Thursday, August 27, 2009
We make false claims. We use animal product. We falsify reports to FDA. Send to us all your gum and we will send all our gums to you as fast as U s Mail. We are a subsidiary of Whirly Corporation a Division of ZappersUnlimited/Treasury/ we make JBC chewing gum. Thats right for a limited price and time only 37P each. JackBennyChewingGUM He kept the stuff too long we went to every Theatre he was ever at and harvested the wadded pats of ABC GUM now JBC GUM. Jack Benny Gum comes with our famouse Warrenty Warranty. Warranty noun (pl. warranties) 1 a written guarantee promising to repair or replace Jack Benny Chewing Gum if necessary within a specified period. 2 an engagement by an insured party that certain statements are true or that certain conditions shall be fulfilled must be a green bogger in the patty. warrantee noun 1. a recipient of a warranty issued by Jack Benny Chewing Gum COmpany 2. 3. warrenty 2. a customer to whom a warranty is given 3. a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications i.e. JBC GUM. Send it back to us and we will send you more we will always send you some. We here at Whirly want you to enjoy your chew. The Whole Wadd Collection is available for 37,000P only be serious when you enquire.">thiscodewassobadandwefoundnogumhereanyway oops wait this is a computor glitch. Amazing the difficulties we face just making word doccuments these days. this place had lots of gum on them seats you. FakeCare.Com.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
"The Calibrated Birthday"
"The Calibrated Birthday"
"The Calibrated Birthday" A dedication to facebook Paul A. Toth In the manner of Tertullian, I'm celebrating my birthday because it's absurd to celebrate it.Once twice three times a lady day. Tertullian said it best A woman will tell you her secrets lovers and divest all her wealth but never her age will she tell william or bill or frank or tom or ernesto the tailor. Look upon that old mons gaze he is dripping positively slipping his disguise is leaving like as to a culinary cook uses too many spices big namme brand nuances in the effort to create a New Yourk licious crisus. Adding dashes to spoon halves to dishes. Taking a good slice of meat overdosing it complete the poor wretched thing in marinade to make that thick juicy critter taste like lemone pepper. Because people want to arise ABOVE the level of the animal. They make Cake for Birthday Party. One layer of chocolate bread like yeasty substance with a Coconut Icing that has to be Brown Sugar mixed with some sort of real candy melted in a sauce pan I can never figure what they used to get that flavor of abuse defies description just say Manna at sunrisen. It has to be that something simple like a Cocoa Bean was beaten with that whisk and whipped with a blending shaker that SUCKER must have been at least all of three feet tall. Ovoided to make all that creamy CocoaNut Icing on that one-layered Coconut Cake for Birthday SURPRISE! When that person of the Hour is Adult the Candles meant TEN Years for every one of life lived long so GrandMa has Seven Candles on her once a year layer Coconut Bundt. But go ask her how old is she GrandMa says shes Forty Three. Happy Birthday Facebook Boy.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The Limosine pulled up to the door and waited and waited some more. The counter person was a thinker and soon walked over to the foyer grabbed the bulky footrug with the rubberbacking to prevent slipping it happened to be Blue a color not condusive to the happening event. The PAtron of the Limo dissembarked at the Driver "It is only a Blue Carpet Greeting ? WHat happened to the Red Carpet Treatment. Then he sat down on the computor screen was dark. He moved the mouse around finally finding the Internet E he clicked on the GLOBE and got the INternet Open. TO his dismay they were using MSN that day as home page. He turned back to the counter person, "I had my driver drive over 500 miles to Colorado just so I can send this email from YAHOO on this COmputor I want my Lady Friend whom lives in A lessor Southern State to see your LOGO on the email letterhead that I just sent? The counter person grinned that patronizing lopsided grin thay have a way of using it for all such strang events. "OH SIR", it does not work that way at all when you open your own email at YAHOO it sends your email with your email address to your friends email address down south, BUT there is no such thing as a COmpany LOGO Address at least not yet. And so Donald Romand Plence left the Best Western Motel in Durango Colorado with much regret to drive back in his LIMO to New York City to the offices of the President Thommas Whirly of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to make a new parent company for INternet Logos. Gentlemen, please, I have called this meeting of this Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to Decide to INvest in a new way of doing business on the INternet. I am very excited at this new idea and hope it generates this COmpany Bullions of Dollar Signs. (Jjohn Jjones was at this meeting using one of his human disguises) in reality he is the Manhunter From Mars. His ears turned green but no one noticed them or him. "Suppose," this was Plence, " you are a businessman from Chicago, Ill. You want to Impress a Client Empress with the email address where you are staying in a fancy motel place." "SO you go to type in John JOnes for instance type your password such as redmars open up your internet account." Jjohn Jjones blanched