Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The ewe girl was tall she was ageless she was a virgin she was close to loving GOD because she loved a homeless person who lived in another village and even though they never met she gave her heart to him to help him in his quest of seeking GOD in Jesus. In her heart lives the Unicorn. In the forest of Glenmore there lives a Hunter from Scoffingdale he is a large obese terrible man always in danger of taking life he carried his Crossbow with one bolt at the ready and a quiver so full of frightening more he wore leather. One day the girl who is ageless stood petting the Unicorn nose and Horn. She loved to start at the tip of the Horn and slide her hand down and back up. The Scoffingdale Hunter stood off to the side and tried to get a line on a shot at the Unicorn Horn when to his surprise the girl stood between them the Unicorn Horn and the Hunter surprised she just stood there. Giving more of her heart. Even at this the Scoffingdale Hunter was steel he turned this way and that way to try to sped the bolt past the girl into the Unicorn eye. He did not lower his hunter weapon until he noticed the tear from her eye slide down the nose of the girl and drop with the sound of a stone there at the feet of the girl in the glen was her heart all aglow with fire. He dropped his Crossbow and took out the bolt and snapped it into a cross he laid this cross at her feet and the heart returned by magic to its place in the breast of the lady love the beast with the Unicorn Horn. For now she was girl no more but a woman in love. The Hunter went away tossing his bolts from his quiver out on the trail one by one back to Scoffingdale. The Unicorn Horn led the girl to the glen where the homeless man stood there in prayer. She looked so alive when she stood at the distance there cried. She with her Unicorn Horn he with his heart full of love. For now sleeping alone each one in their home but in love. The Unicorn Horn.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Simpler version is better. As in the poem so is the days of our lives. The Congregation wants the King James Version. The Preacher wants the NIV New International Version. The Hobo comes in the Church in the middle of this Sunday Confrontation. Eye have the Gideon Bible eye took it from the Motel at the edge of town they had a disclaimer on the page said for me do not remove this Bible from the room. The Church is quiet now not a sound not a mouse moves in the house. "Why did you take the Gideon Bible"? said the Preacher. "SAYETH why" said the congregate. Eye like to have a Bible in my hobo bag so when someone steals it they can find the Bible in the bag and it keeps them mad. But eye promise you one thing preacher when eye meet this Gideon fellow eye will give it back. The preacher says, "eye will Preach." The congregate says "no you will Preacheth." The hobo says "read it from the Gideon." Deuteronomy 5:19 (New International Version) 19 "You shall not steal. Deuteronomy 5:19 (King James Version) 19Neither shalt thou steal. Deuteronomy 5:19 (The Message) 19 No stealing. Open the night stand drawer in almost any motel room in the world and you will find a Bibleplaced there by the Gideon’s International. The oldest Christian business and professional men’s association in the United States, the Gideons have been around for more than 100 years, and have been placing Bibles in hotel rooms for almost that long. They also give the small New Testaments to people at schools eye havd had many of them and yes eye am the hobo that steals bibles from motel rooms.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Iff eye had a concrete plan it has failed to solidify.Unless myself did have a brick in hand it hardened not. Back when I had the solid rock it fell away eye kept it not. When the solid of life has come it slims to none. After we have ate the bread it softens some. Batty Bake Batty bake in the pan.During the discourse of the entire impediment of life the ingredients the very DNA were missing links.Cold slabs of hardened steel under softer blankets wool.Sustenance is never found in jail. Bread fries on angel wings of grace in the hot Deseret sun. When the bread fries the angel singes with his wings. When the bread fries the angel sings about the bread and gives. Bread is life a single dollar bill given in haste and torn in half life is not the dollar given then but bread found scrounged fallen from the angel’s wings into mye dumpsters then no dollar amount written in the till we meet again. What is expert knowledge but someone’s intuitive folly why does it have to be book learned to be a hit. Most good ideas come unbidden to the poets feast his fest turned smitten to the dollar sign. Mye bread will fry.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
