bread under my pizza meat is when eye will believe in facebook for Social Media include the poor poet this time fix my facebook restore my property online. IN the name of ZuckerBookman make it so. We love to be on Facebook in the snow.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Six Hanukkah Four Candles
Six Hanukkah Four Candles

Eye dreamed of love eye felt no shame the need is mine to mend my broken love inside the GF left me she once loved me she provided this release for me now its only Au naturale to seek it somewhere else my ewe lambe has got it unconditionally she needs me just like eye need her the extra love is only one more secret twist the description of my love is this from behind you then up beside you will you see how shy eye have become with you its almost madness so intent eye seem you might not guess my secret in time is he just being nice to me is he in love is better understated then spelled out bold. Let her guess to this my meaning for she is the Lady eye the bard in love. My ewe she loves my secret iff either one of us were questioned neither one of us admits it. So hush hush her daughter knoes not of it. My love is hidden in her heart. If you see my secret find my love seem to be the love no doubt you might think this poem is for you with ewe it is it was it will be here for quite some secret time. Four Candles for the Third Day of Hanukkah. The Sixth one counting down on the Hanukkiah.
Eye dreamed of love eye felt no shame the need is mine to mend my broken love inside the GF left me she once loved me she provided this release for me now its only Au naturale to seek it somewhere else my ewe lambe has got it unconditionally she needs me just like eye need her the extra love is only one more secret twist the description of my love is this from behind you then up beside you will you see how shy eye have become with you its almost madness so intent eye seem you might not guess my secret in time is he just being nice to me is he in love is better understated then spelled out bold. Let her guess to this my meaning for she is the Lady eye the bard in love. My ewe she loves my secret iff either one of us were questioned neither one of us admits it. So hush hush her daughter knoes not of it. My love is hidden in her heart. If you see my secret find my love seem to be the love no doubt you might think this poem is for you with ewe it is it was it will be here for quite some secret time. Four Candles for the Third Day of Hanukkah. The Sixth one counting down on the Hanukkiah.
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