totally a green face spitting out his coffee his undercover compromised on hearing this but again no one even noticed him HE quickly realized it was only a random example PLENCE had used. So intent were all the men on hearing Plence's Oratory remarks and his delivery on this Monday. It was raining outside everyone had the Trademark TrenchCoat and Hat hangging on every available hook on the wall it was why the Manhunter From Mars liked to hang out here in these offices. Plence again. "OK is everyone with me now so far? NOW go to your emails under the compose button open the drop down menu see that Button that says Determine Location??? Click only once left click will do it do not double click or right click." INstantly every LapTop in the room said FROM the Offices of the in Bright Red Letters in the body of the Content of the message. This will only work for a COMPANY like let us say Best Western if they agree to pay for our Domain priviledges. Iff we were in a Best Western that has Purchased our Agreement we can send this. But instead of Whirly it will say Best Western on the LOGO in the Letterhead. We just hit the button marked DETECTION. We have the hardware software set available now for sale. Is there any questions.? At the word DETECTION the Urbanite Detective had grabbed his TrencherCoat and Hat mumbled "COFFEE be right back", out the door he went into the Rainy Gloomy MOnday unsure now of his anonymity within this COmpany. On an unrelated matter Plence was warmed suddenly BLurtted out : "GENTLEMEN PLEASE", then in hushed tones; "What are you all talking about and what is that muttering in the background?" Elect a spokesman tell all the group including me. John Jacobson stood up : "OH SIR" We noticed when Jjohn Jjones just left the room he left his coffee cup I took it my mistake his initials are JJ, at this part Plence waived his hand in a kinder gesture of dismissive. "AN honest mistake my goodman, Well what is it tell us spit it out.?" "WEll sir there was too much sugar in it." "NOT the coffee what is that mummering about?" "OH that. TheTalking Clock. We invented a talking clock. Every five minutes on the dot it says", TICK TOCK TOCK TICK CLOCK I AM THE TALKING CLOCK TOCK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK ZONK. "But we forgot to program it to tell the time.?" NO was all the treasurer of the Zappersunlimited@.ORG said. "NO funding available at all for a clock that does not tell the time he added then an aside" : I wonder who JONES really is ? TO no one in particular.
The Limosine pulled up to the door and waited and waited some more. The counter person was a thinker and soon walked over to the foyer grabbed the bulky footrug with the rubberbacking to prevent slipping it happened to be Blue a color not condusive to the happening event. The PAtron of the Limo dissembarked at the Driver "It is only a Blue Carpet Greeting ? WHat happened to the Red Carpet Treatment. Then he sat down on the computor screen was dark. He moved the mouse around finally finding the Internet E he clicked on the GLOBE and got the INternet Open. TO his dismay they were using MSN that day as home page. He turned back to the counter person, "I had my driver drive over 500 miles to Colorado just so I can send this email from YAHOO on this COmputor I want my Lady Friend whom lives in A lessor Southern State to see your LOGO on the email letterhead that I just sent? The counter person grinned that patronizing lopsided grin thay have a way of using it for all such strang events. "OH SIR", it does not work that way at all when you open your own email at YAHOO it sends your email with your email address to your friends email address down south, BUT there is no such thing as a COmpany LOGO Address at least not yet. And so Donald Romand Plence left the Best Western Motel in Durango Colorado with much regret to drive back in his LIMO to New York City to the offices of the President Thommas Whirly of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to make a new parent company for INternet Logos. Gentlemen, please, I have called this meeting of this Board of Directors of the Board of Directors of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company to Decide to INvest in a new way of doing business on the INternet. I am very excited at this new idea and hope it generates this COmpany Bullions of Dollar Signs. (Jjohn Jjones was at this meeting using one of his human disguises) in reality he is the Manhunter From Mars. His ears turned green but no one noticed them or him. "Suppose," this was Plence, " you are a businessman from Chicago, Ill. You want to Impress a Client Empress with the email address where you are staying in a fancy motel place." "SO you go to type in John JOnes for instance type your password such as redmars open up your internet account." Jjohn Jjones blanched totally a green face spitting out his coffee his undercover compromised on hearing this but again no one even noticed him HE quickly realized it was only a random example PLENCE had used. So intent were all the men on hearing Plence's Oratory remarks and his delivery on this Monday. It was raining outside everyone had the Trademark TrenchCoat and Hat hangging on every available hook on the wall it was why the Manhunter From Mars liked to hang out here in these offices. Plence again. "OK is everyone with me now so far? NOW go to your emails under the compose button open the drop down menu see that Button that says Determine Location??? Click only once left click will do it do not double click or