There is no time to stop people from smoking it kills them eye have given up trying they don’t listen so here is an alternative to smoking reasoning called please Butt your Cigarettes. Turn them darn nicotine tubes around and suck on the fire end of them. When you get a lot of blisters on your lipps then drop that butt and roll it around on the ground to get it out take your butt and smash it out iff its still lit up then take your butt and place it in a butt can. Stop rolling up them pigeon refused cigarettes what are you putting in them rolling papers. Make sure your butt is out. Crush the fire out of your butts. Take your butt in your left hand and press it hard down on the ground. Twist your butt and then twist it all around. Stomp your butt iff there is no other way to get it out. The best way to stop smoking butts is to never light them up not once. Some people drag their butt along the edges of the boot to get them out. Eye seen this done but once. One t upon a but makes it a rectifier more like an adjective or a verb than noun. Two tt on butt makes it something needing to be put out. Please make sure all smokes is out and butts is not smoldering when leaving campfire zones. Please do not toss your butt out of your car window anymore. The surrounding areas are harmful. Twist up the whole bunch of butts at once the whole cigarette package of buttcigarrettes. Then fling that giant butt down. Eye hope this helps you stop.
Internet Businesses open and close eye have found searches in old abandoned areas of the internet the URLS there aer so dusty that they squeaked. They open the warehouses up and staff them with underpaid employees never pay the overhead the little things they may not be able to afford like paperclips and tape for boxes to be shipped and electricity for lights so employees may then read the tape on boxes to be shipped oh me they stay there longer than they should then leave. Eye am Private Eye eye enter old abandonment and search the website for user links there has not been a visitor here since 1993. The warehouse that they used is still there in Kentucky near the Army there is dust along the door jambed up against the outer wall but when eye Private Eye went there inside was boxes full of wool each one a differant color and Instructions there for making hats and caps. Eye the Private Eye frowned down at so obvious a preformed cap with zipper all around the transparent covering to hold the colored wool again eye frowned. The Instructions were quite simple they said "STUFF the wool inside the perform zip it shut to fit to head." Eye a Private Eye decided to try one on of red to mye surprise it molded to the head of eye the Private eye it fit much closer better warmer than the one was now on mye head of green too bad they were just a victum now of unsolicited funds paid out the warehouse stocked but no one running or manning the newest recipient of poor planning. 
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

write a totally bogus poemabout nothingbut use wordslikehe walked to toonhe drave a bladehe sparked that smileget the IDEA??? CharlaX?????? Eye got down of mye duck then fortune twirled a stick the central park was squirrely near the bending fork of luck is just a penny upside down the staircase up the pipe under the ladder near the black capons with steaks of bones turned to a tee shirt with markings of paintballs laying near the mall he pulled up his bridges and leaned on his nasty trash cans are full of the oriental types of needy nerdy girls were glasses over the nose of the aircraft went up into the clouds of ducks aer geese with problems solved the equations in the mathematical equator is nearer the African peninsula of inkless points of pencils what perhaps the reader did not get the premises were violated the thieves marching two bye two to reach the other shore up the sandbag holding out on eye made this sucker up. Later eye will walk to toon. Eye will drive a bald outlet a spill a smile then spark a lot on the way to the bedroom slipper.
write a totally bogus poemabout nothingbut use wordslikehe walked to toonhe drave a bladehe sparked that smileget the IDEA??? CharlaX?????? Eye got down of mye duck then fortune twirled a stick the central park was squirrely near the bending fork of luck is just a penny upside down the staircase up the pipe under the ladder near the black capons with steaks of bones turned to a tee shirt with markings of paintballs laying near the mall he pulled up his bridges and leaned on his nasty trash cans are full of the oriental types of needy nerdy girls were glasses over the nose of the aircraft went up into the clouds of ducks aer geese with problems solved the equations in the mathematical equator is nearer the African peninsula of inkless points of pencils what perhaps the reader did not get the premises were violated the thieves marching two bye two to reach the other shore up the sandbag holding out on eye made this sucker up. Later eye will walk to toon. Eye will drive a bald outlet a spill a smile then spark a lot on the way to the bedroom slipper.
