Constant bombardmeant of the sinuses pressure on the frontal lobe area increased incremeants of poetry is gain. Birth will come today to a new poem most poets have some sort of affinity with and love for and wish for comments and for feedback however some poems stand alone all alone in the corner. This is one of those. IN 1592 the Cardinal Pope of Rome was Benidictine Arnolde. He was standing near the painting of Leonardo. He was straining the eyes like a chinese in disguise he never did quite look Italian. He wanted to get a close up of the plate of lamb chopped he saw near John the Babtist there near where Jesus sat. He called for his pipe of instrumeant was a long telescope. He moved back to the third row. Then something happened to change all of historical events into the presented modem day times. He created a secret law using only his Vatican powers of Representation he penned a missive in an envelope sealed it in a massive honey jar and airtighted the lidd then had it buried in the Catacombs of Roman Iter roads. It simply said something must be done so people can see this painting of Da Vinci must have been myoptic what a nerve he had. We will hire men threw the ages make the food more varied make it larger on the table. Amen. Jesus surley would have had more stuffins then the bread and more to drink then wine. Place some meat there from time to time. Larger portions as we near the end of time. Make it noticeable only to the computor users they will never be able to make much of a THING out of it after all who would be able to place this info into a prose poem who who who is able to do such a THING as a~ that. CharlaX Garbeyeled.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Constant bombardmeant of the sinuses pressure on the frontal lobe area increased incremeants of poetry is gain. Birth will come today to a new poem most poets have some sort of affinity with and love for and wish for comments and for feedback however some poems stand alone all alone in the corner. This is one of those. IN 1592 the Cardinal Pope of Rome was Benidictine Arnolde. He was standing near the painting of Leonardo. He was straining the eyes like a chinese in disguise he never did quite look Italian. He wanted to get a close up of the plate of lamb chopped he saw near John the Babtist there near where Jesus sat. He called for his pipe of instrumeant was a long telescope. He moved back to the third row. Then something happened to change all of historical events into the presented modem day times. He created a secret law using only his Vatican powers of Representation he penned a missive in an envelope sealed it in a massive honey jar and airtighted the lidd then had it buried in the Catacombs of Roman Iter roads. It simply said something must be done so people can see this painting of Da Vinci must have been myoptic what a nerve he had. We will hire men threw the ages make the food more varied make it larger on the table. Amen. Jesus surley would have had more stuffins then the bread and more to drink then wine. Place some meat there from time to time. Larger portions as we near the end of time. Make it noticeable only to the computor users they will never be able to make much of a THING out of it after all who would be able to place this info into a prose poem who who who is able to do such a THING as a~ that. CharlaX Garbeyeled.
Constant bombardmeant of the sinuses pressure on the frontal lobe area increased incremeants of poetry is gain. Birth will come today to a new poem most poets have some sort of affinity with and love for and wish for comments and for feedback however some poems stand alone all alone in the corner. This is one of those. IN 1592 the Cardinal Pope of Rome was Benidictine Arnolde. He was standing near the painting of Leonardo. He was straining the eyes like a chinese in disguise he never did quite look Italian. He wanted to get a close up of the plate of lamb chopped he saw near John the Babtist there near where Jesus sat. He called for his pipe of instrumeant was a long telescope. He moved back to the third row. Then something happened to change all of historical events into the presented modem day times. He created a secret law using only his Vatican powers of Representation he penned a missive in an envelope sealed it in a massive honey jar and airtighted the lidd then had it buried in the Catacombs of Roman Iter roads. It simply said something must be done so people can see this painting of Da Vinci must have been myoptic what a nerve he had. We will hire men threw the ages make the food more varied make it larger on the table. Amen. Jesus surley would have had more stuffins then the bread and more to drink then wine. Place some meat there from time to time. Larger portions as we near the end of time. Make it noticeable only to the computor users they will never be able to make much of a THING out of it after all who would be able to place this info into a prose poem who who who is able to do such a THING as a~ that. CharlaX Garbeyeled.
Thursday, March 18, 2010

