Fourteen Layers of Light. All white variance of bright. Some dim some shiney but all of them were white. Ivory Porcelain Parrifin Sugar Cloudy Linen Horseywhite. Bright to Brighter in mye night. No color in THIS rainbow White Snow Paper Salt Dogwood Flower Whitewash Paint DogRunt, Ghost. Fourteen layers of White on white no offwhite yellowish flower petaling. The combination of the layers sum total of mye fears. The sin that Jesus called it Crimson Red shall soon be White again. White as white as Snow on a Dogwood fenced with paper, sugar, salt filled clouds of linen billowing ivory like the keys of Parrifin waxing near a porcelain base. Riding a White Horse saving Runt Dogs. Jesus Comes. In fourteen layers of light tonight. A GHost. FourtTteenLayers.
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fourteen Layers of Light. All white variance of bright. Some dim some shiney but all of them were white. Ivory Porcelain Parrifin Sugar Cloudy Linen Horseywhite. Bright to Brighter in mye night. No color in THIS rainbow White Snow Paper Salt Dogwood Flower Whitewash Paint DogRunt, Ghost. Fourteen layers of White on white no offwhite yellowish flower petaling. The combination of the layers sum total of mye fears. The sin that Jesus called it Crimson Red shall soon be White again. White as white as Snow on a Dogwood fenced with paper, sugar, salt filled clouds of linen billowing ivory like the keys of Parrifin waxing near a porcelain base. Riding a White Horse saving Runt Dogs. Jesus Comes. In fourteen layers of light tonight. A GHost. FourtTteenLayers.
Fourteen Layers of Light. All white variance of bright. Some dim some shiney but all of them were white. Ivory Porcelain Parrifin Sugar Cloudy Linen Horseywhite. Bright to Brighter in mye night. No color in THIS rainbow White Snow Paper Salt Dogwood Flower Whitewash Paint DogRunt, Ghost. Fourteen layers of White on white no offwhite yellowish flower petaling. The combination of the layers sum total of mye fears. The sin that Jesus called it Crimson Red shall soon be White again. White as white as Snow on a Dogwood fenced with paper, sugar, salt filled clouds of linen billowing ivory like the keys of Parrifin waxing near a porcelain base. Riding a White Horse saving Runt Dogs. Jesus Comes. In fourteen layers of light tonight. A GHost. FourtTteenLayers.
Friday, November 20, 2009

YESterday is GOD was there IS there now The Holy Spirit is a TIME travellor. There was sins mistakes horrible machinations bad food and poor relations. Thank GOD its over now while GOD is there he fixes it. TOday is GOD is there The Father moves TOday He fixes all we say and do removes it iff he haves too. Faith means more to him then sight is just plain wrong sometimes. TOday has GOD The Father and the Holy SPirit moving deep within it. TOmorrow has arrived for GOD is there before it comes to eye the SON his namme is Jesus CHrist the one from Nazereth suffice the day was bad we boned it up we made him GLAD we called on him to fix it up now its over for the Father GOD the Holy SPirit and the SON has one more tomorrow only iff we are lucky enought just to find it. TIME
YESterday is GOD was there IS there now The Holy Spirit is a TIME travellor. There was sins mistakes horrible machinations bad food and poor relations. Thank GOD its over now while GOD is there he fixes it. TOday is GOD is there The Father moves TOday He fixes all we say and do removes it iff he haves too. Faith means more to him then sight is just plain wrong sometimes. TOday has GOD The Father and the Holy SPirit moving deep within it. TOmorrow has arrived for GOD is there before it comes to eye the SON his namme is Jesus CHrist the one from Nazereth suffice the day was bad we boned it up we made him GLAD we called on him to fix it up now its over for the Father GOD the Holy SPirit and the SON has one more tomorrow only iff we are lucky enought just to find it. TIME
Friday, November 13, 2009

I. It is there. I. It is there. I. It is there. I saw my lover as in a winnoed window a small square of the only thing that may ever really matter in mye heart a picture is worth these thousands of words but first a joke. I noticed a new set of headphones and I snagged them up in the pocket of my vested interest. I wondered to myself what they did fit. And so i began to look around for the Camera they had come from? Camera? What Radio? LOLZX. Yes. The reason on the Camera Instructions for the headphones now listen closer.