Eye am anti hero number one seven Japanese namme is Seikorin charlaxandroid Zerocipher writing this to quell mye anger eye was walking inside his boundary okay and searching in the trash for anything of value eye had just lifted out a notebook when he drove in to the area. Horror engulfed me when the words came dripping from the blood inside his mouth and he yelled at me to leave get away from there he said like to a dog but not a man and eye freaked and cursed his place of business and his face to his face and he doubled up his fists like he was profiling against gangsters coming but one old man with a bearded visage and over coat is not a threat at all he must want every scrap of paper in the trash to reach the dumpster so he can lock it away from needy hands. He had no real reason to be so angry and so eye snitched him out the policeman that guards the fort was sympathetic to the eye but trying to avoid a fight he suggested that eye walk around the back next time. A dog disgraced and losing face pushed to far from fire begins to hate the whole human race. He is a business man and that place belongs to him eye have lost something not just the trash cans offerings to eye. Eye have lost some of mye human rights. Intending to never set foot on that side of the world eye depart for safer ground. To retaliate with force would prove them right we fight with words not knives or guns or stones but bread makes life inside to twist and shout out words with which we fight to trounce the things that make the might the muscles and the brows and frowns and fists that smite and fight that hurt old poets and young men beginning to learn words with which to fight we learn to be the superhero kings the Zerocipher men.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Robinsoe Carusoe ate lentil beans on Frydays soup that was curdle dripping from the droppings from his beard the grain fell to Earth in the cave and grew and fed him on Frydays and Fryday ate some too which brings eye to Elijah the prophet was under tree eating angels food cake and a drink in place from Angels point of view a rousing welcome to Fryday in his cave became a still small voice heard heralded around the world and trumpeted in Jewish heraldry before eating lentil soup. 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 3/4 cups (350 g) split red lentils 7 1/2 cups (1 3/4 liters) meat or chicken stock or waterSalt and pepper 1 teaspoon cumin juice of 1/2 to 1 lemon Extra virgin olive oil to drizzle, to taste. This is where we get the Englias word Carouse. This means to lay upon a couch and eat curdle lentil soup of bean varieties like Caruso in his Fryday Cave then dream like Elijah under tree then sleep then dream.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
This flower had a yellow center white lapetals with Violet edges each little part a much larger representation of this whole thing was not as big as mye own hand eye devised a plan quite similar to pulling stem from apple reading alphabetic eye have to get to V for Violet but instead of tempting fate or GOD or Jesus his own SON or human reflex eye placed no letter on this game but gamely twisted this flower in a circle flicking petals in the air until to mye surprise only one remained with yellow centered white for love with Violet edges this Symbol of our love this Flower stem of green to base this Flower on, this viable of love.