right click." INstantly every LapTop in the room said FROM the Offices of the in Bright Red Letters in the body of the Content of the message. This will only work for a COMPANY like let us say Best Western if they agree to pay for our Domain priviledges. Iff we were in a Best Western that has Purchased our Agreement we can send this. But instead of Whirly it will say Best Western on the LOGO in the Letterhead. We just hit the button marked DETECTION. We have the hardware software set available now for sale. Is there any questions.? At the word DETECTION the Urbanite Detective had grabbed his TrencherCoat and Hat mumbled "COFFEE be right back", out the door he went into the Rainy Gloomy MOnday unsure now of his anonymity within this COmpany. On an unrelated matter Plence was warmed suddenly BLurtted out : "GENTLEMEN PLEASE", then in hushed tones; "What are you all talking about and what is that muttering in the background?" Elect a spokesman tell all the group including me. John Jacobson stood up : "OH SIR" We noticed when Jjohn Jjones just left the room he left his coffee cup I took it my mistake his initials are JJ, at this part Plence waived his hand in a kinder gesture of dismissive. "AN honest mistake my goodman, Well what is it tell us spit it out.?" "WEll sir there was too much sugar in it." "NOT the coffee what is that mummering about?" "OH that. TheTalking Clock. We invented a talking clock. Every five minutes on the dot it says", TICK TOCK TOCK TICK CLOCK I AM THE TALKING CLOCK TOCK TOCK TICK TICK TOCK ZONK. "But we forgot to program it to tell the time.?" NO was all the treasurer of the Zappersunlimited@.ORG said. "NO funding available at all for a clock that does not tell the time he added then an aside" : I wonder who JONES really is ? TO no one in particular.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Who was eye eye was mee I am who and eye and I and i am me. I,CharlaX, I darkstone. I Charlie, for i like charlie best. I can almost here her voice when she types out I love You Charlie I think her love sustains me in my chest where love doth dwell in heart so blessed by Jesus now at rest. I lay me down I,Charlie, for what is sorrow but a test I, CharlaX, I overcome I learn to love myself.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
XLIII.Will SOnnet sone of shakespeare a paroday of charlax p.
XLIII.Will SOnnet sone of shakespeare a paroday of charlax p.
When must I thinke, then do mine minde best thinke,For all the day whoe thinkes things unremembered;But when I dreame, in dreames whoe cannot thinke,When brightly dark the nighte, how dark the bright rejected.Then whoe, whose shadow shadows doth make puttets on the walle,How would whoe shadow's form form Will SOnnet on the walle,To see the clear rabbit with whoe ears up in clearer light,When to unseeing eyes whoe rabbit puttet shines so bright!How would, whoe say, mine eyes be blessèd made a sight for sore.By looking on a rabbit puttet on the walle in the living day,When in dead night whoe fair imperfect rabbit puttet is butt a shadeThrough heavy sleep on sightless eyes doth stay a rabbit puttet with enow a nose as well as ears formed! All days are nights to see till I see whoe will sonnet formed upon the walle, And nights bright days when dreams do show thee rabbit shadow puttet with ears and nose will sonnet formed.
Monday, August 3, 2009
I (Jesus)
I (Jesus)

I (Jesus)
Charles, your namme is written in the Lamb Book Of Life. So you can go over to that Throne that says JESUS on it and miss the Second Death Judgement. But you have to understand THIS you sinned against GOD and must be taken to account of it to his SON cause Charles, you cursed and looked at women you gave alms to travellers and you drank a lot too much sometimes a DRUNK. You told ribalding jokes you told some lies you made fun of many peoples time and time again yet you still and ever did say JESUS to your friends. Perhaps you should be whipped. Perhaps you could be beaten. But I (Jesus) atoned FOR your sins I (Jesus) took away your sins upon the CROSS and now it is YOUR judgement day. HOW do YOU plead? NOT GUILTY OF IT AT ALL ! Not because I (Charles) am not guilty cause of JESUS took my Place. He made his Immortal Sacrifice so i can now be saved. I can claim the Blood of Jesus as my final resting place. I can claim the Love of GOD. Well Done. Well said. NOW here is HEavens Pearl Gate. GO QUICKLY. Enter Inn. The JOY of JESUS place.
I (Jesus)
Charles, your namme is written in the Lamb Book Of Life. So you can go over to that Throne that says JESUS on it and miss the Second Death Judgement. But you have to understand THIS you sinned against GOD and must be taken to account of it to his SON cause Charles, you cursed and looked at women you gave alms to travellers and you drank a lot too much sometimes a DRUNK. You told ribalding jokes you told some lies you made fun of many peoples time and time again yet you still and ever did say JESUS to your friends. Perhaps you should be whipped. Perhaps you could be beaten. But I (Jesus) atoned FOR your sins I (Jesus) took away your sins upon the CROSS and now it is YOUR judgement day. HOW do YOU plead? NOT GUILTY OF IT AT ALL ! Not because I (Charles) am not guilty cause of JESUS took my Place. He made his Immortal Sacrifice so i can now be saved. I can claim the Blood of Jesus as my final resting place. I can claim the Love of GOD. Well Done. Well said. NOW here is HEavens Pearl Gate. GO QUICKLY. Enter Inn. The JOY of JESUS place.
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