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The reason they had for adding the ear budds to the camera was strang and funn so listen bud to one. They printed the instructions out one by one to make them plain in a brown wrapper. Reason One. Plug your headphones into your Camera just before you Shutter you will then hear the SnapShot loud as thundar. Reason Two was even a stranger Plug your ear BUdds into the battery case when changing batteries you will hear them erase. When telling a poem iff you have to explain her dont bother for no one will get it later. CharlaXAndroidOneSeven says I cant share the PIC but she is there on her website LOZXL my LADY is beautifull what more can I ever want. ♥ We are goona get a poodle.
I. It is there. I. It is there. I. It is there. I saw my lover as in a winnoed window a small square of the only thing that may ever really matter in mye heart a picture is worth these thousands of words but first a joke. I noticed a new set of headphones and I snagged them up in the pocket of my vested interest. I wondered to myself what they did fit. And so i began to look around for the Camera they had come from? Camera? What Radio? LOLZX. Yes. The reason on the Camera Instructions for the headphones now listen closer.
In easy to read Acrobat PDF Format
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Printed Manuals for $17.98
We print your manual
The reason they had for adding the ear budds to the camera was strang and funn so listen bud to one. They printed the instructions out one by one to make them plain in a brown wrapper. Reason One. Plug your headphones into your Camera just before you Shutter you will then hear the SnapShot loud as thundar. Reason Two was even a stranger Plug your ear BUdds into the battery case when changing batteries you will hear them erase. When telling a poem iff you have to explain her dont bother for no one will get it later. CharlaXAndroidOneSeven says I cant share the PIC but she is there on her website LOZXL my LADY is beautifull what more can I ever want. ♥ We are goona get a poodle.
Monday, November 9, 2009

A social nightmare blundering in the day time english tea time is usually at four pm not early certainly not late. So I would be so embarrassed to meat such Royalty I could sit there on my hands. Jumping at every nudge and scone offerring. When she actually came in before me I would Geneflunk like we was always taught to do. SHe would say SO do you like my singging want to dance. Romance? Oh the giggeling boy in me would prance. SHe would ask me to tell her all my wisdom I read on her website that this is what she values most in a little boy. I cleared my throat and then I said, " most searches are expediantly preformed the date aquired not needed after all." The crowds did roar. I take High Tea for I was hungry give me lots of bloddy meat with poultry sweetly adding sugar to the mess. Unless its time for low tea then give my cokkie to the guest. Putt the lemone in the milk curdle the tea for eye love a tart tea time. SHe sighed at such a poetic lout about. I laughed as Susan boiled over at the eye such fun on a MOnday afternoon. Oh the Queen she loved to fill her wanting tummy at this time for lunch was skimpy peanut buttered. White bread after freezing is rather limp old chap book near the laundry basket cased. I hope you like my poem Susan B. ANtoinette.
A social nightmare blundering in the day time english tea time is usually at four pm not early certainly not late. So I would be so embarrassed to meat such Royalty I could sit there on my hands. Jumping at every nudge and scone offerring. When she actually came in before me I would Geneflunk like we was always taught to do. SHe would say SO do you like my singging want to dance. Romance? Oh the giggeling boy in me would prance. SHe would ask me to tell her all my wisdom I read on her website that this is what she values most in a little boy. I cleared my throat and then I said, " most searches are expediantly preformed the date aquired not needed after all." The crowds did roar. I take High Tea for I was hungry give me lots of bloddy meat with poultry sweetly adding sugar to the mess. Unless its time for low tea then give my cokkie to the guest. Putt the lemone in the milk curdle the tea for eye love a tart tea time. SHe sighed at such a poetic lout about. I laughed as Susan boiled over at the eye such fun on a MOnday afternoon. Oh the Queen she loved to fill her wanting tummy at this time for lunch was skimpy peanut buttered. White bread after freezing is rather limp old chap book near the laundry basket cased. I hope you like my poem Susan B. ANtoinette.