Friday, March 20, 2009
On 666
On 666
a Discourse Discusion
No he left out the s in disscussion for a reason it was to make it fit in the heading area not a deliverate misspelling. Eye just decided on this topic because eye have had doubts that this identification process is connected to the Mark of the Beast in the Bible at all. The thing is mentioned only in the Book of Revelations and happens to be about an actual mark on your hand or forehead not an ID number or Card that is held in the hand and utilized as entry. The Cards that are being used for identification are numbers or names BUT there is a big difference there is still no Abomination sitting in the Holy Place or a Demonic Beast actually present on this Earth to cause all of us to worship it. Eye can refuse to use a card for identification and not lose mye head over it. The Devil would not use this method eye have had a social security number since eye was thirteen years old or even twelve eye remember how mye mother got one for something to do with school she kept it in her purse and would not let me touch it. So eye never saw the first card at all. Or utilized it. Eye am now 55 years older and have an Identification card that has NO social security number on it. You are now asked and have that option. Not a Devils Mark At All. On the Sabboath now let us decide the controversy is always over Saturday or Sunday eye have a deep new found seeded feeling that the Sabbath was originally on a Wednesday. GOD must have started on Thursday. And ended on a Tuesday. Because for weeks and months eye have been finding food on Tuesday and none on Wednesday. Of course this can always be explained away like the dumpsters was dumped on Tuesday nite but please a dumpster is not GOD and eye could get some bread on Wednesday unless he wants me to have the Sabboath day like the Jewish people do it. Just keep an open mind and go to the Church of your choices but please try to remember faith is not ever sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7 (for we walk under the condition of faith, notunder the condition of what is seen); a perfect ending to this piece.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
eye am a telegraph pole eye am cut but eye can stay up and not draw down ground because the wires is holding up the second pole goes down and then a third then we all go down to road comes up to stop the wires from going down too far but they keep changing chopping them poles one after one more gone is the lines to make them messages hum they will target the Universities first the bombs will fall on the brains they went to kill Amerika with a K imagine bombs falling out of a clear blue sky decimating every building on the campus made me smile the Chinese are gonna do it with Hot Air balloons and old propellor planes like crop dustors that have been refueled with Hydrogen gassed eye can make an Iron suit and pull it over a building roof with a block and a tackle and a pullet pulley system designed as a weather observatory all the campuses have them but with mye lack of luck the way it seems to be the bombbay door would stick Shut up and mye little door would just keep the bomb going off would just kill me inside the smart iron suit would now be a coffin who wants to help the Chinese anyway eye will most likely wind up fighting them some of them will try to land and have some fun eye have to be a man than and stop
Monday, March 16, 2009

Society: Untenable Unattainable
Unreachable Unclimable limited
why Inverted Pyramid. Take look at the services
they do not increase with the increased population
but they decrease both services and population
in an effort to live life forever to have some
sort of control upon the masses they glow
in amber waves of gain they sit in towers
of Ivory while Snow falls on the Pleasant Places
while people Starve Die Suffer Hunger Steal
Gather Scrounge in an effort to survive
the Society thrives in upfrowndownsides.
Society: Untenable Unattainable
Unreachable Unclimable limited
why Inverted Pyramid. Take look at the services
they do not increase with the increased population
but they decrease both services and population
in an effort to live life forever to have some
sort of control upon the masses they glow
in amber waves of gain they sit in towers
of Ivory while Snow falls on the Pleasant Places
while people Starve Die Suffer Hunger Steal
Gather Scrounge in an effort to survive
the Society thrives in upfrowndownsides.
Eye was on tenter hooks hoping Jenna would be a friend but no she is allergic to eye and smokes with tattoes. He walks with both feet upon the ground the level walk tilting with every step like a kaleidoscope leaning leering behind glasses darkened from the sun he shines and considers he is saved but yearns for contact with others of his race not men but softer face. Today this very day a woman said "Hello" to eye was so sure she was speaking past me to someone else eye hesitated to answer quickly almost losing the moment eye said slowly "and HOW aer ewe?" than without hesitation she said, "OH I am doing just Wonderful." It was such a surprise it took mye mind away from mye problems and eye smiled. "Oh it’s just springtime in the desert again" was mye surmised reply. Eye smiled eye CharlaXJack.
