

We the Chinese Red Army have created the largest Society in the world. A fascist regime rivalling Nazi Germany. Our Red Army makes the old SS look a small joke seeming JOE. Our populace however suffering. We want to end the world we have the technology we have two Megatron Bombs we are making your smaller Atomics lloking like kindeling JOE. (Radio)r(over)r we are at 40,000 feet and climbing in a Fjj360CloakingJet and the Sjj360CloakingJet we nammed them that because of your Star Trek programs JOE. The Fjj designation is First jet the 360 innummeration a full throtle looping ability to preform a negative loop to fire fourteen missles seven on each wing with the One Megatron Bomb on the center of the tail spin. MGB releasing only on the commanding of Chinese Emporer litlegod. We only made two of these jets JOE. The Fjj360 and the Sjj360 the S stands for Second jet JOE. The first jet is targetting the south pole the ssecond jet is targeting the north pole. Even your SuperMan can not stop both of them in time. (radio)r(squack)r JOE the second jet the Sjj360 is bieng shott down by the SAC American Jet butt the Fjj360 is still clear. The detonation of teh Megatron will split this Earth World into Two Parts Two Pieces JOE. Just like Science Fiction movie. (radio)r waiting for commanding of litlegod flying and refueling (squack)r Sjj360 looped and gunned down Three Sac Jets but missed the fourth one JOE was destroyed over your North Pole. Fjj360 (radio)r no enemy planes sighted ALL CLEAR sounded holding patteran waiting for commanding of litlegod. Sigh Oh Narrow, JOE, GoodBye, Joe AmeriKa. TheChineseSolution CharlaXSighinsfiction. WorstCaseScenerio Dedication now JOE is too TIM BUCK mye Facebook friend who liked my CityOnMars prose poem so much. Bomb Away. TheEndOfThisWorldJOE. Sayonara. Tim Buck on facebook
Well.......this is quite interesting. Has a real gusto to it.
But......let's think through this scenario a moment.
First, nothing on Earth is as bad as the Nazis. Even regimes like Stalin's that were numerically more murderous were not as exotically evil as the SS. The Nazis stand alone.... See More
Second, the Chinese, though maybe hard for us to understand, do not have insectoid brains. They would not blow the Earth in two -- a suicidal gusto taken to absurd lengths.
Finally, they don't need no steenking bombs. They are already well on their way to world domination through capital reserve, technological acumen, and command entrepreneurship.
If you want to wax poetic on a real Earth-smashing Demon, take a long look at global corporatism, with its black heart beating inside Wall Street.
Having said all this, I do love the early Cold War-era paranoia of this piece. Almost like a reverse-mirror image of Slim Pickens enthusiastically riding that A-bomb down to smitheration.