Friday, November 6, 2009

Soltive pre ordained priest warlike additives initially a Jesus Freak becoming cold hearted in the winter. Bane has come with hatred of simple minded people. Sexual orientation is nill. Macabration indentation on the quilt. A welcome matt with a towel for spills. I have a small fortune tied. Up is not an option now. There is only snow up there eventually. The water line is nearer the river then the streaming stream of water near me on the highway catching all the melting riverlets as they run away from home in WinterBane. Some men still have strength but they abuse it think to break down boarded ruins tearing down old barns and cornors of old abandoned houses where homeless and poor people might find shelter from the rain. Where will they find to dwell. Because of wealth they have a large area to heat in WinterBane they have a larger of a structure the more expensive in the WinterBane with sleet coming down in Sheets of Ice looked like a solid wall of water hitting me Frost icing clothing no thing was DRY ice all over me a few moments after I stepped toe out of sheltor walking on the SIDE of the road cant walk on the roadway slipping on the ICE stepped offroad walking in the treelined. I found what looked like a Najavo Hogan brogaded outside there was clothes hannging on branches a Babylon Garden in the snow. While the whole city was whited out at degrees zero. The goose has a liver. Oh Pâté the liver rules the Goose is cooked with too many alcholic incumbents while the minutes of the meeting Read all old activity reported long ago nothing is new under the sun. Nothing there is nothing is there nothing in my past has preparred me for my future education has failed me for the alcholic eye was ruined for functioning in SOciety degenerate reborne. Nothing smelles worse to a man then sex mixed up with tobacco and alchohol how can anyone live as porn objects and still survive the toll booth smells like whiskey before three pee em it takes the heart to control it takes the lust to want. I feared to die for I was sinnor I feared one day to lay underneathe the snow ensheathed but then one day has come to eye EYE Fear No Snow EYE Fear No Snow I am a man. The snow no longer bothers me. I am beneath it all, My soul is not inside of me. It leaves me when I fall. As I lay here silently,wating for the trumpet, It will blow!
I do not any longer fear the snow.
Copyright © 2006 charles hice
Soltive pre ordained priest warlike additives initially a Jesus Freak becoming cold hearted in the winter. Bane has come with hatred of simple minded people. Sexual orientation is nill. Macabration indentation on the quilt. A welcome matt with a towel for spills. I have a small fortune tied. Up is not an option now. There is only snow up there eventually. The water line is nearer the river then the streaming stream of water near me on the highway catching all the melting riverlets as they run away from home in WinterBane. Some men still have strength but they abuse it think to break down boarded ruins tearing down old barns and cornors of old abandoned houses where homeless and poor people might find shelter from the rain. Where will they find to dwell. Because of wealth they have a large area to heat in WinterBane they have a larger of a structure the more expensive in the WinterBane with sleet coming down in Sheets of Ice looked like a solid wall of water hitting me Frost icing clothing no thing was DRY ice all over me a few moments after I stepped toe out of sheltor walking on the SIDE of the road cant walk on the roadway slipping on the ICE stepped offroad walking in the treelined. I found what looked like a Najavo Hogan brogaded outside there was clothes hannging on branches a Babylon Garden in the snow. While the whole city was whited out at degrees zero. The goose has a liver. Oh Pâté the liver rules the Goose is cooked with too many alcholic incumbents while the minutes of the meeting Read all old activity reported long ago nothing is new under the sun. Nothing there is nothing is there nothing in my past has preparred me for my future education has failed me for the alcholic eye was ruined for functioning in SOciety degenerate reborne. Nothing smelles worse to a man then sex mixed up with tobacco and alchohol how can anyone live as porn objects and still survive the toll booth smells like whiskey before three pee em it takes the heart to control it takes the lust to want. I feared to die for I was sinnor I feared one day to lay underneathe the snow ensheathed but then one day has come to eye EYE Fear No Snow EYE Fear No Snow I am a man. The snow no longer bothers me. I am beneath it all, My soul is not inside of me. It leaves me when I fall. As I lay here silently,wating for the trumpet, It will blow!
I do not any longer fear the snow.
Copyright © 2006 charles hice
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