Mye four leaf clover is not green or gray or faded brown but alarmingly purple with four clover leafs and a stem no frowns it resembles eye count three corners on every other one but mye violetgreens is the one with four the Lucky one immersed in love and hued to match the sky of twilight zone. Just before sunset and soon after dark the sky is purple not black no ebon no stars. Just a non twinkling backdrop of violetgreens competes with the function of life as eye slip out of mye mind to a fantasy flowing flaccidly freefully luridly hastily manly prayerfully pontifically placed lovingly at the feet of mye violetgreens.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Sat Or Day
Sat Or Day

Lessons avoided are lessons unlearned the unlearned and the drunk and the addict rule the day stolen things lay near my head the bed has to be moved to rest before the day comes why is it so hard to keep a quietness about ones mouth when full of alchoholic beverages the sleep gone robbed of rest of day must walk and get somewhere must go fully into desert mode then marching to a drummer let me say the innermost wants of a man quoincide with females adding females to the females list of quoincidence. Three y, s ladies. Most of ewe will understand the meaning of life and what this poet likes. Fantasy is better when alone and not fulfilled the reasons of the patterans on the floor tiles in all the bigger Art Deco Museums and even most pleasure palaces have a meeting room entered from a hall not unlike the voyeur in a livingroom of somones home. Reposed and together all at once. Impossible likenesses and events coinciding to occur again in memory taken close to heart but not never inside it just won’t do it can’t be kept its overdone and crept past the entrails edging out trying to find the exit. Ah but when it is happening it is likened to electricity. Something contained in a line then blocked until plugged in later than switched on and utilized forever or just a moment of your time about three seconds just a shot out in the dark. Gone moaning. Sat or Day.
Lessons avoided are lessons unlearned the unlearned and the drunk and the addict rule the day stolen things lay near my head the bed has to be moved to rest before the day comes why is it so hard to keep a quietness about ones mouth when full of alchoholic beverages the sleep gone robbed of rest of day must walk and get somewhere must go fully into desert mode then marching to a drummer let me say the innermost wants of a man quoincide with females adding females to the females list of quoincidence. Three y, s ladies. Most of ewe will understand the meaning of life and what this poet likes. Fantasy is better when alone and not fulfilled the reasons of the patterans on the floor tiles in all the bigger Art Deco Museums and even most pleasure palaces have a meeting room entered from a hall not unlike the voyeur in a livingroom of somones home. Reposed and together all at once. Impossible likenesses and events coinciding to occur again in memory taken close to heart but not never inside it just won’t do it can’t be kept its overdone and crept past the entrails edging out trying to find the exit. Ah but when it is happening it is likened to electricity. Something contained in a line then blocked until plugged in later than switched on and utilized forever or just a moment of your time about three seconds just a shot out in the dark. Gone moaning. Sat or Day.
Friday, March 13, 2009
It does not matter just what you have done eye think that the Power of GOD is his SON and his Love. Perhaps you are hurting because you have killed or murdered someone. He can take it away it may seem difficult. But in HIM is the forgiveness of SINS and the mercy of GOD. GOD can make a Giant Foot and ride upon the TOE and make it smash the bad men flat and make them holler whoa but what he did was take that Giant Foot and step on JESUS in his anger and his Justice and he laid all of the sin of all of us upon his SON. When the Soldiers asked the Lord what will we do he only smiled and said to them just take your wages for your work and be happy with that not wanting them to thief in nite and take from others things to add compounded miseries cause even GOD knoes that WAR has quite enough of problems all its own. But when a man is guilty and deserves his punishment and turns to JESUS and gets LOVE instead then this is Heaven come to Earth and Crucified no limits to his Love. No price that we can pay. We worship GOD in our acceptance of just what HE has paid. And not our own. For GOD is LORD JESUS and LOVE.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
iacedrom mordecai intended victum was running but nowhere to go not certain he was a target he was hidding in the snow shoe hare beware limit rules state the law is clear no one eats when they get 666 spell the Freon zone with gass near brown grass of winter eye zed rabbit stewing in his hutch looking askance aside the road at toad or turtle souped up motor oil leaking on the tarmac the color of inked wet paper soaked in brine beside the ocean near the beaches of whales entering the covert operations code name Mordicai homosapiens eating meat become the meat the dinosaurs falling into labreainths near lost angles formed more than likely leaving after printings omnibed of bedding wetter than before the paint not dry on leather etchings near the lacings of the boots iacedrom ian bairnson making tribute for alan parsons project its god musick good two describe bio now state the sound of falcon fluttering moving wings just hanging in midair until her lover sees add the sound a rat makes in the field as being fed he hides the food and trys in vain to worship man for feeding rat again poor Mordacai