I took mye mitt into the wilderness the empty lot had grown the weed were over my head and gone from everyone eye played alone. The game was mine one batt two balls. The smell of weed is strong in empty grown up lots near home. Never mind. The further out in the field eye got away the weed is gone the near decay is summer come. Long ago in a place so far away the end is the new beginning in place of home no where to hang no where to roman road away the wilderness near houses beckons me today. "Life is a game, boy a game iff played alone you loser you become. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules of otheres."
"Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it."
Game, boy my animal is a donkey you knoe an ass. Some game, boy. Iff you get on the side where all the hot-shots are then a stupid hot-shot you become, then it’s a game, all right—I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot-shots, and you alone are a loser then then what’s a game about it? Nothing. No game.
The pitcher in the rye is the winner then the Catcher in the rye is only the loser then then what differance can life make to the game then, alone you are a boy, it is only a game then then you finally become a man a loser then. Gone from everyone. Leave me alone.
I took mye mitt into the wilderness the empty lot had grown the weed were over my head and gone from everyone eye played alone. The game was mine one batt two balls. The smell of weed is strong in empty grown up lots near home. Never mind. The further out in the field eye got away the weed is gone the near decay is summer come. Long ago in a place so far away the end is the new beginning in place of home no where to hang no where to roman road away the wilderness near houses beckons me today. "Life is a game, boy a game iff played alone you loser you become. Life is a game that one plays according to the rules of otheres."
"Yes, sir. I know it is. I know it."
Game, boy my animal is a donkey you knoe an ass. Some game, boy. Iff you get on the side where all the hot-shots are then a stupid hot-shot you become, then it’s a game, all right—I’ll admit that. But if you get on the other side, where there aren’t any hot-shots, and you alone are a loser then then what’s a game about it? Nothing. No game.
The pitcher in the rye is the winner then the Catcher in the rye is only the loser then then what differance can life make to the game then, alone you are a boy, it is only a game then then you finally become a man a loser then. Gone from everyone. Leave me alone.
Sunday, March 14, 2010

The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.
The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.

The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.
The semi-permanent landscape of anytown USA anytown anytime anywhen anywhere you look to the right of the roadaway is the rightofway is what they call that; on the left just a little past the roadway is the barren space in every city has them. There is what is called the other side of the tracks is over there past the roadway now on the right side looking back out over that expanse there is usually a house there past that rightofway. The house has a barren yard a porch of empty and the sidewalk makes a tee up to that paintless door. No one comes near to the visit no one is ever there home. No lights at night are visible corner has no shelter from the storm. Inside the foyer is mold and mildew extrapolated ferns out of control growing up both flights of staires pushing up out of the windows now and then coming up out of the basement roots in cellar starting there. Iff you could yank away the ferns the whole house just would collapse the walls pancaking near the kitchen sealing all them shuts away. Hangging by a large knotted rope to replace the hangging by a thread or sealed upside down with tape. Them ferns reiterate. A fortress of tension near the rear of the portico a courtyard of drear. This roadway turns one way each way on every CitEScapE.
Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Surgeon made a house call to the tree housed near the Golf coarse was the bark and dry to the touch of the famous tree doctor Guss. Well the neighbor hood watch complained again he cant see the clock the one they call Big Bend, your leaves and your trunk are hanging over you are addicted again. Sap. My professional opinion is pinion sap is blocking your membrains you need a new rapp your talk is all wrong you are slurring again you seem now to be an addicted tree friend listen to eye overcame the same problem now eye am Doctoring treating the addicts like yew wont you listen and at least admit that you have a real problem dont deny it come clean now admit it dont live in your denial. The sad tree became mad now the Doctor had to step a little to the left to avoid the sap spittle from the beard of this giant Oaken Elm. Eye am the greatest tree that ever lived he began to deny it. Eye have no sap problem in fact no problem of any kind let the watch man step a little to the left of the incline then he can see the clock called the Big Bend let them eat cake let them opine let them dine and the Tree Surgeon just walked away letting the Oaken Elm tree relate to the sidewalk was trying to slink down away from the terrible fate of this tree full of sap let the minions relate to this fate stop hangging all over every time you go on a tree date with sap running down the large doubled chin marring the outfit makeing men grin look at the easy lay look at the drunken old sot full of pot full of want. Your barking and your bite in the night get you in trouble all sorts of odd fellowes will call. Cry Wolf let them harm all the other trees now. Get sober stop using the sap. Get a clean outfit get a new thinking capp.
The Surgeon made a house call to the tree housed near the Golf coarse was the bark and dry to the touch of the famous tree doctor Guss. Well the neighbor hood watch complained again he cant see the clock the one they call Big Bend, your leaves and your trunk are hanging over you are addicted again. Sap. My professional opinion is pinion sap is blocking your membrains you need a new rapp your talk is all wrong you are slurring again you seem now to be an addicted tree friend listen to eye overcame the same problem now eye am Doctoring treating the addicts like yew wont you listen and at least admit that you have a real problem dont deny it come clean now admit it dont live in your denial. The sad tree became mad now the Doctor had to step a little to the left to avoid the sap spittle from the beard of this giant Oaken Elm. Eye am the greatest tree that ever lived he began to deny it. Eye have no sap problem in fact no problem of any kind let the watch man step a little to the left of the incline then he can see the clock called the Big Bend let them eat cake let them opine let them dine and the Tree Surgeon just walked away letting the Oaken Elm tree relate to the sidewalk was trying to slink down away from the terrible fate of this tree full of sap let the minions relate to this fate stop hangging all over every time you go on a tree date with sap running down the large doubled chin marring the outfit makeing men grin look at the easy lay look at the drunken old sot full of pot full of want. Your barking and your bite in the night get you in trouble all sorts of odd fellowes will call. Cry Wolf let them harm all the other trees now. Get sober stop using the sap. Get a clean outfit get a new thinking capp.
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