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
In the beginning was Word and Word was nice but it had only one font so GOD changed it every three years to add new stuff. Now there is over forty seven fonts. Some of them do nothing that a human can read. Some of them this android can barely make out to mean a thing. Eye like to make the title with LARGE font and the rest of the text with much smaller. Sometimes the thing selects what it wants you to use and will not change. Today my email selects the normal setting and will not let me make it bigger this is chafing at mye dishes. They came car fully around that corner eye took the scenario a little further inn and laughed and spoke out loud in mye own excitement and enjoyment yes this was gonna be a lot of fun "What an Idiot" eye am sure he heard me and he was asking himself "why did HE say that?" when the wind hit the longer boards the expensive slats the lumber trimming that he held they extended too far up over the cab and hung in outer space they started whipping back and forth in the wind. The wind won the fight the boards snapped one by one until all sixteen of them lay on the tarmac running under tires of oncoming cars. They stopped on the other side of the bridge listening to mye guffaws eye can only imagine what the driver was saying about how much he had PAID for the boards in dollars and sense non sense had lost them perhaps the lad in the back who eye had not sorrow for someone so dumb had said "go drive like heck eye am holding the boards they won’t go anywhere eye have hold on them go." The driver so sullen said what he had paid how dumb can a person be and then off they went home without a board to their namme what a travesty. But to a person just waiting for a bus to come what honestly fun. What a word to describe such a paroday run.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Perhaps on hind sight they may decide to add more time they may fix the presets to make them open they may even be more user friendly but they missed it for the first time around how can you pretend to knoeledge when you hoard it when you keep it from the whole crowd and dish it out with the silver spoon as pablum carping in a stream. Refusing to be sane and safe you LORD it over otheres no Lord no power in your hand but the gang like backing of the others of your kind insisting on rules that neither help or edify the group you seem intent on making a world of non believers full of sin and queerness restricted in the use of all equipment not needing more than querulous food fed inthevieniously overhead of all the smarter ones never will agree this is exactly what it look likes this attempt at poetry is a poor ensample of a poor example of a poor man attempting poetry. In other word the man attempting to convey to the reader a poor understanding. Misspelled words and drawn remarks lend palatable distinction to the AIR surrounding this poems. The meaning of a word takes from the birth of the word as of a noun then applied in a misdirection as the adverb or worse the verb herself. Never in the outrage of this history of mankind will this poetry be repeated in this repetitive manner as this repititious drivel indicates. The person who pens these odious smears at justice is not human. No mere mortal could diatribe the snow or crucify a flower in the manner of a flouted lout outside the relm of possiblitites. Eye suggest to the reader ewe not to waste your time your very valuable bean time in a vain attempt at deciphering elements long non descript and void unless related to Poetry or forced to give Critique.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Charles ye Yevette le commande the comorant deteste avette avette avec la plume de nome. Arrears ye horrores limning swollenly lefttenant ye com areba horsey. Commending spillage portant moreover pollage. Mayhappenstance the villages es aide mot applies. Streake la outlay peerage ever hallow finde es strangere leeking. The constable corn haloes turning pences into pieces of eighte. Sacreblue hirry Yevette misplaced her sipper. Finde ye olde cupe yon holy grail led anon near Capreston near the left hand border. Tres bien mer see auf weidershen the polecate lies trimming. Aunts linning les roadaway as far eye eye can see the sea is near the hollaway dos beaches dos many beaches how dare they encroach. The breaches of the gunes the breaches as they loade the breaches the breaches avast. Avaste on gaurd they com they poad. Until the last Englishman gives breathe as rising we give lighte to all. As CharlaX sweeps the seconds ticke the candle dripps the waxed as Dickenson he sends the prose up every readere nase it looks like rose colored glass the cupe is overflowe. The end at last.
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